
The Immortal Overlord

In a realm where good and evil deities vie for power, The Immortal rises as an extraordinary ruler, commanding both the forces of light and darkness. However, his dominion is shaken when some of the gods betray him. After leaving his throne seat to seek knowledge of the human world and investigate an uprising phenomenon, The Immortal's journey takes an unexpected turn. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the mortal realm while aiming to investigate an uprising anomaly.

Lucid_Devil · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Ch 15 : The Cool Adventurers Team

Returning to the inn, Martin handed over the paper Bag that was in the thugs' possession, back to its original owner, upon seeing it, a mixed feeling of shock and happiness filled the landlady, as her eyes shone.

Still stuck in a daze, she exclaimed, "This is my money, but how? "

"Don't worry about it, just know that they will not bother you anymore", Martin replied with a smile on his face.

Hearing those words tears started running down the landlady's cheeks, "Thank you, thank you so much, I don't know how I can pay you back".

Wiping her tears, she continued, "You know what, from now on whenever you decide to stay at our inn again you will enjoy 30% off our services, a lifetime offer", a warm smile decorated her face, which a second ago looked pale and tired because of all the burden she was carrying on her shoulders, with a smile, Martin gave his regards leaving the inn.

Making his way towards the city gates, Martin saw a huge three-story tall building, a large sign decorating its entrance (The Adventurers Guild).

In front of The Adventures Guild:

"Did you hear about the wyvern attack?"

"You mean the one that keeps attacking the village to the south?"

"Yes, I heard rumors that the justice adventurer team defeated it, but four of its members got gravely injured, they say the battle took them about 6 hours of constant fighting until the monster fell."

"If that's true then their names will go down in history, no one was able to defeat a wyvern before, even the Hero's party had to retreat after getting ambushed by one".

A group of adventurers was standing beside the entrance, by their armor, they looked quite powerful.

"Maybe I should check it out, nothing to lose, plus who knows when the next time I might come back here", thinking to himself, Martin walked up to the group of adventurers.

"Hello, I was just wondering what is this place, I saw many strong people roaming around."

Shifting their gaze toward Martin, they saw the young man standing in front of them. The team consisted of a healer, an archer, two assassins, and a swordsman.

Stepping forward, the archer took the lead, "Hello there young man, this is the adventurers guild, are you not from the city?"

"No sir, I'm from a town far away from here, it's my first time visiting a city, and we don't have an adventurer's guild there."

"Oh, I see, the concept is pretty simple, someone puts up a job in the form of a quest, and we adventurers get it done, it can be different not all jobs are about monsters, for example, in escort missions, some merchants hire adventures as bodyguards to protect their caravans when transporting goods, other jobs like delivering stuff, collecting herbs and monster parts which sell for a good price, and of course killing monsters."

"Oh, and does it pay well?"

"It's according to the job, and that's, in turn, according to your rank, the higher your rank is, the more money you will get in turn, the more it will be difficult."

"How do I become an adventurer?"

"It's pretty simple, you talk to the receptionist and after a small test to know what element you have an affinity to, you are set to go."

"I see, seems simple enough, I'll give it a try."

"You're still young so don't let being an adventurer get into your head, and get yourself killed."

"Hahaha, thanks for your concern, sir, though I don't look it, I'm a cautious guy", Martin replied with a laugh.

A smile appeared on the archer's face, "I like your attitude kid, you know what, after becoming an adventurer, you are welcomed to join our team."

"Oh, how rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Shark, it's my adventurer name, we adventurers pick such names for privacy reasons, plus it sounds cool, hahaha."

Gesturing to his team, he continued, "Let me introduce you to my comrades, after all, if you wish to join us, they will become your comrades as well. The beauty over there is our healer, Shiva, as for the assassins they are twins Addison and Aiden, they think as one, as if they are in sync, if they worked together on a single target, the said target will have no chance of leaving alive".

Pointing toward the bear-like guy at the back who was waving at Martin with a smile on his face, "This is our swordsman, Barret, with his huge double-handed longsword, he believes that all he needs is strength to win a fight, as for me I'm the archer as well as the leader of the team, we are called (The Cool Adventurers Team), isn't the name pretty cool, hahaha".

"Pleasure meeting you all, hopefully, everything goes well."

Noticing a caravan getting pulled by a horse arriving beside them, Shark said: "Great, now then if you would excuse us, our ride has arrived, make sure to come back and talk to us after getting your adventurers license."

Saying their goodbyes, Martin turned to face the entrance of the building, "An adventurer huh, if I want to get stronger faster and remove this damn weakened state, I need real combat."

Entering the guild building, which adventurers crowded became deathly silent, walking to the reception, Martin felt the gaze of the adventurers pierce through him, and suddenly the silence cracked by the voice of one of the adventurers.

{Magic affinity: every human has an affinity to one or more elements, which means he is able to use this element in the form of a spell, there are four main elements, water, fire, earth, and air as well as hidden elements: dark, light, space, and time. Hidden elements get this name because, unlike the basic ones, they do not get set at birth, on the contrary, they manifest during the individual's life, but it has a very rare chance of doing so.}

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