

The Rhinocentaurs felt like laughing. Were they even in a position to reject any single offer? Clearly, Lex could pressure them however he wanted and they would most likely obey. After all, no one would want to be locked up, unable to move for years on end without anything to do.

Not to mention… if they were given free reign to roam around in the Inn, they could share information about it on their groupchat and hopefully increase their chances of a rescue somehow.

"Can you… share the specifics of the deal?" they asked hesitantly. After all, Lex couldn't expect them to agree to the deal without knowing the details, right? Fortunately, while Lex was fully ready to take advantage of them, he was not sadistic about it.

"It's nothing too difficult, or major. Just share one piece of news from somewhere else in the universe everyday. It has to be a significant piece of news, not something random like little Timmy broke his first tooth or something along those lines."