
4 : Entrance Examination: First Night (2)

The sun had completely hidden itself behind the trees and mountains.

The 100 examinees were still intact; no one had given up yet, nor had anyone been attacked by wild monsters.


"This is a return crystal. It will be linked to your thoughts. If you think you're going to die, the crystal will forcibly return you here," said Zylas with a smile on his face. "So do as you please to your heart's content."


As Balor settled himself on a thick tree branch at the peak of the tree, he prepared to rest for the night. Though his eyes were closed in sleep, his senses remained keenly alert, ready to warn him of any impending danger.

Elizabeth and her followers had built a camp for the night. As the hours passed, they rotated guard duty every three hours. Elizabeth took her turn guarding her followers, just as they guarded her, ensuring that no one was left unprotected.

As for the other examinees, they slept on the branches of the thickest trees, while some used their magic to build stone shelters to protect themselves from mosquitoes and possible rain. Others simply brought sleeping bags and slept around the campfire they made to keep warm and avoid catching a cold.

It seemed everyone had managed to settle in for the night, but their peace was short-lived as an unbelievable monster appeared while they slept.



The howling wolf-like sound alerted Balor. He increased and enhanced his senses to assess the current situation.

Balor saw monsters with sharp fangs and piercing claws. They stood at twice the height of a human, with black fur and glowing red eyes. As they gazed upon the examinees, drool dripped from their mouths, indicating their hunger.

"There's a 5 of them." Balor whispered. Balor snapped on piece of branch and write something on it. Then throw it and let it fall on Elizabeth's hand.

With the sudden appearance of the Kobold, panic rippled through the ranks of the examinees. Some reacted swiftly, reaching for the crystals provided by Zylas and activating them in a desperate bid to escape the looming threat. Others, their nerves frayed by fear, summoned their latent magical abilities, conjuring spells of defense and offense to fend off the encroaching danger.

In the chaos that ensued, spells crackled through the air, accompanied by the panicked shouts of those caught in the crossfire. The night erupted into a whirlwind of magical energy and desperate flight as the examinees fought to survive against the relentless onslaught of the Kobold.

Balor jumped from tree to tree, determined to reach the point where the Kobold Wolves lurked.

The "Kobold Wolves" who loomed in the moonlit forest, their presence menacing and twice the size of a grown man. Their sinewy, muscular bodies were covered in coarse, dark fur that seemed to absorb the shadows around them. Sharp claws, glinting like freshly sharpened steel, extended from their massive paws, ready to tear through flesh and bone with terrifying ease. Long, razor-like fangs protruded from powerful jaws capable of delivering a fatal bite. Their eyes, glowing with a predatory yellow hue, scanned their surroundings with ruthless intelligence. Every movement they made was a blend of raw power and predatory grace, embodying the very essence of the nightmarish beasts they were.

"I've read about those Kobold Wolves last month. Their physique is no joke," Balor whispered while analyzing the situation.

On the other hand, Elizabeth catches the branch that Balor threw before he jumped off.

On the branch, Balor hastily scribbled a message: "North, 10 meters, SOS."

Elizabeth's voice echoed softly in the stillness of the night as she recited the message aloud, her brow furrowing in concern. With a sense of urgency, she roused her two followers from their slumber, their eyes flickering open in the dim moonlight as they quickly became alert to the situation.

The scribbles on the branch held a dual significance, their interpretation critical in determining their next course of action. Elizabeth's mind raced as she considered the implications. Was Balor signaling for help from the north, or was he warning them to stay away?

In the tense moments that followed, Elizabeth made a split-second decision. Trusting her instincts, she chose to believe the second meaning—that they should avoid approaching the north by 10 meters. With a sense of resolve, she relayed her decision to her companions, their movements swift and purposeful as they silently prepared to depart from their current position.

Elizabeth's decision was not made lightly. She weighed her options carefully, knowing that the safety of her companions was paramount. Despite the urgency of Balor's message, she found reassurance in the knowledge that the other examinees were equipped with crystals provided by Zylas. These crystals served as a safeguard, ensuring their protection in times of peril.

With this in mind, Elizabeth reaffirmed her decision to interpret Balor's message as a warning to avoid the north. She knew that with the crystals in hand, the other examinees would be able to fend for themselves and escape any danger that may arise.

Confident in her choice, Elizabeth led her group forward. As they moved cautiously through the darkness, Elizabeth saw Balor standing on the branch of tree, then she smiled as she slightly blushes off.

"Balor De Corich... I'll remember your name." Elizabeth murmured then started to sprint.

As they sprinting she ordered one of her follower. "Sylvia, get some information about the situation" Elizabeth ordered to her follower.

Then the Silver haired girl turn her running direction to Balor.

On Balor's Side.

"It's midnight, under a silver full moon..." Balor muttered to himself.

*Rustle... Rustle...

Behind Balor, a silver-haired woman emerged. Balor didn't flinch, as he had anticipated her sudden appearance.

"Trade?" Balor asked, knowing she also sought information on the current situation.

"Sure," the silver-haired woman replied, eager to exchange valuable intel.

