
The Indian Corporate Shark in Martial Waters

When successful businessman, Arnab chatterjee, suddenly finds himself transported to a strange world of martial arts and ancient traditions, he must use his wits and business acumen to survive. But navigating the complex political landscape of the Murim World proves to be more challenging than any boardroom he's ever encountered. As Arnab rises through the ranks, he realizes that his new life may not be so different from his old one after all. With enemies around every corner and the threat of war looming, Arnab must balance his desire for power and success with his newfound sense of honor and morality. Will he become the ruthless corporate shark he was before or will he find a new path in this unfamiliar world ?

IndianMasteR955 · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Chapter 17: Discovery of Uranium: Unveiling a New World


Won Mee walked into the classroom and took a seat at the back. She looked around and noticed that the room was empty except for one person, a man with long hair and piercing blue eyes. He looked up as she entered and gave her a small smile.

"Good morning, I'm Jae-sung," he said, introducing himself.

"Good morning, I'm Won Mee," she replied, smiling back.

As the class began, Jae-sung started talking about an element that had recently been discovered in their world. He called it "urum," and explained how it had unique properties that could be harnessed for energy.

Won Mee was fascinated by the topic, and raised her hand to ask a question. "Excuse me, Teacher Jae-sung, may I know more about this 'urum' element? Is it similar to any element in my previous world?"

Jae-sung looked at her curiously, "What do you mean by 'previous world,' Won Mee?"

Realizing that she had given away too much information, Won Mee quickly composed herself and said, "I mean the world I grew up in, back when I was younger."

Jae-sung nodded, "I understand. To answer your question, urum is a newly discovered element in our world, and its properties are still being researched. It's not similar to any element that we know of in the Murim world."

Won Mee was disappointed with the answer, but her curiosity got the better of her. She asked, "May I see this element, Teacher Jae-sung? I would like to know more about it."

Jae-sung hesitated for a moment before nodding, "Very well. I have a sample with me today for demonstration purposes. But you must promise me that you will not touch it, as it can be dangerous."

Won Mee nodded eagerly, and Jae-sung went to retrieve the sample. As he placed it on the desk, Won Mee's eyes widened. She recognized the element instantly, it was uranium!

"Teacher Jae-sung, this element is not urum, it's uranium," she exclaimed.

Jae-sung looked at her in surprise, "How do you know that, Won Mee?"

Realizing that she had slipped up again, Won Mee quickly said, "I read about it in a book once. It looks similar to uranium."

Jae-sung gave her a scrutinizing look, but decided to let it go. "Well, you're right. This is uranium, and it has the potential to change the world as we know it. But it's also a dangerous element if mishandled."

Won Mee listened intently as Jae-sung continued to explain the properties of uranium, and how it could be used to generate electricity. She was fascinated by the possibilities, and couldn't wait to learn more about the world she now found herself in.