
Chapter 1

Morning raised slowly as his mind raced so fast. He tried to control the malevolent thoughts, but as much as he tried to control them, the more dangerous they've become. He so much wanted them to go away. Hush now, why are they being so mean?

The boy, in his teenage years, manage to break a sad smile as his eyes lost control of their strength and let tears consume his sadness. He stumbled upon an alley, so dark in the morning, but it was perfect for him. He still had time to fix his composure.

'It isn't okay to cry, you are going to be a hero. You can't cry.' He thought as he used his hands to wipe the tears away.

After what seemed like forever, and his thoughts vanished for the moment, he took advantage by remembering a sweet, warming smile that helped him through all of his livings years. His lips, in a sad smile got stronger and lighter in the sense of happiness. He fixed his red, slicked back hair and smiled like nothing had occurred. After all, it was his first day of school, he had to be optimistic- for him and his classmates.

It was 7:15 AM and he arrived before the gates, admiring the huge building of U.A. High School. His light blue eyes scanned the reflective windows and headed straight forward to have a look around. He noticed there were students who were already there despite the time. His reason was catching the train and a walk being a good exercise. Suggested by his mother.

"It's always good to have a moment to yourself, so walk where your heart wants to get is a sense of direction. Find yourself in a safe place."

He sighed softly as he remembered some of her words. He doesn't admit this to anyone, he was a shy, quiet boy. He wanted to be unnoticeable yet noticed. He wanted to be strong, but he saw himself as weak. He thought he was unwanted, when he realized he was a mistake. A mistake between two drunken people who decided to take a little fun ride. Little yes, but it led to a consequence. Knowing that his mother never mentioned his father in any way, he figured it was just a fling.

His heart raced in his chest as he took a deep breath.

The boy sighed heavily as he pat his chest, "I-its okay..." he shakily murmured to himself, "Everything will be okay." The anxious look on his caused the teacher that was walking by quirk an eyebrow.

"Hey kid, you lost?" A tired teacher asked, holding a soft yellow sleeping bag.

"Well, not really. I was going to walk around to familiarize."

The teacher nods, taking a glimpse of his light blue eyes, "Is your name by any chance 'Aaron Granchester'? "

The kid, Aaron, nodded, "Yes, I am."

The teacher hummed, "Aizawa. Be careful not to get lost, it can be intimidating for first years." And he began walking.

Aaron watched him for a bit before walking into the hallways.

Aizawa furrowed his eyebrows, 'Those eyes, why are they so familiar? ' he asked himself as he entered his classroom.

It took Aaron a while to familiarize with the rooms and he found his class, the hero support class. Upon entering, he noticed one seat was taken by a boy with purple hair. Aaron looked at his watch: 7:48.

"People are coming." He said softly, scratching the back of his neck.

Aaron looked up from his watch and smiled softly, "Glad to know we're not only ones huh. Mind if I sit next to you? " he asked shyly and when he saw the young boy shrug his shoulders, he proceeded to sit.

He took out a notebook and a pencil, waiting a few seconds before asking.

"So what's your quir-"

Hitoshi took over his body and whispered to Aaron write on his notebook in soft, small letters to be able to erase it.

When Aaron returned, he blinked a few times before reading "Brainwash".

"Brainwash?.. "

He was tired of hearing the same ol' thing: "That's like a villain quirk" "so why are you here at ua? "

But it surprised him to hear: "Such a cool quirk! My god, that's gotta be a powerful one- imagine literally stepping in and like controlling all the villains and just walking into jail! " Aaron couldn't stop smiling. It wasn't always he was this esctatic, especially with people he just met but indeed, he was intruiged by the quirk.

Hitoshi felt a tingling in the pit of his stomach. He in fact did not know what to say so instead, he made him sit right and face forward whilst the kids started walking in.

Class had started and the teacher walked in. Hitoshi however, felt curious about the boy beside him. Was he pretending to be interested? Was he actually scared? What's wrong with this boy, why was he so excited about his evil quirk?

When lunch started, Aaron was eating from his bento box, his mom made it for him. He was eating so slow that Hitoshi even had to snap his fingers at him, 'Hey, Aaron. "

Aaron snapped out of his thoughts and looked up to see Hitoshi and he smiled, "Hey hitoshi."

"This seat taken?" He asked and Aaron shook his head, "Not at all, go ahead take it. " and Hitoshi sat down.

