
The Incredible Story of a God-Dragon in Tensura

What would happen if an inventor came to the world of Tensura? Will he become the next successor to Veldanava? And will a harem of Dragons be formed?

Spinetta · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Guy Crimson

After the trio of True Dragons had fucked for I don't know how long

These were in a castle... Literally.

Velzard, who was the first to wake up, observed Velgrynd next to her, she is sleeping hugging a pillow

She seemed confused, as she well remembers being in a desert and fucking like rabbits with Aurelion.

But... Now they were in a castle, in a big bed and thousands of luxuries

*knock knock*

The sound of the main door was heard, it opened and Aurelion was already dressed, and with him he brought some gigantic, not big, gigantic, trays with a lot of food, the favorite of each dragon

Aurelion-: Did you sleep well?

Aurelion asked with an affectionate look.

The eyes of this dragon, were drenched in love and it was a truly dazzling sight.

Velzard-: O-Oh my God... I think I might go blind

Velzard joked, blinking exaggeratedly.

Aurelion laughed, sat on the edge of the bed and fed Velzard the feast of food.

She kissed Aurelion on the lips and he began to eat.

Aurelion-: (I still don't understand how they can eat, we don't even need it)

Aurelion thought


A tender yawn was heard

It was Velgrynd who woke up with a sleepy look, she is looking at those present, she looked at herself naked and blushed

She covered herself under the covers, and began to scream

Aurelion-: Come on Velgrynd-chan, didn't you enjoy it?

Velzard-: That!, Velgrynd, you were the one you enjoyed the most, you still remember that smile of satisfaction

Jokingly said Aurelion and Velzard, Velgrynd stopped screaming and came out of the sheets with an aura of death.



- We're sorry...

Velzard and Aurelion were now on their knees in front of Velgrynd, with a large bump on their heads.

Velgrynd-: That is not said! They got it!

- Yes...

Velgrynd-: But you are right about something... Y-yes I enjoyed it

Velgrynd whispered as low as possible with a great blush, but Velzard and Aurelion heard perfectly, they decided to keep quiet so as not to face the Burning Dragon's fury.



Velgrynd-: Now how do we get out of here?

Velzard-: Don't tell me, that while we were sleeping, you built the kingdom

Aurelion-: Nothing like that!

Our trio were now dressed, and they were looking for the exit, but there was a problem...

This place was infinite!

They opened thousands of doors but nothing, they always took them somewhere else or brought them to the same place

Aurelion-: Are you going to let me speak?...

The female dragons who were discussing how to get out of here paid attention to their partner

Aurelion-: Just hold on to me

The dragons did as requested

Aurelion, seeing that they were already together, snapped his fingers and the reality around him began to crumble.

Little by little, the bricks of the castle turned into trees, the ground turned into grass and sounds like birds began to be heard.

The castle disappeared and they appeared in a nearby kingdom

Velzard-: ...What was that?

Velzard asked a little serious

Aurelion-: It's my Ultimate Skill, Lord of Destruction (Shiva)

(Ciel explains to you: The Ultimate Ability, Lord of Destruction (Shiva), is an ability that allows you to destroy anything from pocket dimensions, indestructible weapons, and if the user chooses, destroy galaxies and constellations. This ability depends on the state of the user's soul, since if the soul is very damaged, the ability will serve almost nothing)

Velgrynd-: Oh right! Since your evolution to True Dragon, you gained that ability

Aurelion-: You got it right

Velzard-: Leaving that aside, what are we doing here?

Velzard and Velgrynd were confused, before they were in a castle and now they were in a human kingdom

Aurelion-: Wait a minute

Aurelion seemed excited, the dragonesses paid attention to him and waited

One minute...

Two minutes...

Three minutes...

Four minutes...

Five minutes...

But nothing...

Velgrynd, who was impatient, pouted and took Aurelion, she began to shake him violently.

