
The Journey's Beginning

Accompany Adam who lost everything important to him in his last life. Read as his Character turns from a naive young man to a mature, steady and hardworking Character that will do anything to protect his loved ones and become strong enough to fight even against the most powerful enemies in this Fantasy world that is new to him. For he will walk over anything that will stand in his way. -------------------- *I normally Post a Chapter every 2 Days at 12 o'clock*

LuciferPT · Fantasie
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70 Chs

What happened to Elder Sun ? 2

After dragging him inside the House while choking him all this while, but not with enough force as that he would die of suffocation.

Throwing him trough a relatively large Room with so much force that some of the Ribs of the young man broke.

Trough this exchange he already noticed that the young man was also a magician in fact he was a 5th Small Circle Magician which was quite impressive for his age considering he was only at the start of his twenties.

But right now that didn't amount to anything before him though he was less Talented than the Young Man before him didn't mean anything at all right now because, trough all the 15 Years he never stopped meditating and the Battle Experience he gained trough all his adventures were obviously more, as one could see that the Young Man wasn't even defending himself.

He just looked at the headless Body of Elder Suns Wife and gazed at Elder Sun with fear in his Eyes. He wasn't even moving or trying to think of a solution to get out of this Situation, he was just lying on the Ground while clutching the area where some of his Ribs were broken, while also crying and looking fearfully at Elder Sun.

As the Young Man saw Elder Sun slowly and creepily walk towards him, he finally got himself together a little and began what he could do in this Situation, but remembering his Condition he couldn't concentrate himself because of the Pain but also because there wasn't much time, as Elder Sun already stood in front of him.

Seeing that the Young Man finally got some awareness of the Situation he is in he quickly casted some Fire Shackles and with them quickly tied his Arms and Legs while commanding these Shackles to hang him onto the wall in a stretched star position.

He also didn't forget to make these Shackles to constantly hurt him while burning, but not enough to make some serious damage to the Young Mans Body, it would only hurt as much as a second degree burn and with the toughened Bodies this wouldn't hurt as much as it normally would, but of course the Young Man was in agony as he hadn't gone trough any kind of excessive damage, he seemed more like a young second Generation rich kid that went out to have fun.

Though he wanted to start Torturing him immediately he still wanted to ask him Questions, as to why does he would seduce his Wife, who he is and what he was doing here as it seemed obvious that he didn't belonged here.

So he first started questioning him about his name and not surprisingly the Young Man answered him almost immediately.

He is called Nedes and is from the Whitedawn Family which specializes in Light Magic.

When he asked why he was in the outer Region Nedes though he answered chuckling between his painful cries.

He said that he was a failure to his Family as he got no Affinity towards the Light Element like everyone else inside his Family but rather got an affinity towards the Plant Element, he also told Elder Sun that this happened before but at those times those People at least got some basic but practical Elemental Affinity like Fire or even an Advanced one like Thunder.

But much to his dismay he got an Affinity towards the Plant Element which really didn't align within his Family, so when this Information was publicized his Parents banned him from the Whitedawn Clan and declared him not their Son.

Though he knew how to Meditate he didn't receive any training towards how he should use his Element and thus became rather bad at Combat.

Hearing this Elder Sun couldn't help for a moment but sympathize with the Young Man, but then instantly his expression changed as he didn't even ask for all this Information and only wanted to know who he was and why he was here and not to hear about his whole life.

He should have just said his name and that he was exiled and nothing more why was he talking about his Life.

As Nedes was still talking Elder Sun quickly punched him into the Stomach and with that received from Nedes a painful cry and the Breakfast that came up.

After getting used to the pain a little he looked questioningly and fearfully at Elder Sun again who said: ,,Stop with you Story about your your miserable Life and come to the Point where u decided to seduce my Wife"

Though Nedes was feeling irritated at how he pretended to care about his Wife even though he just decapitated her Minutes ago. As he saw Nedes looking towards the headless Body of his Wife he easily guessed what Nedes was thinking and answered.

,,Your probably thinking as to why i care so much about why you seduced my Wife right ? Well it's just something i want to know, though as you noticed i didn't love her and only married her out of a whim and because of her beauty, she was mine and agreed as she married me, but the moment she let you touch her she was already dead"

Feeling speechless as how he could treat a Human like that he wanted to yell at him, but then remembered at which kind of Situation he was in and answered his Question.

Nedes said that he came into this City after 5 Months of roaming around and was mentally as well as physically exhausted, but no inn would take him in as they were all full, there he met Elder Suns Wife, she offered him a place to sleep and after this still kept visiting him and so after some Months he confessed his Love to her.

To which she enthusiastically responded and so they became a Pair behind Elder Suns back, though after hearing this Nedes told him that he wasn't in love with her at all and just wanted to use her to get Resources and trough her grow stronger to get his Revenge later.

Hearing this Elder Sun thought that it was a good Plan, but alas he was met with him who was were protective over his things and a Wife that was not really secretive.

Hearing everything he wanted to hear he began preparing at how to Torture him the worst way possible before Nedes died.

As Nedes was seeing Elder Sun like this he knew what the former was about to do and quickly yelled between his painful cries: ,,I can be of use to you, though i'm not good at Combat i can grow stronger with the Talent i have and be your Loyal Dog, if you just let me live i can serve under you your whole Life"

Hearing this Elder Sun was a little stunned as he didn't expect something like this to hear from him, even though he was tempted he quickly dismissed it as he didn't know what to use him for and over time he would grow stronger, maybe even stronger than him !

At that time not even a Slave Seal wouldn't be of much help when the Master himself was to weak to control his Slave.

Thinking about it this was probably the Plan of Nedes all along, feeling even more Contempt for his Prisoner now as this Plan was way to easy to guess, he just smiled at Nedes and came nearer.

When Nedes saw this he was thrilled as he thought that he would be freed while thinking: ,Ha old bastard i'll work under you for some Months or even Years, but at that Point i will overcome the Control you will have set on me while doing the same to you as you did to me, not only that i will also r*pe your Daughter in front of you so that you will feel much more pain than me' though that was only inside of his Mind, outside he was still smiling in relief and even repeatedly thanked Elder Sun for freeing him.

But while he was thanking him and thinking about his Revenge he saw Elder Sun ripping his Fingernail of his Index Finger and not even that was enough he began sealing the Wound with Fire only to open it once more with a heated sword and he kept repeating and repeating this until the Index Finger wasn't even left.

Feeling confused why he was doing it he wanted to saw something when Elder Sun continued...