
The Isekai Support Group

In a world where the idea of an Isekai is reality, what happens to those taken away when they come back? Adapting to modern society would be hard enough after leaving for two or three years. What would happen if they were gone for even longer? How would society view them? What could go wrong? Half darker slice-of-life and half urban isekai fantasy,

SaltyHermit · Fantasie
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46 Chs

Pulled Away

Haruki gathered with the others in the hospital waiting room as Yuki tended to Ichiro. The group chatted about their plans calmly and quietly as they gathered in the corner, far away from the ears of random civilians. As the group informed Haruki of their plans and asked for his input, a man approached the group. Overly dressed for cold weather, the nearing forty, well dressed businessman seemed out of place. Asuka, unlike the others, immediately recognized the man. Slowly, and unsure of himself, he approached the group from behind Haruki while Asuka, sat in-between Shingo and Konomi, braced herself for what would ultimately be a terrible situation.

"Haruki." The unsurprisingly deep voice boomed from behind him.

Haruki's eyed widened and, as the rest of the members noticed his response, stood unsure if a fight was coming. Paranoia had been getting to them as they thought they were being targeted. Haruki, however, turned to meet eyes with the man.

"Kazuya!" Haruki responded, startled and sorrowful. "You're here already?"

"I would have come sooner, but I couldn't get a flight." Kazuya responded.

"I see." Haruki murmured causing a slight silence to befall the conversation.

Takamasa, for the sake of each of the members besides Asuka prompted a response with, "Haruki?"

"Ah," Haruki started. "It's okay. I should introduce you to the group here. Kazuya, this is Takamasa and Konomi and Shingo and Asuka. Everyone, this is Kazuya Ito."

"Ito?" Shingo said with surprise before turning to see Asuka nodding. "Oh..." He continued through a sorrowful thought. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Your sister was one of my best friends and a wonderful person.

Having pieced it together, Konomi added, "Inori was....She was one of us and I loved her."

"Thank you for your kind words." Kazuya responded. "It's nice to know she had good friends."

"If you need anything," Takamasa started, "and I genuinely mean anything, please don't hesitate to ask."

"I appreciate that," Kazuya responded appreciatively, "Truthfully, I was hoping I could have some time to talk to Haruki."

"Of course," Haruki immediately responded. "I'll be back."

With that, Haruki began to walk away with the man until Asuka said "Haruki." catching his attention to which she gave him a look.

"I'll ask, but that's all I can do." Haruki responded to the glance as if he knew exactly what she wanted.

Asuka nodded to confirm and thank him and then the two men walked off to a more private corner where they could talk.

After sitting back down, Takamasa pondered, "I wonder why he specifically wanted to talk to Haruki."

"What?" Konomi wondered.

"Also, why can't Haruki investigate Inori's murder?" Takamasa continued almost indignantly.

"You can't be serious." Konomi said looking to the other members of the group.

Shingo, also confused, shrugged. Asuka simply let out a sigh and shook her head.

"You boys are absolutely clueless aren't you?" Konomi huffed.

Shingo looked to Takamasa confused and confessed, "I thought it was strange that they wouldn't let Haruki investigate either. I was going to ask Asuka to investigate it."

Asuka, slightly frustrated, asked, "Are you joking or did you really miss it?"

"Miss what?" Shingo pled with the young genius.

"The massive engagement ring that Inori had." Konomi declared with a grumble.

Puzzled, the two men looked at each other quizzically, as if they were just beginning to process what they had been told.

"Engagement ring?" Shingo blurted. "Oh...OH!" Shingo blushed from embarrassment and tried to hide his face.

"They don't let police officers investigate family members and although they weren't family yet," Asuka explained. "I guess it was a close enough association for their response."

Takamasa, understanding the further stretching implications tempted to speak the unspoken, "So, Haruki lost his fiancée."

Another wave of sorrow rolled over the group and, although it wasn't for too much longer, they sat in silence until Haruki returned. The group didn't have to wait long before they were joined again though, this time, Haruki was joined by Yuki.

"Hey everyone." Yuki said pulling up a chair next to the group.

"I figured you'd still be in with Ichiro." Shingo doubted himself in even questioning it.

Yuki nodded saying, "I would have been but Inori's brother wanted a few moments to talk to Ichiro and this gives me an opportunity to talk to everyone."

"We were hoping to hear from you too but we didn't want to intrude." Konomi responded.

"Thank you all for coming." Yuki praised. "I know it made Ichiro feel better seeing all of you here. He was worried about you all of us more than himself."

Haruki chimed in with, "Asuka, I asked and he said that sounds like a fine idea. He couldn't have thought of a more fitting outcome for her."