Velgrynd-: Tell me why we're here! I want to go home to sleep!

Aurelion caressed Velgrynd's head and pointed her finger in a direction, more precisely to the East.

The dragons looked where her partner's finger was pointing and saw...

A boy with crimson hair?

This crimson-haired boy entered the human realm and began to destroy everything in his path.

The crimson-haired boy didn't seem to feel anything from killing these humans, not a feeling, just a neutral face.

???-: Death Streak...

He mentioned the crimson boy and without hesitation... he spread death throughout the kingdom

He didn't regret anything he had done...

The trio of dragons who were watching this showed no emotion, Velzard was disinterested and Velgrynd was falling asleep.

But Aurelion...

He was with a playful smile, apparently Aurelion already knew the boy

Aurelion-: I will go to greet him...

Aurelion floated in the direction of the crimson boy.

Velgrynd-: We'll go with you!

Velgrynd and Velzard, were going to take flight, but Aurelion stopped them

Aurelion-: Calm down, it will only be a friendly chat...

Aurelion calmed them down, giving them a dazzling smile.



As the crimson boy looked at a soul with great curiosity and asked loudly

???-: What would happen if I collected more souls?

He was very curious

But that curiosity was broken by a voice that appeared next to him

The crimson boy looked at an adult with long violet hair, beautiful golden eyes, and a great physical build.

Aurelion-: Nothing will happen, you are an almost perfect being

The crimson boy looked curiously at Aurelion.

???-: Who are you?

Aurelion-: Me?... I am your opponent

Aurelion put on a serious look and with indescribable speed he launched a blow to the boy's abdomen and knocked him out of the realm.

Aurelion-: Let's test your skills

Aurelion made a great jump and gracefully landed in front of the boy, the mentioned one was regenerating from the blow that Aurelion had thrown at him

???-: So that's how things are?

The boy went to face Aurelion, he was going to hit him in the face, but Aurelion dodged the blow as if nothing

Aurelion-: (Now that I realize, my reflexes are higher than usual, why didn't the same thing happen with Velgrynd?)

[That's easy to explain my lord, that's because Velgrynd was much more powerful than that worm over there]

Said Ciel, with disgust when talking about the crimson boy

Aurelion-: (I understand...)

Aurelion snapped out of his mental link, and placed the palm of his hand on the boy's bare abdomen.

He seemed confused... But, suddenly a gust of air shot out and the boy went flying

Aurelion-: We are evenly matched when it comes to combat experience, but in power, he is an ant and I am Mount Everest

The crimson boy put a serious look, he pointed the palm of his hand in the direction of Aurelion who was looking at him with a mocking smile

???-: Death Streak

A crimson energy shot out at a great range, ended everything...

???-: That had to be enough...

The crimson boy was going to retreat, but...


A fire that was white in color hit the crimson boy right.

A large smoke screen was produced and from this the crimson boy came out, but in an emaciated state

His skin was burned, fire came out of his wounds but there was also frost covering them, this caused great pain in the crimson boy, but his skin regenerated

Aurelion who was as if nothing, was approaching the boy, he was serious and expelled a ball of fire in Aurelion's direction

The fireball hitting Aurelion is simply vanished, without the crimson boy noticing, he was using his unique skill, [Sub-Breath], with his Sub-Skill, [Burning Barrier].

Aurelion continued to advance, the crimson boy kept throwing fireballs that kept fading when they came into contact with Aurelion.

Aurelion already face to face with the crimson boy, he was with a serious look

The crimson boy looked down in disappointment.

???-: Finish me. I am satisfied...

This boy understood that there were beings more powerful than him, and now he was going to pay the consequences of challenging this being in front of him


Aurelion-: Hey... It was, a great battle

Aurelion smiled friendly, and offered the crimson boy his mom.

He seemed confused, but he still accepted Aurelion's hand.

