
A true story

there was a magazine published in the year 1940s that reported the incidents of a Christian soldier and the mystery of Psalms 91. during the second world war II there was a Christian soldier who was that the battlefront at a time when the battle was hot. he had a small complete Bible in his pocket. He was short and the bullet struck him at the point where the Bible was. the shock of the shorts was so much that he fell. people thought he had died stop the soldiers around him examined him and found that the bullet went through his pocket near the chest. it pierce Genesis, exodus, leviticus, numbers, Deuteronomy. it went through the other book still in God to psalm 91 verse 7 and 8 who says "A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand;but it shall not come near thee only with thu eyes shall thou behold and see the reward of the wicked". And there it stopped!.

when this magazine trade the news in magazine that was read worldwide the story perplexed people. they confessed that it was spectacular and that they had not seen or heard anything like it before.

this people is important because it is literally true. it will give you protection from witches, wizards, enemies and Satan himself because you will "thread upon Lions and adders; the young lion and the dragon shall thou trample under feet. All things shall be under your feet and you will have nothing to fear when you read the Psalms and obey it.

some believers don't know who they are. that is a pity. they go about without the knowledge that their children of God and hairs of the Kingdom. they don't know what the protector of the whole universe;the king of kings, is behind them. you live in ignorance when you don't know that in Bible every need is provided for.

in Psalms 91 verse 1 to 2 he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high, shall abide under the Shadow of the almighty. how will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will I trust". the Bible where talks of somebody in the particular. when a letter arrives from the Post office you don't have any rights to open and read it except it is addressed to you. many people claim this psalms. they tell themselves that the Bible says that a thousand shall fall at the side and ten thousand are there right hand and it shall not come neat thee. that is not so automatically. before you claim it you should know who is it addressed to. liars, drunkards, fornicators who go out, live in sin and come back saying I will serve the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress. my god in him I trust, deceive themselves. when people fight and tier-1 and others clothes and one party says to the other; for telling my clothes, I will show you who I am, how will show you that there are dark powers behind me and he get to his house read Psalms 91 in order to harm the other party, it is an evidence the living do not abide under the Shadow of the almighty. do such people have God as their god does God fight does fighting and quarreling show you to be a child of God.