Asuka smiled large as she looked down at her phone.

"I couldn't agree more either." Haruki added.

Yuki, confusedly questioned, "Asked who and what?"

"Asuka had this plan that Konomi told me about to take Inori's ashes and turn them into a gemstone." Haruki answered his sister who acknowledged that plan.

"Yuki," Shingo started drawing her attention. "What are we going to do?"

"We have to continue on." Yuki said. "We need to protect ourselves but we can't assume everyone means us harm. Who was it that had the idea to have people stay together over night?"

Asuka raised her hand bashfully.

"That was a great idea." Yuki reassured the young girl. "We move in packs. Two or three of us go together wherever we need to go. Pick a place for us to sleep. Ichiro was also worried we were being targeted so, since we have most of us thinking that way, we should take it seriously."

"What about when we're at work?" Shingo asked.

"For most of us that won't be a problem, but I can understand why you'd be wondering." Yuki maintained. "I know you and Asuka typically walk to and from work together, but I think I'll join you two for the foreseeable future if that's okay with you two."

The pair nodded in agreement.

"Even though I'm not investigating what happened to Inori doesn't mean I'm not still an inspector with the police." Haruki contributed. "I can direct a few of the foot patrols to keep an eye out as well."

"We appreciate it Haruki." Takamasa affirmed. "Just don't do anything that would get you in trouble or overstep."

"Don't worry about me." Haruki stammered as he considered Takamasa's concern. "I mostly know my limitations."

"He's right big brother." Yuki added to Takamasa's concerned plea. "I can only imagine how you feel about all of this, but don't get yourself in trouble."

Haruki, reluctantly, nodded his head in agreement before taking a few steps away from the group to collect his thoughts.

"Beyond that," Yuki informed the group. "Since Inori's brother is here, the funeral will be in a couple days. I doubt Ichiro will be able to join in since the doctor is saying he won't be able to leave until the day after."

"So then you're not going to the funeral." Konomi stated rather blankly.

"What?" Haruki asked having overheard the conversation and walking back to the group. "You have to go to..."

Yuki cut off her brother with, "And I will." reassuring him. "What I need from you is no less than three officers guarding Ichiro's room."

"Three? Why three?" Haruki exasperated.

"Where to start?" Yuki almost sarcastically said. "Should I start in with the thought that we are being targeted? What about starting with how ninety percent of the public views us, including the police and doctors and nurses here? Maybe I should start with knowing that Ichiro will end up hurting himself to go to the funeral despite the doctors orders to stay in bed."

Haruki could tell the stress of the situation was getting to his sister. An internal struggle struck him as he realized the emotion his sister was experiencing while at the same time being inundated with emotions of his own to which he had to deal with.

"Okay Yuki." Haruki said after considering for a moment. "I'll make it happen."

"Beyond that," Konomi cut in.

"We need to be on our best behavior at the funeral." Asuka finished her gyaru friend's sentence to which Konomi nodded with a smile.

"Of course, we'll all be respectful." Yuki responded looking across the faces of the her support group before resting on Shingo's face.

After a momentary lull, Shingo understood they were talking about him and he huffed, "Yea fine, I'll be respectful."

Shingo knew his hatred for people who hated the survivors for absolutely no reason other than their own ignorance and, having known Inori for a long time, he knew that not all of Inori's family had been so understanding nor accepting of her title of being a survivor of another world.

As the group contemplated the likelihood of a problem at the funeral, Kazuya emerged from the hallway to rejoin the group.

"Welcome back Kazuya." Haruki welcomed Inori's brother back.

"I just want to thank you all." Kazuya started. "Genuinely! I remember the days right after Inori got back from her world. I was with her when she went. From one second to the next, she changed to be a completely different person. She told me everything and I believed every word of it because I was right there when she changed. After she came back, she had a rough time. In the earlier days I think the public had an even worse attitude toward the survivors than they do now. It's nice knowing that she found a place to fit in and have friends."

"No," Yuki interjected. "To us, she was more than just a friend."

"That's what Ichiro said while I was in there talking to him." Kazyua responded. "Our parents want the funeral to be small...family only."

"Oh..." Asuka mumbled, saddened at the news.

"Which is why I hope to see all of you there." Kazuya continued. "After all, you're all more family to her than I am, or at least I think.

Moved at Kazuya lamenting the situation, Haruki blurted, "Of course you're her family. She tried to live in the moment, but she would often tell me how much she looked up to you. Please, don't minimize her connection to you."

Kazyua looked around at the support group all nodding or confirming their agreement in some way before sadly uttering, "yea."