
The Journey's Beginning

Accompany Adam who lost everything important to him in his last life. Read as his Character turns from a naive young man to a mature, steady and hardworking Character that will do anything to protect his loved ones and become strong enough to fight even against the most powerful enemies in this Fantasy world that is new to him. For he will walk over anything that will stand in his way. -------------------- *I normally Post a Chapter every 2 Days at 12 o'clock*

LuciferPT · Fantasie
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70 Chs

Why am i not dead, Reincarnation ?

As he was engulfed by the darkness, he finally felt.....free, it was a good feeling like his mind was finally clear and without a burden, but that didn't last long the surroundings started to become illuminated and he could see around him.

There were many people here they looked like they were from 16-30 years old but they all had something in common, Adam could look trough all of them, if he would pinpoint their appearance they looked like ghosts.

As he was thinking why he was here and not dead, he noticed he looked the same as them, although surprised he didn't think much of it perhaps this afterlife thing existed and those churches were right.

As he was thinking about that an old man with a beard came from above as if the air were stairs.

He looked like your friendly neighborhood Grandpa, he had a friendly smile on his face as he came down, he wore a white rope that seemingly repelled darkness itself had white hair that was as white as snow and crystal blue eyes that looked pure and gentle so that nobody could be angry with him.

As he arrived at a white Podium that made him look majestic, he spoke with a smile to them:,,Greetings mortals you probably wonder why you all have been gathered here after you died, right ?" nobody answered him but some nodded, as they were wondering why they were here after they died

,,You're in luck mortals because we are giving you the chance to Reincarnate in a different world."he said with a smile that wasn't a smile but nobody saw that as he hid it quickly.

He continued: ,,Normally you would reincarnate on your planet as something else like an Plant or an Animal but we are giving you the chance to reincarnate as a human again in another world." the crowd who was hearing that was overwhelmed with happiness.

As most of them were between 16-30 most of them didn't wanted to die and being reborn as a Plant or an Animal doesn't sound that good, so most of them felt happy.

Someone couldn't help but ask: ,,Why is it that only we are getting reincarnated in another world, but don't as Plants or Animals ?" when the Gramps heard the question he furrowed his brows but still answered

,,In the world you are going there exists Magic and other, for you, supernatural things, we are testing this on you and want to see if we can bring Magic to your planet too, so in a way your going to be explorers for your race, isn't that great." he said with a smile

While some in the crowd were thinking it sounded like they were Test subjects but didn't dare to voice it out infront of the man.

Now that i see that all of you are agreeing i'll have to inform you of some things: ,,The world in which you would be reborn has Magic like i said before in it but everything is measured in Levels for you to make it easier, like in those games on your planet, so how strong you are depends on how much your Lvl grows, the simplest way of leveling is killing other things like animals or for example.....other humans" when he said those words with his usual smile some people, began saying they can't kill another human and other self righteous stuff.

The old man ignored them and continued:,, You also can level up by Training but this will take a much longer time, this is the way the inhabitants of that world level up as the killing version only works for you" with that those who opposed the killing method went silent and no longer spoke

,,Though other things other than magic exists in that world as it it in another Dimension like Cultivation, it's not available on the planet we are reincarnating you all.

Though you must know that planet is more than 1000 times bigger than your planet" the crowd was once again astound, how big is that planet going to be ?

While others were having high expectations for wielding magic or cultivating as most of them dreamed about it but knew that it was all fantasy but now they could live their dreams, how could they not be hyped ?

Others in the crowd were thinking about their future life's in which they would stand above anyone else.

Adam was frowning while thinking ,,this doesn't feel right" if life taught him something it was that happiness comes for a great price, he wasn't the only one as he looked around, some of the other thought the same and kept frowning.

Sadly their curiosity wouldn't be satisfied as the old man spoke again: ,,Now that we have cleared the more general things let's talk about a very interesting object ,,we" have been working on it's similar to those Systems you wrote about in those novels your wrote, this idea actually come to us after we read those, it can help you coordinate your body, help you train and guide you and show you all your stats, but it doesn't have a shop or something similar to those options, so u cannot buy anything from the system as it is only there to help you train"

As they heard the old man talk about a System, majority of them became thrilled as they imagined themselves being the protagonist of their story while being surrounded by pretty woman or handsome men, but they soon snapped out of it as they heard the System will only guide them and not let them become overpowered, but they still felt good about getting something that can help them.

,,As most of it is now cleared i only have to inform you about some things, you will be reincarnated as a human which means you will be a child or in another words a newborn again, we cannot guide where you will be reborn but you will be born safe and sound, we can guarantee that, so you don't have to worry about that.

We also cannot influence your talent or which element you have the most affinity for so all of this depends on you and we cannot do anything, but you also have to know even with meager talent you can become a world shaking figure in that realm." as he said those words most of them became scared

While others like Adam didn't give any reaction he only wanted to die, but now that he has a new chance, even though it seems fishy, he wants to only be born in a normal family where he can just live and gain the happiness he longs for,while being able to protect it.

When he was done with his speech the Gramps looked at them and said his last sentences for them: ,,We hope that you don't influence the world to much with your knowledge from your world as we want that world to prosper without interference, as we want to see in which way it developed itself, as of right now it is similar to the medieval times on your planet, but they also have access to magic so it isn't exactly the same." as he was seeing that everyone understood what he said he started with the next part

,,Now that you all understand about whats going to happen i'll send you know on your way." and with that he waved his sleeve and created one big white Portal and beckoned for them to go trough it and so people, without any questions started walking toward the portal.

As Arthur was also walking towards it he heard the old man whisper with a chuckle, as he was near him, ,,And good look surviving in that world hehehehe" although a bit bewilderd by the old mans words that some others heard too, he continued walking towards the white portal.

As he passed the white portal he walked trough a blueish dark tunnel which screamed danger if he touched the ,Walls' although interested he continued walking and didn't touch anything as he didn't want to destroy something.

As he saw the end of the tunnel he prepared himself and went trough the, this time blueish Portal, right after passing trough he started feeling dizzy and felt like vomiting, but before that could happen he lost consciousness.