While they were eating, hitoshi had to ask "Why were you so excited to hear about my quirk? Don't you think it's evil? " his eyebrows were furrowed as he stared at the kid in front of him.

Aaron was confused from the suddenness but he shook his head, "Not at all, on the contrary, it can be used for good too. That's why you are in UA right? So you can become better and become a hero, to use your quirk against the villains that need to be thrown in jail. I admire and envy your quirk, you're going to be an awesome hero. " he said with fascination, eyes litting up as he talked about his new friend. Hitoshi felt his heart flutter, no one, not even his previous classmates has said that to him, it took a new kid to see his purpose.

"I'm sure you don't believe me, but I know that we all have a choice between being good and bad. I know you're good, or else you wouldn't be here in one of these highly competitive schools. You work hard, and you're working even harder now that you are here. "

Hitoshi's heart couldn't pump anymore, he wanted to cry but he kept his face stoic.

"What if I was villain in disguise to take UA down?"

Aaron laughs softly, but it sounded so loud. Like a hero was there. He even had to cover his mouth to stifle his laughter.

Hitoshi furrowed his brow even more in a glare.

"You're not, Hitoshi. Why? Because you wouldn't have told me, dummy. Villains would've take what I said to a consideration and use that until much later when they reveal themselves as a traitor and whatnot." He grins so brightly, then it vanished, "Damn… I should take that as a lesson… hah. " he scratched his chin softly in embarrassment but began eating the rest of his food.

Hitoshi's doubt was wrong. He was being honest, this kid was in fact a fanatic of his quirk and he blushed softly before eating.

When lunch ended, the two were heading back to class when Hitoshi spotted a few from 1-A class with so much spite to them.

Aaron noticed a strong anger vibe and he placed his hand on his shoulder, "I'm sure you hate them, but focus on your path. You wouldn't want your pride and anger take you down. It's not good for the mind and soul. Be responsible of your actions. " he patted a few times before heading into class.

Hitoshi looked down for a few seconds with a defeated look but he glanced at the students up ahead. He growled softly before walking inside.

When class started, the teacher instructed that they would need their uniforms as they were going to fight, the only fight so that she can have an idea of their fighting styles. Both genders walked to their designated locker rooms to change into their uniforms and onto the field.

Aaron chose to stay behind, he didn't want to fight any of his classmates until someone was starting to show off, taking every single student head on.

"I'm the strongest!! No one can defeat me! " he yelled as he activated his quirk: Rock.

Aaron, standing behind noticed that kid was running towards Hitoshi. He could've stayed back and watch but something in him took control and before he even had a chance to think, his arms push outward with his legs bent, the balls of his feet supporting his weight. He ignited a light to show from his hand to create an iron sword. With his strength, he let the sword stab into the ground as he wrapped his hands around the handle to swing his body, having momentum and for the strength in his legs to gather before kicking the rock straight in the face, taking him off guard.

It was silent and Aaron was panting, his eyes shown complete shock before turning to see his friend with his eyes wide.

"Y-you… you okay? " he asked softly. He bowed in respect to apologize, "I didn't mean to jump out like that. I knew you could've handled it but… I don't know what came inside me that… made me just run after you… I'm sorry for taking your chance to fight-"

"YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!! " the rock stampeded through and before Aaron could have a chance to look up, Hitoshi glared the kid who stopped completely in his tracks, eyes wide and his pupils having a white color to them.

Aaron stood up and watched the kid before turning back to Hitoshi.

"And now we're even. " he stated and left the field to the locker room.

Many kids had watched in awe but they were more intimidated by Hitoshi's quirk. As Aaron passed by a few girls with a defeated look on his face, a sadness that came back, he overheard them talking about him, yet not badly.

"Is it me or does he look like-"

"Todoroki? "

"Yeah, right? "

"I can see it but if they are brothers, they are complete opposites in personality-wise, and quirks."

"that's so true."

"he looks slightly more like endeavor though."

Aaron looked up, 'Endeavor? He can't be my father… but… considering that… my mom and Endeavor… " he shook his head, "No, that's not it." he chuckled sadly, " They have red hair, I don't. " he thought to himself as he walked inside to change. He had to ask his mom, he thought it wasn't a good idea to even touch the topic for so long since he thought it would make his mom cry, and if he could avoid that, he would do it. But today, today he was curious- today was the day he wanted to know who ruined his mom's life.

The walk home seemed longer than before as he was gathering up his thoughts together, as well as courage. Even taking the train seemed longer.