
The Idol

Change is the only constant- we all have heard this. But what if God takes this a little too seriously and changes the whole reason of your existence. Stacey is a nerd who loves books and has a little something against KPOP. In the era of KPOP, everyone wants to be a star. But what if your soul is trapped in a KPOP star’s body in a time when KPOP was not in the trend! Wait! There is more- The idol you are trapped inside will die in six months. You are stuck with a murder mystery to solve! You can see ghosts! That’s it maybe. What! There is more? You have an angel at your beck and call! And you fall in love with that angel who has direct links with the king of hell- Lucifer! Now that’s it! Join Stacey in this supernatural ride and fly over Seoul with a black winged devil from heaven!

stuti_saini · Fantasie
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40 Chs

The Concert

I was looking at the clock without blinking and with every passing second, my heartbeat was increasing. Just 5 minutes left to for me to get doomed. If there was someone who was weird enough to not like music at all, it was me. And here I am sitting in a green room of a KPOP star, more like here I am inside the body of a KPOP star.

"Excuse me! How many people are out there?", I asked one of the crew members.

"The tickets sold out really fast this time. I guess around 5 lakhs. This is a little small auditorium.", she replied with a smile.

Do you call this small? Just 4 minutes to go. I could feel the pressure building inside of me. damn, I want to use the washroom. I was about to ask the directions to the washroom when that guy came back.

"It is time. follow me.", he said and left.

I was standing there not knowing if I should actually follow him and make myself a big joke in front of the audience. To answer my question the crew members pushed me out and Fiona pulled me along with her.

"Don't be nervous. Stars faint on the stage all the time. be confident and put the stage on fire.", she said with a smile. I nodded.

I wish she knew fainting was not the big issue right now. We walked for a minute or two and I could hear the crowd cheering and the loud music.

Soon we reached a platform and the guy asked me to stand on it. What exactly is this?

"You will enter at the beginning of your own single. The moment you start seeing the lights start with the main verse of Misanthrope.", he said and signalled at someone.

"What exactly is happening her-?", before I could finish the platform started to move. I somehow balanced myself.

The roof above my head opened inwards and I could see smoke. "KIM", "KIM", "KIM". I could hear the crowd cheer.

Wait I am Kim! In the earplug, I was wearing came a sound, "Start now!". Start what? I could see the lights and the crowd going crazy.

There were 3 more girls wearing clothes of the same colour combination and they were smiling at me. I smiled back. The music was playing in the background and the crowd was singing. I stood there smiling at the girls not knowing what to do.

To my right, there were two girls. One had red small hair, a black crop top and a red mini skirt. She had a tattoo on her neck and long earrings. The one right next to me was wearing a pair of black jeans with a red crop top and she had beautiful long black hair. There was one girl at my left. She was wearing a one-piece with a red coloured jacket perfectly paired with it. I was wearing a pair of black shorts with a red long top covering my thighs. The only other thing common between the four of us except the colour combination was our boots. They were black long boots with silver beads.

"Kim start singing!", I heard someone speak in the earplugs again making me snap out of my trans. The girls were looking at me expectantly. But I had no idea what to do. Seeing me all confused even the crowd's cheer started to die. I looked around nervously and brought the mic near my face and suddenly a loud noise made us all cover our ears.

"What are you doing Kim? You don't bring the mic this close!", the girl on my right scolded me in a low tone.

"Sorry!", my voice echoed. I forgot to cover the mic. And everyone went silent. Now I was a little too embarrassed.

Suddenly the girl on my left shouted, "Who wants to sing with us! 1.. 2..3 music!". The moment she said this music started to play again and the crowd started cheering.

The three of them were moving around, singing and dancing while I just stood at one spot awkwardly, not knowing what to do. The crowd was going crazy and even I was enjoying it a little. Do concerts feel like this? I realized I was tapping my feet with the beats.

I was about to start enjoying it when the girl in short red hair announced my name, "KIM!", she said with a smile and pointed at me. Was it my part? What is my part? The crowd was cheering and the three of them were looking at me and signalling me to do something. So, I did.

I left the mic on the stage and ran away into the curtains on the side of the stage. Now I could hear the gasps and a lot of annoying cussing. I am in a lot of trouble now; I could feel it in my bones.

The crowd went silent and then they started laughing. Wow, I even made this girl a laughing stock now.

I was looking for a way out of these curtains when I felt a hand pull me towards itself.

"What was that Ms Song?", it was the same guy and he was red with anger. "Uhm. I told you so many times I am not Kim Song!", I yelled with tears in my eyes.

"Stop with your nonsense already!", he shouted back. for someone in his mid-40s, he does shout a lot.

"Leave the poor girl alone.", I hear Fiona. She came running to me. "She is not well today. I will take her home now.", Fiona said.

"Do you even understand what she has done! We will be in the headlines tomorrow. Who will answer the higher authorities as to what happened today? This can be the end of Ace.", he was a little too angry now. I mean I know I messed up but why can't they believe me that I am not who they think I am.

"We will discuss that later. Right now, she needs to rest and be away from the wrath of the other girls.", Fiona said and took me with her.

"Is he always like this?", I asked her.

"Who? Mr Haebek! Oh, he is a poor soul dealing with all you little newbie idols. He is not always like this dear. Don't worry he will be okay in a few days.", she said with a warm smile. I like Fiona.

"Ms Fiona what did you mean by the wrath of girls?", I asked her another question. This was troubling me for quite a long now.

"Oh, have you actually lost your memory dear? We need to go see a doctor right now.", she exclaimed and pulled me into a car.

"Ms Song is back this soon? The concert is still going on, right?", the man in the driver's seat asked.

"Our poor girl fainted on the stage and hit her head hard. I guess she has lost her memory.", Fiona said to him. His eyes were now the shape of a saucer. he unbuckled his seatbelt and turned towards us.

"Do you remember me, Miss Song? Can you recognise my handsome face?", he asked all tensed.

"Uhm. Sorry but no. Who are you?", I asked a little unsure of how he will react. He gasped.

"You forgot your only accomplice. You forgot me, who is at your service 24*7.", he said dramatically.

"He is your assistant. Chan wo.", Fiona replied to my question.

"Oh! Hi, Chan wo. Nice to meet you.", I said and put my hand forward for him to shake. He was taken aback. Did I do something wrong again? I smiled at him and he slowly accepted my greetings and did a handshake. After that, I saw him smiling the whole way.

"You didn't answer me, Fiona. What did you mean by the girl's wrath?", I asked her again. She sighed and faced me. "They must be very angry with you for ruining the show like this. That is all that I meant.", she said. But her eyes said there was a lot more to it.

Fiona took my hand in hers and said, "Don't worry, we are here with you. I will talk to the girls first." I smiled at her and nodded unaware of what the future had in hold for me.