
The Irregular At School of Magic

A few years ago the world discovered magic. Humankind learned to use magic in their daily life. While dangerous demonic and magical beings use their power to great effects. More magically advanced countries signed a treaty and build technically advance magic schools that could help their citizens to use and grow their magical powers. The Schools have been set up to train talented students to become full-fledged magicians to help them protect against these magical beings. The Merthyr Academy is a leading prestigious magic school located in the center of the Lunar city. Which studies advanced magic with modern technology. A few years later after Grey turned 16 years old finding he could able to use magic he was enrolled in Merthyr Academy by his adopted parents. Becoming the worst mage who couldn't even able to use his magic properly, becoming trash in many eyes. To complicate matters, he became an elite student on the first day of the entrance ceremony. Obtaining both jealousy and envy of everyone around. Being numerously targeted by the other students for his inferior magic strength and to prove his own worth.  However, Grey is determined to thrive in Merthyr Academy and has already determined to give it his all. Even if he’s the weakest magician student available in the academy he’ll prove himself as the strongest magician of all. Even if it means going to war.

InMyOwn · Fantasie
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1 Chs


The young boy was sitting on the ground with a deep sharp claw mark pierced through his chest with crimson red blood flowing throughout his wound dyeing the floor with a bloody haze. A figure standing in front of him with black raven-like wings, staggering in the air, wearing a short petite skirt with a wicked smile on her face.

The figure landed on the ground with a jump, walking in the direction of that young boy leaning on the wall behind him. The eyes of the young boy were completely hollowed as he was at the edge of swoon, with crimson blood all over his body.

"I couldn't reckon that I could die like this." The boy was not reconciled with his situation. His right hand was on his chest clasping the wound to minimize the blood flow. Listening to the footstep walking to his side. Smirking at his ignorance for battling against the humanoid beast.

"Are you in deep pain?"

A very tranquil voice come to his ears in front of him, the raven-black wings on the back of that person disappeared with small feathers falling on the ground.

The boy shut his eyes and open them again as he could not face the darkness coming to his mind. Clenching his left hand tightly, looking at the slowly walking figure with his languishing lifeless black eyes. His face was completely twisted with both intense pain and turmoil.

He just had no choice but to accept what was about to happen. If he had even a little bit of his strength remaining, he probably would have been able to shove the figure away and escape…

But he was powerless and terribly injured, other than facing the current situation he could do nothing. And so there was only one ending he could able to achieve in this state. He would die, die with deep hatred and animosity.

The footsteps come very close to his side and promptly stop. Straddling in front of that person looking with his hazy eyes the boy could only see the red and bloodthirsty eyes looking at him with wicked intentions.

"Enjoy your death." A dreadful voice rang out in the surrounding. The gorgeously jade white hand, with awfully strong and sharp claw-like nail-pierced at the direction of that young boy. As he didn't want to see the end of his life the young boy abruptly closed his eyes senselessly.

A little moment passed.

…But the pain still hadn't come. The sharp saber-like monster's hand didn't pierce throughout his body. Sensing something was wrong he unscrunched his eyes.

The first thing he saw was the hand that was pierced in his direction stopped in the midair and pulled back. The next was the surrounding around him, the area was practically frozen, looking at something off to his side. The young boy turned around looking at his very side …and saw despair.

It was darkness.

A space of raven black, ultrathin but so deep and vast it seemed as if it went on forever. It was rising out of the ground, enveloping the entire sky. It was a curious sight, but at the same time, it made him feel indescribably uneasy.

'The darkness?' that was what came to his mind when he looked at it. The black space was completely isolated, as he could not even able to sense any flowing wind, and passing time around him. Even the strong wall behind he was leaning was seized to exist as it's have crumbled into nothingness.

"Is she is showing a glimpse of her true power." The young boy's heartbeat skipped a little, as he could see the massively strong power leaking out from the person in front of him.

"Is she was trying to play with me? Did she want to let me see the difference of power between us?" The young boy mumbled, a moment later he proved to be correct.

The person in front of him glided in the darkness. And when he saw what it was—"Ohh Sh*t!"—a dry shriek escaped from his lips.

He would have no chance against this being.

"As I thought she was really the humanoid monster. That I could not be able to comprehend."

The hazy red light flickered flame-like in the eyes of the jade white gorgeous face. The gaze was trained unfeelingly on that young boy as if he was a live prey. Differing the complete appearance with sharp black raven nails, altering her jade white hands skin with dark raven moss-like haze, both sublime and terrible, with the dark raven black wings turning into the impenetrable steel, both rigid and extremely flexible. Hovering in the sky fluttering her wings.

Altering her complete attire, from an innocent girl to an unfathomable humanoid beast. It was as if Death had donned an intricately raven-black robe and been born into this world from another along with the darkness.

The air instantly froze.

The surrounding of the Absolute place, even the time seemed to stop. As though his soul had been taken away when looking at complete darkness, the young boy forgot to breathe.

With no sense of time, with the heavy injuries inhaling was difficult, and he was nauseously gulped for the air.

A messenger from beyond has come to lure him away. But that didn't seem right. Death has descended on the ground to lure him into the darkness.

"Seems, the time has finally come to end my miserable life!" he heard a loud thumping sound, as he was at the end of his wits. but whether it had been his heart or the thumping of the monster before him meandering him around in the circle, he didn't know.

Plunging on the ground and standing before him. Death's fingers—of which only the sharp nails, raven-black, were left—stretched out slowly and then violently snatched at, even cutting the space around him with a flip of her fingers.

He wanted to look away, but he was too scared. He had the feeling that if he looked away, the monster could devour him completely. Killed him with intense agony and suffering.

"Are you see the difference between us."

Death incarnate made a clenching motion, swoon her hand, and pierced through the young boy's right side chest. A chump of the big wound appeared on his chest piercing throughout his right hand that clasping the already terrifying big wound.

"Arghhhhhh." The young boy roared in intense agony, as the sharp black raven hand was tearing his inside.



The pain was immeasurable. The monster enjoyed the heartbroken cry of that young boy roaring in agony.

"It really is good to hear the joyful sound of a dying person." The arc on that monster's face widen as she was enjoying killing the young boy bit by bit.

The young boy was scared to take his hollowed eyes off Death, but he lost the tiny bit of his remaining hope that still dwelling inside his heart that he could be able to flee from this deadly monster itself. Looking at the humanoid monster, rejoicing in the turmoil sound of his intense agony the young boy could only blame himself for his incompetence.

"Kill... Kill me!"

As he could not able to take the more pain the young boy growled. But not hearing what he was howling for that monster didn't hear his voice, piercing and piercing her sharp raven black claws through him again and again.

The young boy was very resilient, holding the small glimmer as he could still get away. But the death had only assumed a more concentrated form.

Sensing the fear in his gaze with its entire body, Death moved toward him. The darkness that had been contained within his field of vision began to expand.

'It's going to swallow me up.'

The glimmer of thin thread had finally cut off, the idea of fleeing away didn't even occur to his mind anymore. Even the pain inside his body was flowing away as he could not feel anything around him.

If the opponent had been a human, he might have been able to act on the faint hope of "maybe," but the being before him dashed that glimmer of hope as if it were nothing.

"Please just kill me now, at least put me out of my misery…"

That was the most he could hope for now.

His torso has been pierced countless times. Giving him a slow death, letting him see his demise. He wanted to be free of his misery, but he couldn't. All he could do was apologize for his powerlessness and pray that he would die and be free from his misery.

And then…