
1 : Balor De Corich

Two years ago, in the depths below the Kingdom's surface, a forbidden experiment unfolded, involving children who mysteriously vanished. The Experimentations endured for four long years before the Kingdom intervened.

Named "Point Irregularities," this experiment subjected children to brutal trials where they were forced to kill each other to surpass their limits. The objective? Simple. To create a pathway for children to wield magic surpassing even the graduates of the Magic Academy or the elite mages of the Kingdom, transforming them into weapons of war.

However, the Kingdom remained vigilant. They mobilized their elite mages, knights, assassins, and all available units to locate and halt this experimentation, aiming to protect the realm.

Months of searching yielded only disappointment until, finally, the Kingdom discovered the experimentation site. Rushing in with half their force, they found a lone child, aged between ten and twelve, amidst a field of lifeless bodies, some clad in security suits now shredded to pieces.

"HAHAHA!! THIS IS IT. THE TRUE IRREGULAR! THE EXPERIMENTATION IS COMPLETE. YOU... No. 001, you're the best fucking result. You'll be a fucking living proof that anyone can wield a fucking magic," the Doctor, Genovia, exclaimed as Kingdom knights stormed in to handcuff him.

Doctor Genovia Germina, He was the head of this experimentation, though to this incidents he will get executed for many crimes such as Human Rights and child abuse.

"Captain, that child appears unconscious, with mana overflowing from his body," reported the mana detector expert.

"I see... Is there anyone else here?" the Captain inquired.

"No, there's no one else. Only those two. I can feel their presence and mana," the expert responded.

"Take the child to Orphanage and guard it until I give the order no one will harm nor take this child." The Captain ordered.


"That's the report recovered from the incident two years ago. Is there anything else you need to know?" the librarian asked the young man, who wore a red winter scarf and a thick jacket to shield himself from the cold.

"No, that's all," the young man replied, leaving the library.

Outside the library:

"Heading somewhere?" Arthur, the former captain knight of the kingdom, inquired. He was the man who had saved the child named Balor two years prior.

Arthur De Corich, once the esteemed captain of the knights, had retired to adopt Balor as his son. As a noble with numerous accolades, Arthur protected Balor from the interests of other nobles who had been eyeing him since his days in the orphanage.

Due to Arthur's strict orders to the knights two years ago, no one dared to approach Balor.

In the past, only nobles had the ability to wield magic within the kingdom. Commoners were generally relegated to the rank of low-ranking knights, with only a rare few rising to the title of captain. Arthur was one such rare individual, ascending from his commoner origins to become a captain after performing extraordinary feats that earned the admiration of the royal family and the king. With that feats he was given a property and also a title as noble and landlord.

"Just looking for something," Balor replied to Arthur.

"I see... Then let's go home and celebrate your birthday," Arthur smiled and walked ahead. Balor followed, matching Arthur's pace.

Today was Balor's birthday, the exact day he was rescued from the experimentation room. Since his rescue, Balor had shown no signs of rebellion or threat to the kingdom. To ensure his safety, Arthur adopted him—not only to protect him from the scheming nobles but also to give him a normal life, serving as a reward for surviving that hellish ordeal.

"Balor..." Arthur called out as they walked. "Have you enjoyed your time with me, as your father?" he asked.

Arthur wanted to know how Balor felt about him as a father. Arthur himself had been a victim of child abuse; his father had never treated him right. He was the son of a servant girl and a noble. When Arthur was just a baby, his mother was kicked out, and he was left behind. His father tortured him, training him to become a knight through continuous beatings, treating him like garbage. At the age of sixteen, Arthur was kicked out for no reason.

Despite this, Arthur held no grudge and continued to live on his own. Now, he stood here, asking Balor about his feelings.

"...It's fun. I like being with you. You... teach me various things, like how to hold a sword, and even call a tutor to help me..." Balor expressed his gratitude and true feelings to Arthur.

"Thank you," Balor whispered, embarrassed.

In a brief moment, tears fell from Arthur's eyes. He walked closer to Balor and hugged him warmly.

After a few moments, when Arthur regained his composure, he stood up straight and asked Balor, "Balor... No, Balor De Corich, son of Arthur De Corich, would you accept this favor of mine?" Arthur said politely.

"Yes," Balor responded.

"Can you attend the Magic and Knight Academy of the De Gracia Kingdom?" Arthur's request was clearly a polite one. Behind his words, he was urging Balor to attend the academy not only as a favor but also to help him gain the experiences that children his age needed also to help him to develop and gain "a Friends" so that even Arthur wasn't around they can help Balor.

Even though Arthur knew how strong Balor was, he wanted him to have people around him who would accept him and help bring a smile to his face.

Arthur imagined how Balor's smile would look, but he stopped daydreaming and patted Balor's back. "Answer?" Arthur asked.

"...If you really want me to," Balor replied.


Arthur slapped Balor's back.

"Argh! What was that for?" Balor demanded, wincing in pain.

"You will do this for your own sake, Balor," Arthur said firmly. "You need friends to be with you, not all the time, but to build relationships with people who will help you, even at your lowest. You're strong, but you'll be even stronger with friends. They will be your greatest strength, your power source. They might also be your weakness, but in the end, those people called 'friends' will accept you for who you are. Remember that, Balor."

Arthur smiled at him. Balor had never known what it meant to have friends. It Might be a problem to Balor but Arthur was certain that Balor could make friends. When they first met at the orphanage, Balor had seemed like a kid lacking a mother's care. But Arthur had become a father figure for 2 years. Arthur, a friendly person, believed his influence could help Balor, a lonely kid who had endured four years of hellish experimentation of only know how to kill but, attending Academy will help him to learn more things a lot more than killing but it also Caring for people around him.