
The Legendary Troika of Clans

Vkarma clan was known as one of the subsidiary clans of the ruling clan at that time. The ruling Pratap clan had countless clans working under them, but the Legendary Troika of clans were the most famous of them all. They were the founding pillars of the Bhageerathi galaxy.

Legend has it that thousands of years ago, a group of four mysterious humans descended onto the land of demons from the sky. Measuring by the standards of an ordinary human, they were unbelievably powerful. They battled with millions of demons residing in those lands and exterminated them all.

The battle went on for many years. In the end, those four humans finally emerged victorious as they wiped almost all of the demons from each planet of this galaxy. Just like a ball of smoke vanishing into the thin air, the remnants of the demons disappeared from the face of this galaxy.

The surviving demons from the war never showed their cowardly faces ever again.

After wiping all those demons out from this galaxy, those four humans brought their own people and started inhabiting these lands. They started the human era on this isolated galaxy and named it Bhageerathi.

When the time came for those four humans to choose a ruler for this galaxy, they discussed it between themselves and finally came to a decision.

One of them became the Emperor of this Bhageerathi galaxy, and the remaining three took an eternal-oath to always be the subsidiaries of the Emperor and protect this galaxy from any possible threat that would emerge in the coming future.

After taking the reins of the galaxy into his hands, the Emperor imparted honorary titles to his three friends and sent them on different planets to live with their clans. He imparted the title of Celestial Artisan to the one who created the Vkarma clan and sent him and his people to planet Ojas.

He imparted the titles of Medicine Monarch and God of War to the other two and sent them to planet Chetas and planet Tejas respectively.

Meanwhile, he kept the planet Dhruwa for himself as it was the most well-suited planet for an emperor to rule the galaxy. It was much smaller than the other ones, and its location was well suited to keep watch over other planets.

It was situated between all the other planets, and from there, he would be able to keep an eye on each one of them.

Other than those four, there was one more planet situated near Dhruwa. It had the best geographical location for inhabitation, but the intensity of the spiritual energy in the atmosphere was too thin on that planet, so no one displayed any interest in living there.

After watching his friends showing no interest in it, the emperor finally chose to be the lord of the planet himself. He put all the native humans who chose to be on their side in the war between humans and demons, on that planet and decided to give them a place to grow.

Everything seemed to be functioning smoothly. Every planet, be it Tejas, Chetas, Ojas, Dharitri, or Dhruwa, each one of them flourished, and many more new clans seemed to have started taking roots in every planet.

The population grew throughout time, but even after thousands of years later, the lords of every planet remained the same. Even after a few millennia, they were still ruled by the leaders of the three great clans. Together they were famed as 'The Legendary Troika'.

Everything was going properly, everyone was happy, but just like all the things in the world, it too didn't last forever. The peace, which persisted for hundreds of millennia, finally came apart seventeen years ago.

Seventeen years ago, the two great clans of The Legendary Troika exonerated themselves from the eternal-oath of their ancestors and rebelled against the Emperor. War for the throne of the galaxy started to begin.

The two major clans joined hands against the ruling Pratap clan and attacked them from within. They infiltrated them from inside and wiped them all out in a single blow. After killing all the clan members of the ruling clan, they joined hands with one of the trusted generals of the emperor and murdered him and his wife in cold blood.

They didn't even show a bit of mercy to the newly born child of the Emperor and killed him ruthlessly, in front of them.

As per the order of the Emperor, the head of the Vkarma clan was in the isolated region at that time, so he didn't get to know a single thing about what was going on in the galaxy. But when he came out of that place and heard about the rebellion caused by his fellow founding clans, and how they usurped the throne and killed the emperor in cold blood, he led his people and attacked them without even delaying a moment.

He joined with some smaller clans and took on the army of the elite element-users of the two other great clans. He fought then neck to neck. The battle went on for months as both sides had lost too many of their soldiers, but still, no one could predict who will be victorious in the end. They were stuck in a stalemate.

With the help of some minor clans, Vkarma clan was able to force a stalemate against the two other major clans, it was already a commendable effort from the Vkarma clan, but suddenly a strange thing occurred which changed the power dynamic of the whole galaxy.

All of a sudden, the head of the Vkarma clan retreated with his allied sub-clans and disappeared from the face of this galaxy. No one knew why they suddenly vanished, and where they could've gone. Were they alive, or were they dead, no one knew?

