
The Journey's Beginning

Accompany Adam who lost everything important to him in his last life. Read as his Character turns from a naive young man to a mature, steady and hardworking Character that will do anything to protect his loved ones and become strong enough to fight even against the most powerful enemies in this Fantasy world that is new to him. For he will walk over anything that will stand in his way. -------------------- *I normally Post a Chapter every 2 Days at 12 o'clock*

LuciferPT · Fantasie
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70 Chs

The Wolfes Daughter

After some rumbling from below a small Hatch opened up beneath a Cloth that had covered it before and the 11 Year old Girl that stood at the Counter before came climbing out.

,,Oh Daddy what did you do to make it so clean and smell so good ?" the Girl looked curiously around as if this Inn was brand new

,,No dear Mister Adam here has cleaned everything here and made it smell so good, you have to be nice to him alright ?" normally Bernard wouldn't let anyone near his Daughter but he got this feeling and knew that Adam wouldn't do anything to her

When the small Girl looked at the direction her Father spoke to she was instantly stunned there sat the most Handsome young Man she had seen until now and there were many Princes and outstanding Youths coming from everywhere for the Examination for many Years but they still couldn't compare to this Person.

What also caught her attention was the beautiful black Fox sleeping peacefully at the Shoulders of that Person and the more she looked at it the more she wanted to posses it for herself, but she remembered the Words of her Father she quickly kicked that Thought out of her Mind and walked towards Adam to Introduce herself properly.

,,Hello Sir i am Accalia it is my Pleasure to meet with you Mister Adam" she said that while performing a courteous bow

,,It is also nice meeting you Accalia, you don't have to bow when meeting me and simply call me Adam" Accalia debated a little if she could really do that as her Father told her to be nice to Adam

,But saying his Name like he asked to shouldn't be a Problem right ?'

,,Ok, can i play with your black Fox a little Adam ?"

,,She isn't ,My' Fox but my Companion Lucy so you will have to ask her" hearing this not only was the Wolfs Daughter stunned but he himself as well

The Reason because they are shocked is because as nearly all people know that a Beast can only develop slight Intelligence when they reached the Adept Beast Rank and Beats normally reached this Stage when they have already lived for about 60 Years but this Fox didn't look that old to Bernard it still seemed like a Child and it didn't even reach adulthood.

But Accalia was shocked from a whole other Reason she had never seen a Beast that could understand ht Human Language so it was a first to see a Beasts that could understand what they were saying.

,,Ehm Miss Lucy would you mind if i played with you a little ?" it felt a little strange to talk to a Fox to her but to her surprise the beautiful Creature opened it's Eyes and after a while nodded her Head

Jumping down she moved elegantly towards Accalia and dragged her away to play somewhere else.

Bernard was standing there still stunned not believing that such a Young Adept Beast exists and that it had been even Tamed !

But he snapped out of it when he heard Adams next words:

,,It seems your getting some Visitors and by they're Numbers they don't seem to be here for a friendly visit"

In fact Lucy actually wanted to ignore the little Girl and peacefully continue to rest on Adams Shoulders but she was notified by Adam that these People were coming and they seemed to be heavily Armed so they were most likely the Kingdoms Guards.

So he asked her to walk with the little Girl away and protect her if needed, while he waits here and sees what they are up to.

Though she wanted to stay with Adam he declined saying that it will bring more Problems if she were to be seen and they would try to take Action out of a banal Reason only to obtain her.

So Adam sent her away in order to see what happens here and if he should prevent things from escalating if it comes to that.

,,Bernard you don't have to worry if things get to the worst Point i will step in and solve the Issue for you" but the Wolf shook his Head and spoke with a determined Voice

,,Mister Adam you don't have to worry about me as my Name here has a lot of weight around here, but i still got a wish, if Things really get out of Hand that You would take away my Daughter and give her a good life somewhere"

Though it wasn't that surprising as i already saw him as such a Person it still felt good to hear such righteous Words without any falsehood in them and that came purely out of the Heart.

But i already decided to help him if things get to the worst so i simply gave a nod and donned on the Cloak of Illusion so that he can't see me anymore and simply stood glued in the Corner of the Room.


Quickly the heavy Footsteps got louder and the Door was opened with Force, thankfully the Door is Enchanted and doesn't break that easily.


And with that Bang 20 armed Soldiers in Armors made out Magical Steel walked in and surrounded Bernard who was staying behind the Counter with a smile.

They looked indifferent and didn't move to attack Bernard or threaten him, it was if they were waiting for something and it was exactly like that a moment later a Guard in a much better looking Armor walked in big strides in and smilingly sat down on a random free Table.

The room stayed silent for some Seconds before the supposed Guard Captain opened his Mouth first:

,,So Wolf why did you this time rip off the Crotch of one of the Princes of one of those Backwater Kingdoms ?"

,,Captain Anthony you know how much i love my Daughter so it goes without saying what has happened right ?"

,,No i know how you are like and how much you love your little Girl but this time you were more aggressive than ever has something happened around here ?"

,,So Captain Anthony nothing out of the ordinary has happened except the new Youngsters coming, it was just that this Princes was already preparing to grab her that i lost control of myself, so i hope that you can forgive me this once"

,,You know that i normally only throw them out without really hurting them" Bernard said all this with a completely angry Face as if this really happened and that his anger still wasn't quenched

,,Yea that's what you normally do, but i also know that you are a very calm man so even this shouldn't have let you lose your control this bad"

,,So....tell me what happened here" this last Sentence he didn't say with his usual carefree smile but rather a stern and serious look as if he wouldn't allow to be lied to

But Bernard remained calm and answered in the same way as before.

,,Captain i already told you everything that lead to this incident and i just hope that you can forgive me this once and i promise i won't lose control again" the Captain stared at Bernard for a while before finally signaling to those 20 other Guards to leave

,,It's not that i won't let you go but that Prince had some connections to the 8th Prince and he wants you to be punished, i'll try to write a Report that will report the things like you said but don't get your hopes up too much"

,,I wish you a good Day Captain"

,,To you too Wolf"

,Strange shouldn't they have fought here ?' ;Why does it seem like that those 2 were Friends in some way or another ?'

After some time Lucy came back with the smiling Accalia...