
The invansion of Earth by Dark Souls

Earth 2020, the world is currently is at peace. That all changes when undead invade Earth. Humanity has to defend itself from undead from Dark Souls.

Ethanjw · Videospiele
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17 Chs

Chapter 4-Mimic

he very next morning , I went to get my first task at the Anti Undead headquarters. I looked on the mission board labeled G missions and one say,

Kill 8 t hollows.

I thought, " Easy enough."

I left the Anti-Undead-Team headquarters and went to hunt for the t hollows. While on the way their to an area where t hollows are patrolling. I found out in my status screen their is another tab and says inventory right next to the status tab. I pressed the inventory button and saw the Undead Legion armor set and the starting undead legion weapon, a two handed long sword that probably isn't the Farron Greatsword because the starting undead legion sword is smaller than the Farron Greatsword.

I equipped the undead legion armor set and sword and felt heavier, but have enough speed to kill at hollow. The search for the t hollow took an hour and I found two groups of them. I also passed a group of other Anti-Undead Team people. The hunters saw me and looked terrified and ran away. I charged the 1st group of t hollows.

Perception of a random group of adventurers

Today I saw something odd today when I went out hunting the undead. My group and I are B ranked group of adventurers. I have seen some strong undead. Today was supposed to be a simple hunt of dark wraith's who vary from D rank to C rank. However, we saw what looked like an undead knight with red armor and a fiery red cape march past our group. My group decided to follow the undead that looked strong towards a group of t hollow. I said" Great, he is leading us to an ambush." However, the undead charged the t hollows and surprised the group of 4 t hollows and killed half of them. I am shocked beyond belief that the undead knight is killing its own kind. The undead then proceeded to kill the rest and did the same to the 2nd group. I wanted to confront the undead knight because I wondered if the undead knight was human, but the undead knight wandered off. This was my report on a weird Undead knight. I don't recommend dealing with it for now on my prediction. But, I might recommend keeping tabs on this one Undead knight if it might become a threat to humanity.

Sincerely B ranked group four rock

Ethan Wilders perceptive

The hunt for the t hollows went pretty easily because of this new set of undead legion and sword set. Although, I only got 8 influences and 80 souls from that hunt. I found out that I can put the corpses of the t hollows in my inventory. I unequipped my armor set and sword to my inventory because it was cumbersome to go back to the Anti Undead Team headquarters.

I went up to Sydney at the branch office desk and asked" Where do I show the proof for the mission I took?"

Sydney answered my question by saying" Ethan you can put the undead dust on the table."

" Undead dust?" I questioned

Sydney asked confusingly " You don't have undead dust? I am afraid I can't give your reward for the task"

I curiously asked" Will their corpses work?"

Sydney looked confused and said" Their is no way you have the t hollows corpses because the humanoid undead distingegrate and leave their items behind. You have to gather their dust for me to identify."

I proved her wrong by pulling out 8 t hollows that limply landed on the branch floor from my inventory. I then asked" Where did you get them?"

" I got them from my inventory." I answered to her. Sydney looked shocked and questioned" You have an inventory."

I responded" Yes, doesn't everybody have one?"

Sydney shaped her head and said" The only people who have them are special few who have them. You have a rare ability right now. This is surprising. I see you have all of t hollows for the mission to be passed. You will get 400 dollars for the reward and whatever you took from the undead is yours. One more task you will be promoted to F rank."

I replied" Thank you, and I will go get my next task....

Sydney nervously said" By the way, I don't recommend hunting in the same area where you saw the t hollows because now there is B ranked undead in that area for what I have seen."

I thanked her for the tip and went to the mission board to the G rank missions and also F rank missions because I was told I can take a mission above my current rank. I saw a F rank mission that read

Investigate disturbance in Bryant house basement

Danger unknown so rank is f

I recognized the address as my neighbors house. I took the task right away and took the task to Sydney, the branch clerk. Sydney told me about the situation of the task" This task is unknown to no one because when the branch questioned the owner of the basement. The owner said that a eerie noise came out of the basement. We sent adventurers to investigate, but found nothing to cause the noise."

I headed home and right after that I headed to my neighbors house. My neighbor is a Middle woman named Liza in her 30s who is pretty nice to me when I see her. I knocked on her door and the door opened up. Liza said quickly without looking" Are you here to help me?"

I said," Yes, I am here to help you."

Liza surprised it was me said," You are going to help me deal with the noise?"

I replied" Yes mam, I am a hunter now." I showed my hunter card and

Liza replied" Okay, I guess you can deal with whatever is in the basement. I keep hearing a noise and I can't sleep or barely work. Here is the key you will need to unlock the basement."

The basement was attached to the right side of the house. I opened the basement and went down the stone stairs. I inspected the basement and nothing was unusual except a wooden chest.

The wooden chest looked like it was made in the Dark Ages and was moving back in forth like it was alive. I now knew that this was a undead monster or a illusion. I prepared myself by wearing the abyss armor set and the sword that came with it. I touched the chest with my sword and the chest didn't budge. I swung my sword at the chest because I knew my neighbor did not have a Dark Ages like chest. My sword went into a 3 inches of the chest head. The chest reacted and opened its mouth and legs grew from the bottom of the chest to lift it. The chest grew arms and the head was the chest. I knew that this was a mimic. I realized that the other hunters didn't know that was a mimic. A monster that is shaped like a chest that tricks people to open it and then the mimic eats the person. There is a problem with it being a mimic. First, I hated mimics. Secondly, the sword is stuck to the top of the mimic. Now, to the fight with the mimic. I decided to fight the mimic for a time until it became too dangerous. I put some distance from the mimic and cast fireball and aimed at the left leg of the mimic and the fireball crashed into the leg of the mimic and a screech came out of the mimic in rage. The leg of the mimic had only few scratches. I said loudly" Are you kidding me!!"

The mimic charged and wound up its right leg to kick me and I got out of the way of the direction of the kick. I still got scratched by the shockwave the kick had. I was glad I didint get hit by that kick. I runned up behind the mimic to climb up to get my sword stuck in the top of the mimic. The mimic reacted and sweeped its arm to take out my legs and I jumped over the attack. I then casted fireball, but this time sent the attack at the mimics eyes to put the monster in a daze. The fireball exploded in the middle of its head, but that still did it to daze the mimic. The mimic screeched in pain and rubbed its eyes because of the smoke from the fireballs impact. I went quickly to look in my inventory to look for something useful to defeat the mimic. Their was a item I acquired from a enemy I came across from the last mission. The item was named dung pie and I had no idea what it did. I said whatever might as well use it. I took the dung pie and waited for the mimic to be undazed. The mimic angered from being dazed charged me by opening its big mouth and putting it on the ground and running like this. I panicked because not of space to evade so I wildly threw the dung pie in the mimic's mouth. I rolled to the right and the mimic slammed into the basement wall

Mimic"gggggurrgghhhh!!" The mimic swallowed the dung pie and died. I spoke to myself and laughed" What a sad way to die. I would not like to die by swallowing crap!" The mimic's corpse didn't disappear and stayed their limply. I searched the mimic for anything of worth them received a message

Mimic killed

reward: coiled sword

1000 souls added

10 influence added

I yelled"WAIT, ...WHAT?!"

then another screen appeared

Influence required to enter Abyss faction headquarters. Welcome, the Lord of the Abyss.