"Currently, the Kobold are hunting those within their sights. Some of the examinees have used their crystals, indicating they are now in a safe area. They appeared about 10 minutes ago. Your lady should be fine, just don't let them catch her scent. Maintain a 15-meter distance, and you might pass through without trouble," Balor explained, emphasizing the need to avoid getting too close to the Kobold's position.

"I see... Kobold weakness: lower body parts with no fur," the silver-haired woman added before jumping down after giving Balor some intel.

The silver-haired woman was one of Elizabeth's followers. She quickly ran to inform Elizabeth to inform her about the situation. Then the silver haired woman joined her lady led to the first Mountain.

"Now that the Princess and her followers was gone I need to analyzeit once again. Kobold are known for their great physique, capable of destroying buildings with a single slash of their weapons or even barehanded. Speed, strength, and endurance are their defining traits, making them formidable adversaries," Balor gathered his thoughts analytically about the Kobold. "Their fur is what makes them tough opponents, but their lower body parts have less fur... I see now. So that's why the Kobold's weakness is their lower parts," Balor added, deepening his analysis.

The Kobold's fur was utilized to craft under shirts for knights and coats for mages, prized for their durability. These garments could deflect attacks, even from swords.

The human inhabitants of the kingdom developed these under shirts for knights wearing armor, drawing inspiration from the Kobold's natural defense mechanism. Just as Kobold used their fur to protect themselves from sharp swords and monster teeth, the knights now benefited from a similar layer of protection against their foes.

For example what Elizabeth and her followers using was made in Kobold's fur to ensure the protection of the Royal Princess.

The reason Kobold lack much fur on their lower parts is because all their fur grows on their upper body. They primarily use their legs for walking, running, and escaping, which minimizes the need for fur on their lower bodies. This adaptation allows them to move swiftly and evade danger in their natural environment. However, humans learned of this trait and took advantage of it to harvest their fur.

As Balor's mind neared the conclusion of his analysis, a subtle shift in the air behind him caught his attention—a faint rustle of leaves, a soft footfall on the forest floor. Instinctively, Balor tensed, his senses sharpening as he prepared for the impending threat.

With a sudden burst of movement, a Kobold leaped out from the shadows, its form a blur of motion as it lunged towards Balor with bared fangs and gleaming claws. But Balor was quicker. Reacting on pure instinct, he spun on his heel with lightning speed, his hand flashing to his sword in a seamless motion.

The blade sang through the air as Balor executed a perfect vertical slash, the razor-sharp edge gleaming in the moonlight as it traced a deadly arc from the bottom to the top. Time seemed to slow as the sword sliced through the air, its trajectory perfectly aligned with the oncoming Kobold.

Before the creature could even register what was happening, Balor's sword connected with devastating force. The blade bit deep into the Kobold's flesh, cleaving through sinew and bone with a sickening crunch. With a final, choked cry, the Kobold was rent in two.

Balor stood poised for a moment as he continue to complete his thoughts.

"In short, if you can catch a Kobold off guard, you can kill them instantly before they have a chance to use their fur to defend themselves," Balor explained, his voice tinged with a hint of satisfaction. "Their skin was way thinner than I thought."

As he spoke, Balor's lips curve into a grin as thrill of discovery, his mind already racing with the implications of his revelation. He gestured animatedly, his hands tracing the swift, decisive motions of his earlier attack.

"When you strike swiftly and decisively, their defenses crumble like parchment," he continued, his grin widening. "Their fur may be formidable, but beneath it lies a vulnerability waiting to be exploited. It's all a matter of timing, of seizing the moment before they have a chance to react." Balor added to his statement.


On the other side of town, Arthur and his friends were gathered at the local bar, enjoying a few drinks and swapping stories.

"Arthur! It's been a long time. How's the kid?" a bearded old man exclaimed as he clapped Arthur on the back.

"Haahah!! You won't believe it if I say so, but that kid is talented at almost everything!" Arthur replied, his words slightly slurred from the effects of the alcohol. "He has so much potential... in both magic and swordplay. That kid is truly a genius—or should I say, a monster! Would you believe he mastered my sword technique in just 7 days? Haha!"

Arthur's voice echoed with pride as he regaled his friends with tales of Balor's remarkable talent. With each anecdote, his admiration for the young prodigy shone through, painting a vivid picture of Balor's extraordinary abilities.

"But, I must say this... That kid will surpass us the moment he graduates to the Temple," Arthur added with a serious tone, his jovial demeanor momentarily giving way to a sobering realization.

His friends exchanged knowing glances, understanding the weight of Arthur's words. Balor's talent was undeniable, and the prospect of him outshining even seasoned veterans like themselves was both awe-inspiring and humbling.

As they pondered the implications of Balor's inevitable ascent, a sense of anticipation filled the air, mingled with a tinge of bittersweet pride. For Arthur and his friends knew that in Balor, they had witnessed the dawn of a new era—a prodigy whose potential knew no bounds since the day they rescued Balor, 2 years ago.

"That boy was covered in so much blood... Plus those adults, who seemed at the level of Elite knights, were killed off with torn arms and limbs. With that horrifying scenery made me wanted to vomit, and when I found out that the kid did that, my fucking nerves suddenly felt a fucking shiver," the bearded man explained, recounting the shock he had felt since the day they rescued Balor from the "Point Irregularities."

To be continued.