
The invansion of Earth by Dark Souls

Earth 2020, the world is currently is at peace. That all changes when undead invade Earth. Humanity has to defend itself from undead from Dark Souls.

Ethanjw · Videospiele
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17 Chs

Part 3- Register at undead team and test

For two weeks, I have hunted the undead to get stronger. I currently have 34 influences. I have killed 12 undead, 10 of them were Hollow spearmen and swordman. There were 2 that were a unique undead I faced. The 2 new undead wore black body armor and a black hood over its head. I recognized these enemies as Darkwraiths. I first cast a fireball and sent it at the first Darkwraith. The Darkwraith looked stunned from the attack that blindsided it. The second Darkwraith marched carefully to me and put up a dark magic shield. I put up my shield with my left arm to prepare for an attack from the dark wraith. The Darkwraith swung his dark sword at my shield, the impact of the sword pushed me backward with quite a lot of force. I counter-attacked by swing my sword at the Darkwraith, the phantom shield stopped my attack. The other Darkwraith that was stunned before ran to help his comrade. I called for the Lord of Cinder to help me because I didn't think I could face against 2 at the same time. Therefore, a portal appeared next to me and the lord of Cinder came out.

The lord of Cinder kneeled and asked"

What would you ask of me, my lord?

I commanded"

Take care of the other dark wraith while I take off this one!"

The Lord of Cinder obeyed and charged at the other Darkwraith. I turned my focus to the one I was currently fighting. The dark wraith ran up to me and grabbed me with his arm and pulled me up by my feet. I grabbed his arm and had enough energy to stab the dark wraith's arm to getaway. The dark wraith made a loud screeching noise in pain" Eeeeeee!!" The dark wraith enraged by the pain attacked me with a savage blow and I dodged the blow by stepping back quickly. I then stabbed the dark wraith in the chest with my sword and the dark wraith died shortly after. I looked over to see how the battle between the Lord of Cinder and the dark wraith went. The dark wraith was already disintegrated and the Lord of Cinder looking at me.

The total rewards from 2 weeks were

+24 influence

1000 souls added

The lord of the abyss watcher armor unlocked

2 undead soldier swords and spears added.

I was disappointed because it was not more than I expected, but still happy I got new armor. I dismissed the Lord of Cinder. He went into a portal, I went home. Then, a voice ringed out in the world.

The age of factions shall begin and be a major force in the days to come.

Factions are unlocked for the human race. These will protect humans from harm. It is wise to join one.

Ethan Wilder currently in a faction: Abyss Watchers

I already knew I was part of a faction already. I dismissed the message until I saw a news report that night on tv with my sister.

"Is there anything we should know about the factions?" A news anchor asked the head of the anti-undead task force for the US.

"My team has analyzed that the factions are like a cult that they have their own beliefs on what humanity should go through. I have seen in the faction screen that there are mostly good factions and also some few dark factions that are immediately put as a terrorist. To people watching, You can join the faction's deemed as good. If you pledge your allegiance to a dark faction you will be branded a traitor to humanity."

My sister turned to me said when the broadcast ended," My little brother, I think you should know this because you have been a powered one for some time. My job is not what you think it is. I work for the state Anti-Undead defense team management. I was thinking of you working at my agency in Little Rock."

I was amazed because I thought her job was somewhere working in an office. I asked," Why do you want me to work there."

My sister replied" First, I know you have been hunting undead behind my back. I'm not mad, just worried you will get hurt. The hunting of undead alone is dangerous because many undead hunters have died hunting solo."

I played dumb and questioned," How do you know I have been hunting alone?"

My sister blushed and said," I kind of put a satellite in the air to track your movements."

"That is a blatant intrusion on my privacy sister, and how did you get a satellite!?" I yelled loudly and questioned. I was pissed that my own sister is tracking me with a satellite. Who even has a satellite that can track people?

My sister retorted," It's for your own protection, Ethan. You don't have to know how I got a satellite."

I asked," What if I say no?"

My sister replied" Then, I will just force you to join because powered ones have to get a permit to hunt the undead. So the government knows you are a powered one. If you get the permit I won't stop you from hunting the undead.

I agreed with her and went with her to the branch in Little Rock.

When I walked into the branch I saw numerous people around the area hanging around the branch. My sister called me over to a place labeled branch front office and said" This is Sydney, the branch clerk that registers new hunters and gives out missions to clear undead. Sydney, this is my brother, Ethan.

Sydney greeted Ethan with" nice to meet you, Mr. Wilder. Your sister has told me a lot about you." Sydney pulled out a blank card and explained" This is to register who you are and your class. Also, so I can give you appropriate missions to you that fit your ability. You can also hunt undead in free time, but I don't recommend going solo. The survivability rate is less than 40%.

I nodded my head and put down my information. I avoided putting down my faction and parts on Lord of Cinder because it could cause panic and also the special one title. I handed the card to Sydney; She said to me," this will do. I'm surprised that you have pyromancy. A small number of power ones have pyromancy. Most who have magic have sorcery."

My sister chuckled, "My brother is similar to me."

I reacted to her response and asked," You have pyromancy just like mine.

My sister responded," It must be the fate for you to have pyromancy because I can teach you a few things.

Sydney interrupted my conversation with my sister and said," This would be a great time to test out his abilities. "

My sister grinned," My brother, I will allow you to hunt alone if you can beat me in a 1v1 sparring match.

Sydney gasped and asked," Natalie, but you are more experienced....." My sister Natalie cut off Sydney and said" That is true Sydney, but it takes a lot of skill to survive hunting the undead solo.

Sydney agreed and led my sister and me to a gymnasium like an arena.

Sydney answered my question before I had time to ask and said" Welcome to the test room or training room. This is a safe area for this sparring match.

My sister picked up blunt swords and gave one to me and said" The first one to knock the other off their feet wins. First, get in fighting stance for us to begin." I got in a fighting stance by putting my sword in front of myself and angling the sword to ping towards my sister. My sister aimed her sword in what medevil sword Stance Sydney said," Begin!!"

I attacked with my blunt sword at a low shot to her stomach. My sister parried my attack and did an overhead cut. I stepped back from the attack. I then saw a fire gathering and said" Firebolt!" The firebolt sent straight for my head and I ducked. I screamed at my sister ," You could have killed me." My sister yelled back at me ," You will be fine just stay still and let me knock you off your feet".

I counter-attacked with my firebolt spell of my own. My sister stepped to the left to dodge the attack. My sister then charged, I focused my energy to counter the charge and horizontal slashed her and felt my sword heat up and hit my sister's sword and she dropped her sword in shock of the heat going to her sword hilt. I then went to stab my sister and stopped before harming her and saying" I won."

She laughed and said" I concede you won. But, I was going easy on you."

I responded," Either way, I won."

Sidney shrieked in excitement" I am happy you won Ethan; So I will now allow you to hunt alone. Here is your Anti Undead Team license. So you have started on the lowest license G rank. The ranks go like this."








The license looked like a plastic card that is similar to a driver's license.

I thanked Sydney by saying," Thank you so much." My time at the Anti Undead Team has started.

Next part will be released thursday November 19,2020

Ethanjwcreators' thoughts