
The Ink Dries Faster Than You Think

The author stood still, her fingers frozen above the keyboard. "Why do you pursue me like crazy? What do you need from me?" He didn't answer, just looked at her with his solemn eyes, his black robe fluttering from a non-existent wind. "Why do you look at me like that? You're ridiculously handsome, okay, I know that. But I'm not that shallow! I can write you better than that, or worse, be warned!" The male lead kept looking at the author solemnly, but this time a barely noticeable grin of amusement had started to form on his lips. "You want more? You want a tragic love story, a tear-jerking hell of a past, growing up a desolate life with the thoughts of revenge the only thing driving you forward? You want trials and tribulations that you always escape unscathed, people loving you more and more, you becoming more vulnerable and small and thus more appealing? WHAT do you want? Get a life of your own, don't bother me!" It was apparent that the author's annoyance had reached a dangerous limit. The handsome prince suddenly dropped on all four, and started kowtowing to the author. While doing so, he dropped his saber as well, setting it just before his bowing head. The author suddenly noticed something, and cold sweat started forming all over her. The blade... it had stains of blood on it! He always cleaned it thoroughly. And she didn't remember writing about him slashing anyone lately! . . . [Note: This is my original work, not a translation or a fanfic. Inspired by living a boring life while having a annoyingly vivid imagination. I'll try to keep the updates regular, for now my goal is to release 2 chapters per week, though that may change in the future.]

Estelll · Urban
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4 Chs

FIRST- Four Words

I have some words to say to you. You! Yes, you! Come closer! This is not even close to being close enough! That's right, come to me.

The words are simple, and there's only four of them. I. Had. No. Clue!

I didn't know what was going on, I didn't even stop to think what got into me, I couldn't imagine how you'd react, and above all, I had no clue whatsoever what would happen next.

I simply chose to keep going. I am responsible for my actions, but not their explosive reactions.

To start from the --let's just call it that way-- beginning, it was a usual rather boring day of my under-confident dorky self-employed self staying at home and marathoning dramas until early in the morning. As I was lying in bed exhausted after that, pondering on whether I should start reading a new novel without finishing the last ones I've started, my mind kept drawing me into the imaginative world of the last Chinese historical drama I watched.

Oh, and in case you're wondering, this is not one these time travel / transmigration / reincarnation novels. This is just me teasing you. Disappointed? You shouldn't be, there are tones of those novels already, go grab one to read, my skills is not on par with those excellent authors, not to mention my laziness. Well, I should warn you, don't believe everything I say (write), I tend to lie, besides, didn't I state above that I had no clue what would happen next?

That probably grabbed your attention. You're maybe scrolling back up right now to see what you missed. If you have something better to do feel free to abandon this. If you're good in reading between the lines (see what I did there?) you've probably understood by now that this whole thing is probably too meta for its own good.

Anyway, back to that day, I was vividly daydreaming of living in an ancient China wuxia historical setting. It would have some warring states, many scheming factions, some deadly sects whose alliance would be ever-changing over time, the usual foolish Emperor and his cunning ministers, the sultry harem ladies, and maybe a Prince protagonist. The Prince was a kung-fu master of course, and surprisingly, no one knew who he was. He plotted against the other power factions, and even against his family members, but surprisingly he was a force of Good.

What about me? Would I be the Prince's love interest? Would I be a cannon-fodder ready to be smashed under the female lead's Mary-Sued boot? Or would I be the Prince's best friend, a gender-bendered scholar and strategist, and fellow conspirator?

Do you think it's the latter? Wait for it...

I have no clue!