
The Johnsons'(Pretty romance)

Chapter one

_Mara's pov_

I woke up still feeling tired from what happened yesterday at school, I took my towel and went to the bathroom, I brushed and took my bath before going to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. The game of yesterday flashed back "how dare Lucy and Close do this to me" I said and hit the table "Mara are you okay" that came from Mary my step sister. "Of course" I replied her and kept the pot back to where it belong and went to the parlour to meet her "hi" I greeted her. She handed me her bread and coffee and stood up " ain't you going to school today? She asked. "No, I'm kinda tired... having a headache" I answered, she just laughed "be careful next time" with that she carried her school bag and left, I was all alone at home again. Step mom has gone to work and of course Dos to his stupid friends.

I reached my room and threw myself on my bed, a thought struck my mind and I took my broken screen phone and swiped up. I had applied to join a dance crew, I checked to see if I have received a text from them "hell no.....this should not happen to me" I said sadly to myself and hugged my pillow tightly. Just then a call came in from an unknown number, I picked up not minding.

"Hello, am I speaking with Mara Aaron"

"Yes, ma" I said confidently

"Congratulations miss Mara, your request and interview has been approved by the Green rose executives and you are needed at the office right now for sign up" she said and ended the call first, I didn't mind I just smiled and jumped up.


I'm actually not a member of Mary's family, I was adopted when I was little and at grade three I started paying my school fees on my own. I wore old clothes dumped by Mary. I do steal her good looking clothes on special basics.


I wore the red gown I stole this time, took my fancy bag which Dos got me, some money and my phone and left the house and handed over the house key to madam May and left.

I got to the gate and entered, I was ushered in and showed the director's office and I entered inside"sit down"

"Thank you sir" I sat down

"I will just go straight to the point" I nodded and looked at him

"Aaron Mara" I nodded

"Sixteen years still in high school...sign here" he told me and I took the pen from him and signed into the crew.

"When you get to the elevator tell the guard there to show you were the girls are" "thank you" I stood up and left, got to the elevator and explained to the guard, he took me to the 27th floor and walked me to the hall, he opened the door and I got in and he closed the down behind. Boom, all eyes on me