
The Impossible Fate That Leads To A God Of A New World

What is fate? Is it something that was destined to happen? Can it be changed? No. If it can be changed, it would't be known as fate, isn't it? They say that fate can be control in our hands. Then, is it possible to take everything in total control in my hands?, I wondered. No, whatever the results is, I'm sure this was fated to happen under my control. This world... will surely go along with my favor. ................ "PLEASE!!! I BEG OF YOU!!! Join the Imperial Knights Academy as a special student or else I will be fired!!!" With such a line thrown to him, the 16-year-old human, Lucifer Nightwalker von Nightmare, an orphan who was stranded on an island with his little sister and magical pet-- was forced to compromise and attend the famous Imperial Knights Academy as a special student. While spending 3 years in the academy, he would meet his fated ones. After he graduates, he would then become an adventurer to explore the world, unlocking the secrets behind. This, will be the starting of his journey. In a world of sci-fi and fantasy. Humans, beast-kins, dragons, vampires, elves, fairies, spirits, dyrads, archangels, demons, dwarves, magical beasts, and much more, co-exist. Which later then, he would become a king-- leading everyone to challenge against the Celestial Gods. However, that was the boy's fate. ...................................... Everything begins with that fateful meeting six years ago. His fateful meeting with the principal of The Imperial Knights Academy. Yet, it wasn't even the beginning of fate. .....................................

LuciferVermillion · Ost
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152 Chs

Chapter 1: The first person, Lucifer Nightwalker

After a five-hour bumpy and shaky ride on the Type-X586 through the horrendous and foggy weather of the Bermuda Triangle…

…I finally saw Central Imperial Island from afar, for the first time, and also with my own eyes.

Although there’s about another ten minutes before we reach our destination, I could already spot the landmarks from here.

There’s the administration building;

The royal palace;

King’s villa;

Wildlife park;

Amusement park;

The Red Line;

…And even the dungeon islands.

Despite having an abundant amount of infrastructure, it blends perfectly with nature. Such is the country known as Central Imperial Island.

…Not a bad sight for someone who’s about to die.

“Hey kid— how’s the view?” Herman, who was next to me and the pilot of the Type X-586, asked me excitedly.

“…Beautiful,” I murmured.


As Herman replied, he flew the Type X-586 towards Imperial Knights Academy…

…and slips past the building where he was supposed to land.

“Excuse me, Herman?” I immediately looked at him with a dumbfounded look.

“What do you mean ‘excuse me’? Principal prepared a grand welcome for you.”

…A grand welcome? I better get out of here.

After taking a quick glance at the altimeter, I immediately unbuckled my seatbelt and headed to the back seat, and opened the door.

“Hey, kid?! What are you doing!?” Herman muttered with a freaked-out look.

When I realised, Herman had already pulled the helicopter up to 2500m above sea level to prevent me from jumping.

…You sure work fast, Herman.

But, do you think you could stop me?

“Good luck explaining things to Principal, Herman!” I said.


With those words as a punchline, I jumped off before Herman could stop me.

That said, it seems I forgot to take a parachute, but no matter, I have to sacrifice my shoes.

I shortened my distance between Imperial Knights Academy by gliding across the air as much as possible…


…and landed safely at the walkway towards the main gate, leaving a giant crater and a pair of busted shoes as a landmark.

Man… my back hurts.

The storm on the Bermuda Triangle sure is terrifying. I lost count of the lightning zapping through us and the wind tearing the barrier apart. If we fall, the sea below us is filled with terrifying monsters.

Although we got lost, but thankfully we made it out in the end. If it were another hour, the Type X-586 would probably break down.

Come to think of it, I’m surprised Herman could still fly that thing without any visible issues, despite having smoke coming from the propeller.

That said, today is the very first day of June, Summer.

Ever since that day, it`s been six months since the enrolment ceremony, so I`m the only one here alone. Like an idiotic newcomer, I was standing on the walkway— staring at the grand building from the outside the main gate.

The moment I step in, this will be the very place I will be attending— and it will be my first time living completely alone without my family, Restia and Ruby.

I haven’t gotten to apologise to Restia and Ruby, too for sneaking out.

[Beep Beep]

It was Principal.

Expecting what was about to happen, I braced myself and accepted the call calmly.

“…Any excuses?” Principal uttered.

“I need no surprise party,” I said. “Plus, I don’t want to be introduced to any of the executives.”

“Come on, it’s about time you showed your face to them.”

“Oh I will. I will show my face— if I’m still alive by then.”

Principal heaved a sigh in response.

“…Fine then, suit yourself.” He murmured with an irritated tone.

“Glad to hear that. Bye.”

Without feeling bothered by our conversation, I casually cut the call.

Looks like he won’t be seeing me today— he had to clean up the mess he made.

To begin my first day of school, I need to meet the First Years’ Student Council President at the lobby of the Student Council Building to confirm my enrolment. It was at the East Wing of the Imperial Knights Academy.

This majestic-looking building is the South Wing, huh?

If I walk from here to the Student Council… it’s around… 8.2km?

Hmm... the current time is 8.07 a.m.

Without further ado, I took my device and texted the Student Council President to change my appointment to 8:30 a.m.

It seems she’s not too happy with the sudden change of plans, but it can’t be helped.

