
The Idol

Change is the only constant- we all have heard this. But what if God takes this a little too seriously and changes the whole reason of your existence. Stacey is a nerd who loves books and has a little something against KPOP. In the era of KPOP, everyone wants to be a star. But what if your soul is trapped in a KPOP star’s body in a time when KPOP was not in the trend! Wait! There is more- The idol you are trapped inside will die in six months. You are stuck with a murder mystery to solve! You can see ghosts! That’s it maybe. What! There is more? You have an angel at your beck and call! And you fall in love with that angel who has direct links with the king of hell- Lucifer! Now that’s it! Join Stacey in this supernatural ride and fly over Seoul with a black winged devil from heaven!

stuti_saini · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Dark Woods!

I ran into the woods and brought back two branches which were a little flat. I placed one plank on his leg's one side and the second one on the other.

"How am I supposed to tie them?", I asked Mr Kim.

"Are you talking to yourself Ms Song?", Chan asked.

"Yes Chan, I talk to myself when I am tensed.", I replied keeping calm. He is in so much pain and yet he wants to ask questions. He nods at my answer and again puts his head back on the ground trying to relax.

"Use the strap of your bag!", Mr Kim finally suggests. 

"Yes! That's it!", I exclaimed making Chan raise his head again. 

I pick up the bag that is lying on the ground. Chan managed to save himself from a lot of pain by bringing the whole bag than just the medicines. I open the strap from one end and use a sharp stone to cut it off from the other end.

"Here, it is done now!", I say once I have tied down the planks on both sides firmly using the strap.