
Getting down to business

Leo nodded along to the two as he switched with Burgan, and sat down on his lawn chair. The two friends began to talk again with one another, while Lex began to read through the book.

With his speed, reading the whole book in a detailed and thorough manner would not take more than a couple of hours at most.

It was quite educational, and started to discuss not only what happened when certain objects were put in energy dense places, but why that happened as well. It was quite interesting, because it immediately made him think of Qawain, the Inn's resident sword expert, who also happened to be a sword.

His appearance was very misleading because he looked like a human, but he only did that with his powers since he was an Immortal. In truth, he was and remained even now a sword that had gained self awareness and then had cultivated itself. This was a result of the sword being exposed to some extremely unusual energy types in very high concentration.