
The Invincible Young Master

"You either Die a Villain or Live long enough to see yourself as a Hero." ~Probably Spark --------------------------------------- Spark, the lofty young master of the Dwight family, had always been shrouded in mystery. His true capabilities remained concealed until the day he decided to step onto the frontlines. With a single, breathtaking display of power, Spark stunned the world, forcing the coalition army of five emperors into a hasty retreat. Now, the eyes of the world fixed upon him, each faction coveting the secrets behind his unprecedented strength. Yet, despite their rampant curiosity and underlying greed, no one dared to confront him directly. As rumors of his prowess spread, a burning question arose in everyone’s mind: Was Spark always this powerful, or was he casting an illusion of strength before everyone's eyes?

Lucky_duck · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
133 Chs

Power Ranking [Spoiler Alert!]

Great thousand ruins

1) Essence Awakening

-Basically a superhuman.

2) Spirit Inception

-A magician of sorts.

3) Soul Tempering

- Superior control over their attribute talent.

4) Astral Bloom

- A walking nuke [Depending on their attribute.]

5) Ethereal Manifestation

- A deity in a mortal plane [Not literally] 

[These five above will do for current volumes] [Below is not fixed, I could add more, if I found it necessary.]

Spoiler below




Immortal kingdom

Celestial Infusion

Void Ascendancy


Eternal Radiance

World of darkness


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