
First Luxus

Hayen walked down the streets and visited many shops he never saw before, he loved the life-style related shops everywhere. His first impression was that the people lived their life-style without prejudice or shame. The people here seemed to do what they loved and didn't think too much about what others thought.

Hayen only knew the situation in his home country, of course the people could do what they want and wear what they want, but the majority tried to live normally and not to look different from others. The minority that did what they wanted weren't looked down upon, but you would recognise them from afar.

After having a warm meal in an Asian restaurant, he continued looking for a real estate agency, which he found short after. Then he cleared his throat and fixed his hair before entering the agency.

Directly after he opened the door and made the first step, a woman in a business dress came and greeted him warmly.

„Welcome to our office, how may I help you?" The young woman was very polite and didn't show any strange expressions.

To be honest, Hayen looked very shabby and poor, he was aware of this fact too. The reason was very simple, he was until a few days ago a poor man without enough money to buy anything but food. And now he had the money, but he didn't have a house or a place where to change or bath or anything. He booked a hotel earlier, but check-in was only possible two hours later.

„I am new in the city and I am searching for a place to stay." Hayen replied.

„You are in the right place, we are the biggest real estate agency in the city. We have many branches and a lot of free places. Please, follow me!" The young woman said and then led the way for Hayen. They walked up to the second floor and then she knocked on an office door and then opened it.

„Carlos, I have a customer here for you, take care of him, please." The young woman said after entering the office, then she told Hayen to come in.

„Hello, I am Carlos Denitz, you can call me Carlos!" Carlos extended his hand and shook hands with Hayen.

„My name is Hayen Kain, nice to meet you!" Hayen replied politely.

Then the woman said goodbye and left the office again.

„Mr. Kain, you are very young, is this your first time searching for a place to stay?" Carlos asked tactfully, while signaling him to sit and taking a few drinks out.

„Yes, this is my first time. I am new in the city too!" Hayen replied and then said: „You can call me Hayen too."

„Alright Hayen, tell me what are you searching for?" Carlos asked directly.

„I am searching for an apartment, at best here in the city center. If possible, it should be a new building. The price doesn't matter!" Hayen replied after thinking, and then added: „The place should have fast internet too!"

„You have a clear idea, that is good!" Carlos smiled after hearing that hayen wanted a place in the city center and that the price doesn't matter. These are the best customers he can find.

As for the shabby looks of Hayen, he didn't even care. When you live in such a big city, you have to learn one thing at the beginning: The outer looks of people are deceiving. Rich people often look poor and poor people look rich. Life-Style and outer looks are independent from status and amount of money.

„How about an apartment in the newly built skyscraper ? The building has 70 floors and a magnificent look. Thanks to the new law, the architectures and designers made it look like a standing garden, the windows are invisible solar panels and there are many more environmental facilities that make the skyscraper the most eco-friendly building in the world." Carlos took a few copies and showed Hayen a huge skyscraper.

„The apartments for rent are between the 20th floor and the 50th floor. But there are currently only three apartments free. The apartments are 200 square meter big and have 4 bedrooms, three baths and an open kitchen. These apartments are on the 23th floor, 41th floor and 50th floor." Carlos continued explaining while Hayen continued nodding.

„The rent includes a parking lot, a gym membership for the gym on the 14th floor and other services. What do you think?" Carlos asked finally.

„It sounds good, what does it cost to rent the apartment on the 50th floor?" Hayen did not want to waste time, he finally wanted a place to call his own.

„The monthly rent is about 10000 dollars, but the apartment is furnished and ready for you to move in. But there is no extra cost, the building's management will take care of all the electricity and water bills and other bills." Carlos replied.

„Are there any conditions I have to fulfill?" Hayen asked.

„You have to show us that you are capable of paying, that is the most important. And you have a contract for one year, you can't move out before a year passes." Carlos explained the conditions for renting the apartment.

„If I pay the rent for one year right now? Do I have to show that I am capable of paying? And can I move in today?" Hayen asked after a moment of silence.

„Of course, if you pay for the period in the contract, you are not obliged to show anything. And as I said before, you can move anytime you want. For apartments like this, we have to make sure that they are in perfect condition at any time." Carlos said with a bright smile on his face. He was very happy, because it wasn't easy to find customers like Hayen. The majority wanted a place that is cheap, therefore the competition between customers is higher and it's very difficult to find what they want. But for customers like Hayen that are prepared to pay any price you offer them, they are only a small minority. And for the ones that pay at once, they are even rarer.

„Well, I will take it!" Hayen said finally.

„I will prepare the paperwork and notify the building management to prepare the apartment for you." Carlos said and then turned to his computer and began to make all the preparations, but then he became curious about the young man in front of him and thought: „Who is this guy?"