
The Immortal Cultivator Is Reborn

Mori was a man of great power. He had so much power that he ruled over the great lands with an iron fist. He was a renowned immortal cultivator but was killed by the hands of his own subordinates. He was sure it was all over, his legacy, his people, his reign. But with a spark of life, he was put into the body of a poor beggar. Determined to get his revenge and rule once again, he starts his journey to becoming a great immortal cultivator again.

Upblissed · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: I'm Back!

A man rested atop his golden throne, his long white hair extending to the very ends of his waist. Along with a strong body and handsome face that rested on top of it. 

This man is Mori, a powerful being who rules with an iron fist in the great lands. None have yet to oppose him and those who have do not live anymore.

He is a great diety and is given anything he wants whether it be, gold, silver, woman, or pills. He is a terrifying man of great power.

The long-haired man with pale hair and a handsome face looked around the throne room.

Currently, a small party is happening. It was a party to celebrate him and his life. But he didn't seem to care at all, he only wanted two things. A couple of drinks and some women.

"You there."

A young girl of great elegance was startled by his deep and husky voice. 

She was a very pretty girl. A stunning allure and an almost perfect body. She was sure to make most men foam at the mouth for her.

"Come here," Mori ordered.

She was kinda of scared to be suddenly called out by him but nobody could reject him.

And so she walks toward him, her hips swaying in the process. She tried to keep calm and look confident, but in front of a man like him, she just couldn't.

His eyes held great power and just inflicted fear in a person, but she tried not to look and finally, she stood before him.

"What is your name?"

She hesitated before speaking and when she finally did a slight stutter was awakened "I-Isano..."

Mori looked at the girl, eyeing her up and down. He then chuckled a bit as he rested his head on his hand.

"Why so scared? am I that frightening?..."

The girl didn't want to answer such a question, she could possibly make him angry with her response.

"Go ahead. Just tell me."

She looked at Mori before diverting her eyes elsewhere, "Y-Yes..."

He glared at her, before releasing the tension in the air with a slight laugh.

"Haha! Yeah everybody says that. But as of right now, I want you to accompany me. Do you mind?"

She gulped and replied to the man, "O-Okay..."

The girl walked over and slowly sat on the man's lap, she jumped when she felt his hand on her shoulder.

"Just relax, I'm not gonna hurt you." He smiled a bit.

The girl relaxed and just tried to enjoy herself, "Okay..!"

Mori clapped his hands twice, and in an instant, a couple of bottles of alcohol were at his disposal.

He grabs the bottle and pours it into a small glass with grace. Making sure to not waste even the smallest drop.

He asked the lady sitting on his lap, "Do you wish for some?"

"Uh..N-No thank you."

"Hmm..okay then."

Mori sipped at the alcohol and started to enjoy himself a bit more.

"Sorry, but I need something more."

After this, he found one more beautiful girl to assist him.

And now he had 2 women by his side as he drank.

2 hours passed, and everything was starting to settle down. But he couldn't help but feel that something wrong was about to happen, no he was sure of it.

He stood up and threw the glass to the ground, in a flash of light a blade appeared in his hand. It emitted some type of dark energy and was dark red in hue.

And just as he thought something bad was happening, the ceiling of his great throne room was ripped open, and floating just above it were 10 people of sophisticated nature.

They all had long wings and grand blades of destruction. 

These people were known as the '10 Great Saints' and were Moris's subordinates.

"How dare you. If you all retreat now I won't rip out your spines."

An old man with a long gray beard floated down on a large sword.

"Do you take us for fools? we won't let you have this land any longer, we are siding with the other 3 Cults."

"What?! why?...don't you remember what those bastards did to you? To us?!"

Mori was growing angry by the second.

"Not worse than what you are doing."

"I see. Then I'll just have to erase all of you from this planet then."

In unison, they all said, "We'd like to see you try."

Horns of great prestige grew from Mori's head, 2 large wings also stretched from his back and his sword grew longer and much sharper. With claws that could slice steel, he was in his strongest form.

'The guys aren't pushovers, I'll have to go all out.'

A blur, that's what he was. He had already appeared behind one of them and cut them down.


"Did you forget who I was?!"

He swung the long blade with elegance and precision. He cut up whatever was in it's path.

And after just 3 minutes of battling. He was sure to win.

"...I-It seems we underestimated you...but I'm glad I brought this just in case.."

Mori glared at the man, "What do you mean?..."

The old man brought up his hands and started to chant something, and then a pill of golden shade appeared in his hands.

"I-I How...that's!"

"That's right...this is the Heavenly Dragon Pill."

'Shit..if he eats that I'm done for. That pill is only supposed to be a damned myth! how did he obtain that?'

Mori dashed at the man with great speed and swung his sword toward his lower chest area.

But the man had already swallowed the pill.

A huge flash of golden light blinded Mori, and when he opened them the man had a long white robe with dragon inkings on it. The gold color complimented it well.

And all of his fatigue, and scars were healed in the process.


Mori saw nothing but a bright light and a slash across his face before everything went dark.

He drifted for a long time, confused about how he was still alive.

After what felt like an eternity, a light flickered in the distance.

He ran toward it as fast as he could and when he reached it.

He was in the body of a small boy.

tattered and ripped clothing of the lower class, a beggar.

His hair was dark and short, his eyes a bright amber color. 

As he looks around he finds himself in a small village, many people hold swords and or have them by their waists. He knew everything was still the same but he was just a different person.

'This is...amazing!'