
A Mysterious Helper

Where are they, why aren't they coming? If they won't come soon, it'll be too late to salvage the situation.' The old man had a look on his face as if he was waiting for something or someone. He wanted to delay the inevitable as long as he could for them to arrive.

"Okay, if you say so, I will try to be lenient with the punishment of this girl. But…." The man got down from his horse and started walking slowly towards that half-conscious girl. He approached her, bend forward, and put his lecherous hands onto her face.


"She is feisty, but that much should be fine to be called as my tenth concubine, right?"

"What do you think, Subahu?" He asked the guard while looking at the girl with his lustful eyes.

He didn't care much before, but now when he saw her up close, a gush of pheromones made him covet her as his wife. That girl was exuding a mysterious kind of grace from her body, which made her look heavenly. It was a treat to the eyes of anyone who looked at her. There was a low seductive fragrance oozing from her existence, and it was turning his mind more and more lustful.

He leaned a little towards the girl's face and tried to sniff her scent like a wild animal, but suddenly in the next instant, a gush of intensified air crashed onto his villainous facial structure. He absorbed the full brunt of it as it made a few cracks in his mandible while he rolled onto the ground.

He felt something sweet filling his mouth from inside. It was his blood with some broken fragments of his inner teeth, which he spat onto the ground.

What kind of devilry was this? Did someone just hit him on his face? Who in this group of timid people even had the guts to hit him? He stood up and looked around, but his sharp eyes couldn't find anyone near him besides that girl. His face was slowly turning swollen in the passing instants. It was getting embarrassing for him.

"Who had the guts to put his hands on me?"

"Me, the undisputed leader of the elite guards of the Region Head of this northeast region, who here was brave enough to provoke me?" His eyes resembled a wounded lion as he roared his lungs out.

Today was panning out to be the most embarrassing day of his life. He came here on the orders of the Region Head to utterly intimidate these commoners, so they won't obstruct them when they carry out their original plan, but what he could achieve was the utter embarrassment in front of all these commoners to which he was sent to dominate.

First, that girl didn't give him any face and tried to make him look less in front of all these people, and now there is someone who even dared to strike him. It seemed he was a little too lenient on these people. He should make them realize what happens to those who try to raise their voices or use any kind of violence against him.

"So none of you had made that attempt to hit me? Hmm, fine."

"Subahu….!" After watching the crowd turn silent, the leader's blood started boiling in his veins. He didn't look in his right mind. He wanted to put the fear of him in the hearts of all these people. He wanted to get back his face somehow, so he called out to his first in command.

"Yes, sir" Subahu replied.

"That girl and his grandfather tie both of them up and give me your whip. Today I will show these commoners what will happen to those who try to defy me."

"Whoever had the guts to hit me, better come out and show yourself otherwise today I will beat this grandfather-granddaughter duo to death in front of everybody." The leader's voice reverberated throughout the whole market. He was making an open threat to the one who dared to hit him.

The old man looked bewildered. He couldn't understand the situation, who was that mysterious helper? He too looked everywhere, but couldn't find him either. Well, whoever he was, thanks to him now they have some time for the reinforcements to come. He was happy that someone else interfered with their matter, and it will make the leader focus on that other person more.

But why did he stop after only one punch? This didn't make any sense, if this mysterious stranger wanted to help him then he should've kept the leader busy until he saved the young mistress, but now the leader was furious meanwhile he was invisible and can't be seen so the leader will surely take his anger out on them.

When he heard the leader threaten to kill the young mistress, the old man thought that it couldn't be put off any longer. He had to go all out now otherwise he won't be able to save her. There were a couple of soldiers coming towards them to bring them to that leader. The old man's hands formed into fists as he finally dashed towards them.

Ved was astounded to see that no one noticed him punching that dirtbag's face. It seemed as if he was getting the hang of this invisibility power which he got the moment when he arrived in this strange place.

When he first arrived here, he was amazed to see that no one noticed him appearing in the middle of the busy road from nowhere, no one noticed his weird dressing, no one saw him running wildly on that busy road.

He hypothesized that he might be invisible and to prove this hypothesis, he went into that fabric shop and tried to pick up a rug, but couldn't as his hand went across that rug. But now, how was he able to hit that person?

He was getting furious and furious after hearing him insulting that girl. When he saw him lusting over that girl and touching her flawless, innocent face with his lecherous hands, his mind went blank because of extreme rage. He didn't know what got over his consciousness as he approached him and threw a punch towards that dirty smug of a face with all his might.

Now he thought that he could use this new-found power of invisibility to his advantage and teach that garbage a lesson or two. He clutched his palm into fists and slowly started walking towards the leader.