???-: ...Who are you exactly?

the crimson boy asked again

Aurelion-: Let's say that I am too powerful a being, that I could destroy this world if I wanted

Aurelion scratched his hair and laughed nervously.

???-: With someone powerful...

crimson boy smiled

Aurelion-: After seeing your strength, I ask you to cooperate with me, of course if you don't mind?

Aurelion created new clothes for the boy with his ability, Lord of Creation (Brahma)

???-: Cooperate?. Why not, but for your bad luck I am in command of a magician

The crimson boy received Aurelion's clothes, and began to undress without any shame, in Aurelion's presence.

Aurelion-: That can be solved. Just guide me where you sir and I will solve the problem

???-: Of course

The crimson boy told him where his master was located, Aurelion already having a clear location, in less than a second he was already in the supposed location

It was a small cave, he entered and found a wizard, he was old

The magician, seeing Aurelion, became nervous, he tried to cast a spell on Aurelion, but it had no effect

Aurelion-: Don't take it personally... Beelzebub

The Black aura emerged from Aurelion's body, who gradually approached the magician, the latter tried to cast spells on the aura, but it simply swallowed the spells

The magician gave one last cry... And he was devoured

Aurelion with the speed of him, appeared again in front of the crimson boy

Aurelion-: I already took care of it

???-: That was fast...

The crimson boy with a drop of sweat said

Aurelion-: Now, if you will listen to my request?

???-: credit, account

Aurelion-: I am looking for a being that I claimed the title of "Demon Lord". Seeing your power, I decided to propose the title, with that title you can be as you are, show the world what it means to be feared, so that man does not become excessively proud


The crimson boy felt his pride break inside him and return again... He had developed the Unique Skill, Pride.

Also, looking at it from behind, the title of "Demon Lord" suited him perfectly.

???-: Very well. Then I will take that throne as a "Demon Lord". If someone is extremely proud, I will judge it for you.

Aurelion smiled excitedly

Aurelion: Perfect! But then you will have to have a name that is feared by all... I have it! I'll call you Guy Crimson

Half of Aurelion's Magiculas came out of his body, and desecrated the body of the new Guy Crimson, the world's first Demon King.

A cocoon surrounded Guy, and he came out of the cocoon with little changes, like for example his hair was much longer, but the biggest change is that now his power was titanic

{The Demon Lord, Guy Crimson, has been born into this world}

{Starting evolution, The Unique Ability, Pride, has evolved into, Lord of Pride (Híbris)}

The voice of the world resounded

Guy-: Wow... This power... It's, great!

Guy cry elated

Aurelion-: I hope we are good friends, Guy Crimson, or rather, Lord of Darkness

Aurelion offered a handshake, Guy looked at him for a few seconds and accepted the handshake.

Guy-: Likewise...

Aurelion: Aurelion! The True Dragon of the Stars

guy gave a smile


An explosion was generated in the place where Guy and Aurelion were having a pleasant conversation.

From the smoke two female figures appeared, a woman with white hair and diamond-colored eyes and the other woman with light blue hair, with golden eyes.

They were serious, with incredible speed, they went on the defensive in front of Aurelion

Guy seemed confused, while Aurelion was with a depressed aura

Aurelion-: (Because... Why do they always protect me as if I were a child?...)

Aurelion was making circles on the ground, Guy observed this and another drop of sweat came out



Aurelion calmed down his partners, explaining that Guy was now an ally, also Aurelion explained to Guy that the Dragons were his partners.

Guy and the dragons made peace, but the dragons continued to overprotect Aurelion from Guy.

The Demon Lord of Darkness, Guy Crimson, had been born into the world...



(A/N: I know very well that Guy's story was not about. I know that Guy challenged Veldanava to a battle and Velda offered him the title of Demon King. I also know that Rudra is Lucia's older brother and that Rudra fought Guy long before, before his sister met Veldanava. But in this timeline, change the facts, they are minor changes in the original story quiet, the canon will remain the same)