
The Journey's Beginning

Accompany Adam who lost everything important to him in his last life. Read as his Character turns from a naive young man to a mature, steady and hardworking Character that will do anything to protect his loved ones and become strong enough to fight even against the most powerful enemies in this Fantasy world that is new to him. For he will walk over anything that will stand in his way. -------------------- *I normally Post a Chapter every 2 Days at 12 o'clock*

LuciferPT · Fantasie
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70 Chs

Strolling trough the Kingdom

Strolling trough the Kingdom with no care in the world, i made sure to enjoy everything the inner Region had to offer.

I visited some of the Restaurants and Fast Food Carts and bought the new Food i haven't heard about, naturally i didn't eat much of it as i couldn't possibly eat that much so i only tasted them and gave the rest to the Children in the Alleys.

When i entered Zaria and drove trough the outer Region of the Kingdom i already noticed that many Humans and Demi-Humans were living on the Streets looking malnourished and as if they were already dead.

Most of the Population living on the Streets was that of Children, but the Citizens going on their Days didn't even spare a glance at those poor Kids so i figured that this was normal and nothing special.

After entering the inner Region of the Kingdom and driving in search for an Inn, i already saw the decrease of People living on the Streets, they were not even allowed be on the Streets as it seemed, as Guards were patrolling everywhere and keeping a constant Eye on the Alleys were Pairs of Eyes would show themselves sometimes.

But the moment the Guards notice something trying to come out of the Alleys, they will instantly shout at that direction with Threats while moving towards that particular Alley with readied Weapons.

But apparently this ,Restriction' is only being executed when it is after the Afternoon, as right now these Kids are walking around the Streets while asking weakly for Food or Money.

Having nothing better to do i decided to buy them some Food while i Tour trough the inner Region, but apparently my Actions seemed to attract the hateful stares of the other People i was walking past.

Paying no heed to them i continued doing what i am doing with a Smile.

But continuing this for almost an Hour with many People living on the Streets started to draw attention of the Guards.

I was called away by the Guards but they didn't faced me with arrogance but rather with indifference.

,,We ask Sir to stop with this or we would be forced to escort Sir out of the Kingdoms inner Region per our Commanders Orders"

I could see that they were serious so i complied because i didn't want to be kicked out and don't even have the Chance to participate in the Examination.

I nodded at them signaling that i understood next i turned to those people following me saying:

,,That's all you should go back now as it is already getting pretty late"

The People following were at first a little dispirited as it isn't everyday they can get so much Food but hearing that it was getting late they all started looking really worried and instantly dispersed without saying anything more to Adam.

Though it isn't everyday that they get so much Food, but it happens sometimes that a Young Master comes here and seeing their Situation they will sometimes buy some Food for them to make themselves feel better, while thinking they have accomplished something good.

The Guards seeing that the People following the Young Man started to disperse, nodded at the Young Man and thanking him for his Cooperation before leaving.

As for me i still wanted to walk around and enjoy the City and i also have to find where the Gate to the Kingdoms Core Region is.

Walking trough the Streets with light Steps as if the Situation before didn't happen before.

What i noticed is that at every Street there is a Life sized Statue of a Old Man with a heroic but also peaceful look in grand Clothes.

I decided to look a little closer at the Statue maybe i could see who this Person was.

Walking closer i looked at the exquisite Stone Table at the Feet of the Statue of the Man reading the Words on it.

[Majesty Caspian I Founder of the Kingdom of Zaria may he watch and protect the Kingdom and it's Citizens. He shall be remembered by us as our Founder and the Father of these Lands may he Rest in Peace.]

,So this is the Founder of this Kingdom ?' ,Amarien didn't have such Statues staying everywhere, maybe the Kingdom isn't that old ?'

Continuing my strolling i finally came across a 5 Meter tall golden Gate looking as if it was the Gate to the Heavens.

It was being protected even more heavier than the Bank or Auction House i came across and not a single Person was trying to enter it, as if they knew that they weren't able to cross this Gate ever in their Lives.

Staring too much apparently isn't allowed either because after standing there for some time some of the large number of Guards asked me if i had any Business or Permission for me to enter the Gate and if i haven't for me to leave this Area.

As i now know where the Gate is i decided to leave as i didn't come here for anything else.

On my way back to the Inn, i came across a Clothing Shop and after thinking about it for some time decided to enter it.

In this World most People like to wear long Robes like described in those Martial Arts Books and though it was a little weird at the beginning i grew accustomed to it rather quickly.

I bought some Robes before putting them in my Storage Ring and leaving the Store being on my Way back to the Inn.

,Oh seems like they couldn't wait anymore'

It was already getting dark and those following me since i left the Inn started closing in when i walked trough an Alley.

But this wasn't a surprise for me as this was my Goal anyway, i continued walking as if i didn't notice anything wrong.

As to make sure i wouldn't react the moment they attacked they started to close in more and more before finally being within 10 Meters of myself.

Unfortunately for them though i already casted multiple [Shackles of the Abyss] around myself and was only waiting for them to take Action.

And the moment finally came 5 Shadows Clad in Black attacked at the same time aiming for all of my Vitals, 1 Aimed for my Heart, 2 for my Brain and the other to were stabbing into the direction i could escape to.

This would have actually killed me if i wasn't at my Current Magician Rank.


With a single Word all the [Shackles of the Abyss] i had placed while walking activated and instantly bound them without letting them move even a little.

The moment i saw them i already knew who they were but i didn't know how they would know that it was me.

Yes i am talking about the same People who were Clad in Black Cloaks when i had killed the City Lord not too long ago.

But logically they shouldn't have been able to find me as they couldn't have send any messages with their Life Force and i didn't even let anyone alive that could tell that it was me right...?

But thinking about it a little harder i remembered that i didn't kill all of those Guys, i left the 2 Maids alive in the Bathroom before i left.

,Hooo....so that Guy thought ahead even that far even thinking about the possibility of him dying and getting revenge rather than only concentrating to prevent it, i should have been more decisive'

But back to seeing those Guys in those Black Cloaked i had this weird feeling again when looking at them, but Lucy thought faster than me and killed these Man instantly before looking concerned at me.

I absorbed their Life Force and degenerated their Clothes before Lucy started speaking to me:

,,Adam i have to talk with you about something when we get back to the Inn, at first i thought if i won't speak with you about it as would trigger it and make it worse but by the things happening it gets worse even without me talking with you about it"

Feeling really concerned right now i acknowledged what she said and started running back to the Inn...