"So, you won't come out. Okay, looks like I don't have a choice."

"Subahu! Bring them here right now." The leader ordered.

Just as his mouth finished uttering those words, another gush of wind came crashing onto his chest. The heavy armor which he was wearing at that moment got a mark of a punch engraved in it. The leader flew in the air and came crashing down to the ground after a while.

He was struck again, and this time it was his chest that took the full brunt of that brutal force. He should thank his gods for wearing that heavy armor which took an almost two-third portion of the force and negated it otherwise he would've died on the spot.

It appeared as if the one-third portion of that force was enough to break a couple of his ribs as he coughed out blood from his mouth.

He felt fear for the first time after coming in these slums. He could've died right there, and the most frightening part was that he wouldn't even have known who took his life.

After struggling for a while, the leader finally got up on his feet and looked around him in fear. He folded his hands in an apologizing manner and said.

"Whoever this great sir is, please forgive me if I have wronged you in any form, earlier, I shouldn't have blabbered all that like an idiot."

"If the great sir will show his grand self in front of this lowly me, I will surely try to make it worthwhile for you." The leader knew how to bend according to the situation. By using the situation well in his favor, he climbed the social ladder to this height, and he will continue doing so no matter the situation.

He knew that the one, who struck him, was someone who could either use invisibility by using some heaven-defying treasure which he possessed, or he was a Soul Master which was much rarer to find than those heaven-defying treasures which granted invisibility in this world.

In both cases, that person must be extremely formidable. Maybe the Region Head could fight him but he, he couldn't even hope to exchange blows with him. So, the only way for him to ease out this matter was to bow his head to this unknown master and try not to anger him anymore.

"Show myself! Hahahaha…"

"You simply are not worthy." Suddenly a sound which resembled a teenager's voice roared throughout the whole space.

Everyone looked stunned at the moment. Where did this voice come from? Whose voice was this? Everyone who was enjoying the show till now had their mouths opened in utter shock. This was the best show that they have seen in many days.

'This should be another slap in the face for that leader; he should go get a handful of water and try to drown himself to death in it.' Every one started murmuring between themselves.

In all those murmuring sounds of insults that came from the crowd, the leader didn't even give an ear to them as his sole focus was on that mysterious master. He too looked surprised after hearing that voice. His all guesses came to a naught as he seemed to have realized something.

A bright smile flashed onto his face as he bowed himself by ninety degrees and said in a humble voice.

"Please forgive me, great sir, I just wanted to see your greatness once. I was excited to meet a heaven-defying character like you, sir."

"It is my greatest fortune to be in your presence." He turned his head towards Subahu and gestured something to him with his eyes. It was as if he was ordering him to do something. Subahu agreed by nodding his head and slowly retreated himself.

"Stop your nonsense."

"Leave the girl and that old man alone and I'll spare your condescending life." The sound reverberated again from nowhere.

"Great sir, with no disrespect to you, I don't know if you saw but this girl had been slandering our Emperor time and time again in public. I am sorry but this thing you ask me to do will be tougher than it seems."

"I can give face to this great sir by sparing that old man but about the girl I cannot, even if I wanted to." These words seemed polite but when it came out from his mouth, it felt as sarcastic as ever. The shift in his attitude was there to be noticed by everyone present.

Ved was not fluent in mind games but he could perceive it when thrown at him. He was getting hints as if that leader was not afraid of him anymore like he was, just a few moments ago. This could turn out to be bad, very bad.

Ved had only one thing he could rely on, his invisibility to try to scare him into retreating. He was not confident in a one on one fight with him. This man was not those everyday thugs whom he was used to handling before. He got the feeling that the leader was not someone he could take on his own, and on top of that, he had the power of hundreds of weapon-wielding soldiers with him. If he used them as well then no one can save him.

Ved was getting anxious. He was used to fighting with lowly thugs like muggers, robbers, perverts, etc. before but here, the situation was completely different. The opposition had hundreds of soldiers with swords and spears in their hands.

He was so scared that he decided to leave this place, but when his eyes landed on that half-conscious girl, a strange emotion started filling his heart which resulted in him gaining the courage to fight. He felt as if it was for this girl, he would not bow down even if he was put against the whole world.

He could never leave her alone there. If he did then the only fate waiting for her would be 'Death'. It would be risky, but he had to save that girl. This was the first time that he was going to risk his life while fighting near hundred otherworldly soldiers to save someone.

'We haven't exchanged names yet, but here I am, risking my life for you, hahaha."

"But who should I blame, instead of myself."

"Ah! My heart….. I never knew that this day would come when I'll have to risk my all to save someone."