Anyone from that time, knew the tragedy of Vkarma clan, how they lost everything in the name of loyalty. They were the unfortunate clan that perished along with the ruling clan. She admired them for their loyalty, but she had never dreamt in her wildest dreams that she would be mistaken as one of them.

'Was that middle-aged person insane? How could she be a member of that legendary Vkarma clan?'

This whole situation was a bit nonsensical for her to process. They started to run as soon as they heard their grandpa shout, but why? Why did they have to run from that middle-aged man? She hadn't committed any crime except speaking her mind, and she was certain that she wasn't the person he was looking for.

The region head watched the girl levitating in the air and trying to get away from this place. A grin slowly formed on his face as he seemed to have realized something. He started folding his sleeves as the surrounding air started intensifying and swarming around his hands. He stepped forward towards her in the air and said with a mocking smile.

"Pardon my manner, miss. It seems there's a rat who is trying to prevent us from getting heart to heart. Let me take care of him for you." As soon as those words came out from his mouth, the gush of intensified air suddenly took the shape of a giant punch and flew towards the back of Ved.

The girl saw the intensified air punch coming towards them, but she couldn't even get to warn him. It came on to them in a flash and hit the back of Ved.

The collision sent Ved flying in the air for a moment. His grip on the girl became loose as the girl fell from his hands. Ved fell down too and rolled continuously before stopping. The force behind that punch was just too much to bear for any human.

Ved felt as if someone had hit him in the spines with a large and heavy iron hammer. He felt as if his spines had been crushed into many pieces. The extreme pain which followed after that injury was enough for even an elemental beast to fall on the ground in anguish. Ved bore it all as he screamed in agony.

He felt his whole body going numb as he couldn't feel his organs anymore. His body was so much in pain that his mind cut the sensation off from his body; otherwise, he wouldn't have survived the excruciating pain. The pain was too much to bear for him.

His mind itself started to get dizzy as he lost control over his body. He couldn't even sense his limbs. His eyes started to shut as he was slowly falling unconscious.

Ved thought that if he would just let his eyes be closed for a minute, he will be alright. If he would just let his body rest for a bit, if he would just let his mind fall asleep for a bit, he wouldn't have to feel this agonizing pain anymore. His eyelids felt heavy as a mountain at that moment as it finally fell down and shut his eyes.

"With the rat has been taken care of, let's start again, miss. May I know what status do you possess in the Vkarma clan?" The region head walked towards the girl lying on the ground and asked as politely as he could.

From his current demeanor, it was difficult for someone to conclude that he was attacking them a few moments ago. He had no sparks of rage or fury on his icy cold countenance. He just had a curious look on his face as he looked towards the girl.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand..., and who are you? Why are you doing this?" The girl looked flustered. Her voice was shaky as she asked him. She was worried about the boy.

He took the full brunt of that vicious attack on his back as he tried to save her from him. He was determined to save her, and because of her, now he was in deep trouble.

She thought she should know what that middle-aged man was trying to get by asking her questions like that. She had to get the full attention of that person, so he couldn't think about harming others because of her. She got herself on her knees somehow and decided to talk with him.

"I am Vikirn, region head of the north-east region, and why am I doing this…, you will get to know after you give me the answer to my question."

"What is your relationship with the old man Tvastr?" The region head asked the girl as he looked at her trembling body. She gave off the same feeling which he got when he fought against that man. She must be someone close to him; otherwise, the scar won't exude this much pain after so many years. It never hurt this much for a long time.

After hearing that he was the head of this region, the girl bowed her head in respect. If he really was the region head, then he was someone who was out of their leagues. No one here would be a match to him in a fight.

It was known to every person in this region that the region head was one of the Twelve Atirathi (Great Warrior) of this planet. She had heard that the stronger the person got, the more pride they had in themselves. They never tried to attack someone whose power level they thought was beneath them.

Everyone here was obviously weaker than him, so why did he disregard his pride and attacked someone much weaker than him. Was it just to ask those ridiculous questions? It didn't make any sense. He was asking about her relationship with someone, of whom she had never even heard the name of in her entire life.

"What are you saying? Who's Tvastr…, I've never even heard this name in my entire life. What relationship could I have with someone like that?" The girl answered with a puzzled look on her face.

"You have never heard his name, what a pity."

"Ok, let me reshape my question then. You must've heard about this person." A sinister smile flickered on his countenance, which made him appear much shrewder than before as he uttered those next words.

"What is your connection with the leader of the traitorous Vkarma clan?"