
The immortal: Jean

They don't know of each other's existence, despite that they share one ultimate goal, kill the one person who split them. But if they meet will they show hostility towards one another or will they become allies? Original work of SLOTH_LUCCI

SOLUCCIE_ · Fantasie
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110 Chs

Swapped roles

[JeanTX = Jean Tura X]

[January 17th, 2AM]

"why're you trembling, are you scared?, you can sit this one out if you want" Antler asked as he patted his his shoulder

"no I'm not" Darkangel said with a bright smile  under the mask

"where are you going" Ghoul said as Darkangel walked past her

"give me 10 minutes and I'll kill all of them on my own if I fail to do so than the next time we go to eat all of it is on me" Darkangel said as he walked to the front of the large building

"are you okay?" Azure said as she walked up behind him

"yeah, I just need to shake this feeling off... I hate it so much" Darkangel said as he covered the left side of his mask

"deal but to make it fair we'll give you 30 minutes" Owen said as he sat on top of a trashcan

mission details: Team Twelve's target for tonight was a new museum that just opened that held some of the world's most valuable artifacts, only high class citizens were permitted inside the of the museum but that was but Team Twelve's mission wasn't to steal anything unless they wanted to but the mission was mainly to cause mayhem and fear

museum was around 720,00 square feet and the inside had a small hallway between the main hall and entrance the small hallway had two guards with suppressed automatic rifles

"welcome citizens of Germany and honored guest to the grand opening of--" the noise of a large door opening

"they never get strong guards" Darkangel said as he tossed a severed head into the crowd

the head severed rolled next to a five year old kids foot and he started screaming in fear as he fell to the ground

"make anymore noise and the kid dies" Darkangel said as he picked him up

as Dark walked past the crowd all of the guards came rushing into the large hall half of them stayed away from him while the other hot closer

"PUT THE KID DOWN!!" Guard1 shouted as the others trained their sights on him

"fine but don't blame me for the outcome" Darkangel said as he grabbed the kid by his shirt collar and tossed him to the crowd but at the same time a small thrust of wind came from his sword

"hey are you okay" The man said as he caught his son

"hey, hey, hey... ba--" the women said before she watched the top of the boy's head fell off and his brain slowly slid out of his head

"you BASTARD" the man said after he put his son on the floor

"WAIT!" Guard2 shouted as he tried running towards him

"I would be mad as well if my son died in front of me but I'd still understand when I'm out matched" Dakrangel said as he cut the man in half

"why the hell did y--" Guard2 was cut off by someone shouting

"SHOOT HIM ALREADY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" Beverly (owner of the museum) shouted in impatience

Darkangel was able to weave all of the bullets and get close to the guards and one after another he kept killing but when he got to the guards in the crowd Beverly noticed where was standing and signalled for everyone except for the guards to back away from him after they got far enough away from him Beverly clicked a red button and a large cage fell on Darkangel

"a metal cage, I guess using my sword would just make it blunt, 20 minutes left" Darkangel said as he exhaled heavily

"I caught him... HURRY UP AND KILL HIM" Beverly said as his emotions quickly changed

Darkangel slowly gripped his hands around the metal bars and started pulling on the bars

"did he lose his mind, idiot wouldn't be able to rip  those bars apart" Beverly thought as he looked at him Darkangel with pity

the guards started started walking back and one of them through tear gas at Darkangel and forced the other citizens to move further away

Darkangel stood there pulling on the metal and inhaling the tear with no reaction to it except blood started coming out of his eyes and his lungs kept healing everytime his organs were effected but the blood kept falling down his face

"they're actually from the past but it's been severely weakened" Darkangel said as he fixed his stance and he was able to rip the first metal bar off then he fixed it again and ripped the other metal bar off

"without a doubt he's using some type of drug, FIRE" Guard1 said as he aimed his gun at Darkangel

as soon as he aimed at Dark a metal bar went through his neck and Beverly was able to sneak up behind Darkangel but his head was immediately smashed as soon as he heard Beverly's heart beat

