
The Immortal Overlord

In a realm where good and evil deities vie for power, The Immortal rises as an extraordinary ruler, commanding both the forces of light and darkness. However, his dominion is shaken when some of the gods betray him. After leaving his throne seat to seek knowledge of the human world and investigate an uprising phenomenon, The Immortal's journey takes an unexpected turn. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the mortal realm while aiming to investigate an uprising anomaly.

Lucid_Devil · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Ch 7 : Bloodlust

Looking through the window, Martin saw a sky full of stars sparkling in the darkness, and the moon illuminating the streets. He muttered, "I've been unconscious for this long? it's almost midnight."

Feeling exhausted and his mana depleted as well, he decided to sleep a little more since mana can be restored over time, but this process can be accelerated when sleeping.

Meanwhile, in the central district, the sounds of laughter and clinking of beers can be heard inside one of the district's taverns:

Waiter 1: "Wow boss, the tavern today sure is busy, and customers are so happy."

Waiter 2: "Yes, there are no empty seats left, we are full for the night."

Boss: "Well we should thank my great-grandfather for this, he was the founder and first owner of our Tampal Tavern, and it became famous for adventurers ever since, when my father took over, he renovated it, attracting even more customers.", glancing to a corner in the tavern he noticed a group of adventurers sitting silently at their table with grim expressions "looks like not everyone is happy" gesturing towards the corner with a grin on his face.

Waiter 1: "Are you talking about the Booty Adventurers team?" asked with a smile on his face.

Waiter 2: "Who are those adventurers, and why are you smiling as well?"

Boss: "Well you are new here so you wouldn't know these guys, they are the members of the Booty Adventures team, as for the muscular bold man with a tall beard he is Perv Asshat, their captain, they are known for their bad reputation, going around bullying the weak and stealing from people, but based on their expressions someone did a number on them."

Following these words, the staff broke out laughing.

Back in the eastern district, the sun's first rays of light shone over the city giving it life again, the hearty people walking in the streets and greeting each other on a new day, the shops opening hoping for a fruitful day.

The Goddess of Justice church:

Walking elegantly with a plate of soup in her hands, a priestess arrived in front of one of the room's doors, extending her hand she knocked on the wooden door and opened it, this priestess was none other than priestess Lucie, the priestess of miracles.

"Good morning, it's time to wake up - ", before finishing, priestess Lucie's eyes were fixed on Martin who was putting his shirt on, shock filling her face. Snapping out of her daze she hurriedly exclaimed, "Why are you out of bed, your injuries haven't healed yet, get back in bad right now."

Looking at her, Martin smiled at her, saying, "Good morning I hope you are feeling better after exhausting your mana because of me yesterday", hearing those words Priestess Lucie hurriedly put the soup on the table beside the bed, and pushed Martin back into the bed, "forget about me, you still need 4 days to heal."

Confusion colored Martin's face, he asked surprised "4 days", after a few moments of silence he continued, "I'm fully healed though", hearing those words Priestess Lucie froze in place noticing Martin's body was back to normal, the huge blue mark on his side disappeared, "This can't be, your side was completely ruptured and some of your organs have exploded, can it be?"

After muttering those words, she dashed out of the room, reaching the hallway she passed through another priestess that almost bumped into her, "Priestess Lucie is something wrong", without replying, priestess Lucie opened the library doors and entered it without looking back.

Not understanding what was going on, the priestess decided to enter Martin's room, "Excuse me young man is everything all right, I saw priestess Lucie running out of the room", seeing martin out of bed she got closer to see his condition, and to her surprise, she saw him completely healed, suddenly she started yelling, "Oh she has done it again, the priestess of miracles has done it again ", sprinting out of the room, she kept on yelling those words. "What the hell is wrong with these people", Martin Muttered to himself the confused look still decorating his face. After that, the church started talking about Priestess Lucie's new miracle.

Fifteen minutes later priestess Lucie stormed into the room holding a thick leather book covered with runes, "I apologize for my earlier behavior, I shouldn't have run out of the room like that, but keeping that aside I have to make sure of something, there are some people who have regeneration passive skill and even some are stronger than others, but its impossible for a simple passive skill such as regeneration, to be able to repair your destroyed body overnight."

Skills are differentiated into two types: active and passive skills, active skills are skills that activate on command, and have a limited duration or uses such as body enhancement. As for passive skills they are skills that activate passively which means they are active all the time even when the user isn't in combat or even sleeping, and some need certain conditions in order to activate, regeneration is such a skill that heals the user's body.

Opening the leather book, priestess Lucie hurriedly flipped its pages searching for something", this is an ancient book left for us by the gods, it has treasures of knowledge", a sad smile appeared on her face, "you are probably wondering why I'm telling you about such a treasure ", giving her a confused look Martin kept silent, seeing this Priestess Lucie continued, "well your regenerative ability is truly unique, but it is mentioned in this book, so I wanted to confirm it, but I need to do an appraisal on you first".

After saying those words, priestess Lucie saw the world upside down, but before she realized it, she found herself laying on the floor and Martin atop her, looking at him she saw his sword pressing on her neck, she tried looking at Martin, but when she saw his eyes filled with bloodlust and rage, she quickly moved her gaze back, all she could do is plead for her life, "please don't kill -", with all her courage she tried to mutter those words, "NEVER", once she heard those words she froze in fear tears forming in her eyes, "Don't you dare use appraisal on me, NEVER".

Lucid_Devil#9008, feel free to contact me on Discord.

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