…There’s a buggy service for me, but I decided not to take it.

Instead, I took a deep breath— embracing the feeling of freedom for the first time.

The clear blue sky, the hot summer sun, and most importantly— the never-ending heat!

It’s been a while since I felt so alive.

Let’s take my time to walk around.


…And, where am I?

Out of habit of travelling into the woods, I strolled off from the original path and entered this forest.

Thus, I ended up in this weird place and couldn’t find my way out.

The odd thing is that I can’t use my device here to search for the map. Is this thing broken? There was no response whenever I made my activation gesture or gave commands.

This place also makes me feel a little eggy.

…There are weird-looking floras and faunas I’ve never seen before. Most of them are poisonous, and some are even glowing.

It’s no good to jump from here as the branches are blocking me and look from above since the trees are about the same height.

Should I continue forward, or just…?

Suddenly, I felt a strong breeze. A sea breeze, perhaps.

Following the direction of the breeze as a guide, I managed to exit that weird forest…

…and ended up at another weird place.

There was a grand-looking white mansion not too far from here. But the problem is, that was not the Student Council Building.

Not only was this mansion protected by a layer of magical barrier, but there was also a force field too.

Quite the tight security, I would say.

What exactly is this place…? It was located in quite a secluded place. Of all places, it had to be built downhill.

There’s no such place in Imperial Knights Academy.

This place…… looks empty. Should I break the force field?

…Maybe not. That thing is quite expensive. I don’t want Principal to add another tab on me.

Looks like I’m out of choices. If I want to know where I am, I must climb that hill for a higher ground.

It took me a small leap to reach the top.


When I looked from here, a giant pink tree not too far away— immediately caught my attention.

If I wasn’t wrong, that tree was known as the ‘Pink Drop’, or so Principal told me. Not only did it constantly rain down clusters of pink sparkles, but it was said to be a tree that brings luck and fortune.

I was mesmerised by this beautiful scenery before me.

But still, even if I was up here, I couldn’t see any visible buildings due to the trees and forest interfering with my view.

That said, oddly, the trees aren’t growing around the Pink Drop for as far as its branches stretch.

I also noticed there’s a tiny man-made pathway on the opposite, way behind the Pink Drop. Looks like that could lead me back to the school grounds.

…Wait, is that… a girl……?

Around the base of the Pink Drop, I could somehow see a girl in a white uniform. But the moment my eyes inadvertently blinked— she disappeared.

Am I having hallucinations now? Maybe not. My only guess is that she jumped— upwards into that Pink Drop.

Good timing. Since I can’t use my device for now, maybe I should ask her for clearer directions.

I’m almost out of time. Better hurry.

It took me a few seconds to sprint all the way to the base of the Pink Drop.

It also took me a few seconds to realise just exactly how tall that pink drop is.

Wow, now that I get a closer look, this tree is really more massive than any of the other trees I have seen before.

Even the lowest place I could get a good footing on is quite high, probably around 900m. I can’t believe that girl jumped with such ease. Looks like she’s quite the monster herself.


With a small jump, I landed on a huge and solid branch that wouldn’t seem to break even if several tons of weight were to be placed on it.

I was quite shocked when I saw how beautiful the scenery was in here. It felt like I was being embraced by something warm.

…Putting that aside, there’s no one here. Was I mistaken?

I climbed around the massive Pink Drop tree by jumping branch after branch, upwards.

Since it was too massive, I gave up when I reached the top.

When I was descending halfway, I heard the sound of someone’s shoes landing on a branch. Tracing the location of the sound, which was down ahead, I headed in that direction.

That sound— it’s moving upwards. I don’t know the reason, but it seems it's avoiding me.

“Ah, hold it—!” I screamed.

Stepping across the last branch as I leapt to where that shadow was, I landed in front of the blurry figure that I managed to catch a glance, with my knees squatting as the branch shook from my weight.


Now that I think of it, it’s been a while since I talked to strangers. Nervousness starts to build from within me.

Besides, I’m not wearing any shoes.

Because I was nervous, I stood up with my head hung low, avoiding any eye contact while scratching my head.

“Ah, um…. I`m lost, so—”


When I was going to ask for a direction, an abrupt and unexpected voice interrupted me.

Out of shock, no, it was more like getting spell-bounded; my mind froze.

…It was a girl. That voice was so beautiful… that it felt like it was spoken from the heavens.

Come to think of it, judging from her tone— did I surprise her…?

Let`s raise my head and look at her with a smile.


When I fixed my eyes on the girl standing before me, my mind and body froze.

Even if the world had ended, she would still be standing there, even if there was no footing to stand on.

She gave that illusion so much that it was like a scene from a painting.

Her presence and beauty were just so overwhelming that they suppressed that of any other object.

Like a plume of smoke, her long, black, flowing ebony hair weaved around her shoulder and waist.

Her eyes were of a strange, hard-to-describe bluish colour.

Her elegant figure, which would make even a goddess feel envious, was warped by weariness as she stood silently with pursed lips.

She`s a gentle-looking girl with a beautiful face and a dignified aura that makes her feel free from secular affairs.

…I was inadvertently fascinated by it.

My vision;

My attention;

Even my heart;

—in that moment, they were stolen away.

That girl was so…



So intensely;