Dark used his left leg to quickly put himself in front of the guards and one after the other they were cut in half or stabbed in the head but Darkangel's bright smile wouldn't go away and soon his tears of blood would turn into tears of sadness while the citizens watched the guards get killed they couldn't stop the thoughts of fear from conquering their minds and now all of them started rushing Darkangel out of fear

after 10 minutes quickly faded away and the rest of Team Twelve rushed into the museum as the the blood rain outside started getting worse  and time was up

when they walked into the hall they Darkangel sitting on top of a pile of corpses with blood smeared on the bottom of the eyes on his mask

"somehow... I feel much worse than I did before" Darkangel whispered as he walked past Archangel

[2 hours ago]

"you see I'm just that much stronger than you even in your head" Regal said standing on top of Jean and Ezreal

"...Kill your self you peice of crap" Ezreal said as she spat on him

"go to sleep woman" Regal said as he snapped his finger and kicked her away

Jean tried getting up but Regal was too strong and he was getting more angrier the more he look at Regal's face

"calm down, she's just a manifestation of your regrets" Regal said

Jean started punching Regal's leg over and over again until his hands turned to a bloody mess

"stop wasting your energy idiot" Regal said as he stomped on his chest

the impact ended up destroyed Jean's liver, heart, and his lungs making him immobile

"what's wrong come on speak up, speak up, speak up, speak up" Regal said as he started stomping on his stomach and chest over and over again

when Jean looked at Ezreal laying over there as if she was just lifeless corpse caused a memory he didn't want to remember resurface and he tried so hard to feel angry but he couldn't feel anything and out of "frustration" he tried getting but Regal's leg went through his chest

"your making yourself look like an idiot" Regal said as he punched Jean back to the ground

Jean tried saying something but  iron bars appeared on his lips making him unable to speak

"pathetic hurry up, SPEAK UP" Regal said as crushed Jean's leg

when his legs were crushed it caused Jean to scream in pain but since the iron bars were on his lips but they were ripped but quickly more appeared on his teeth but those were also ripped out of his gums adding more pain

"...I swear to god I'll murder you and everyone you've ever met" Jean said after they healed

"you should really think about thanking me for your genetics but if you want these emotions so badly I'll give them to you" Regal said as he clapped his hands

once he clapped his hands JeanTX felt as if he was sinking in a ocean but he had no emotions but the Jean felt all of JeanTX's emotions 400x stronger

once he landed on the ocean floor he felt someone laying on the opposite side of with blood floating to the surface of the ocean

he tried standing but was immediately forced down to the ground but the other one was able to get up and look him in the face he immediately woke up

"who the hell" Jean (Tura X) said as he placed his hand on his chest

"hey Ezreal... HEY" Jean said as he started shaking her

"you have what you want now but it's way worse than it's suppose to be" Regal said as he walked towards them with an axe

"I won't let her die again" Jean said as he stood up with his sword

"oh I see now... that face she's your d--" Regal said right before Jean slit his throat

"I've seen you twice now who the hell are you" Jean said as he stabbed the sword into his throat

"well I checked on the cube already so I'll just be on my way" Regal said as he lifted his hands

"answer my question" Jean said as he cut off Regal's arms

"haha... funny" Regal said as he disappeared

[4AM (present)]

"don't ever pick it up again and just stick with the others" Angel said as he took the sniper

"don't say anything, just go and please stick with close range weapons from now on" Archangel said as she tossed him a pistol

"damn I didn't even do anything wrong" Fang said as he caught up with the others

"you wasted almost all of their ammo when you was trying to snipe one person but thanks to your terrible aim he didn't notice the bullets being fired at him" Ghoul said as she placed a bomb under a car

"where's Da and Ant" Fang asked

"I don't know they're probably making out or something" Ghoul said