
Chapter-15 (Corruption and realization)

' 3 minutes is only I have only the process of engraving will hurt...I think so ' He thought as he starts feeling tickling on his back and forearms.

' It feels like an ant bit me ' The sharp rods start engraving into skin and cells and the hot liquid began sticking into his skin.

' Hot and cold what is happening am I...high ' There were fluctuations of cold and hot in the body and feeling sudden weakness with a want to sleep.

The runic symbols were taking effect complex shapes and circles were engraving on his back with some letter, 2 dummy end engraving in his forearms and move to his chest.

" It's good I drank the potion of numbness first otherwise, who knows what I might feel, " He said as the pain of engraving was not much now but it would be more painful without the potion.

The side effect of it was strange but he can continue it as long it's too much pain he can do it as he had very good resistance to pain, illness, and another effect.

" Speed up now " He shouted as one and half a minute had passed and he is halfway through and if it a failure he had to wait another decade for it which was a lot of time.

They switch from sharp rods or pointed needles

for fast work and increased their speed.

' It's bad ' The feel of needles stab into his skin was less hurting but as they were processed and were almost done the pain increase twice fold.

" It's not as harmful as that crazy ritual " He feels pain but when he compares it to the ritual wasn't, it was not that horrible actually it was fun and thrilling.

' Am I M ' He thought for a second and ignore it as it was ticking and hurting him at a small time.

' I am not enjoying it...definitely not ' Convincing himself a little.

" It's about to over " As it was almost done every single of pattern and symbol was completed now, it was the moon's turn to shine and it's light should fall on him too at last.

The three dummy burns one by one and blue and red flames.

On the move, the moonlight touches him a black glow was released from marking as they were stabilizing and adjusting themself.

Lily immediately does to take Corvo out from the marking done on the ground as per his plan, flor was ready too for dropping her tear to heal him.

Flex moves he destroys the area by moving his wings as everything was done as planned.

" D...one " Feeling that his body had reached the limit and the process was done. His entire body

was taken out from marking by Lily and flor drops some tear on his arms and chest.

Just like this, an hour passed they didn't leave him and waited for him to woke up but no response from his side. But they didn't lose hope and wait for more.

Suddenly his body starts healing and recovering his lost stamina gaining his consciousness back. All the marking was fading away.

They start panicking and worried as Corvo's efforts are going away but he was calm just observing his body.

" I am all good, it doesn't feel strange...apart from being lighter than before " He felt nothing wrong and this means everything went the right way and his body was lighter in comparison to before.

He moves, jumps, did some punches in the air there was not a problem at all, neither physically nor mentally.

" 1:45 Am, Flor can you teleport me to my room, need some sleep " He stated as he watches time and flor did what he said to her.

She sits on his left shoulder and urat into flame, teleports to Corvo's room in an instant as he crashes on his soft bed bounce a few times.

" What a thrilling day it was " ' But...I will be waste time if I create something else ' He thought and realized that if he continues to create more and get more but right now is there a need for all these.

He just wastes time creating and creates things he will never be able to do anything more than this all bus plans and dreams were paused and will be passed if he didn't take action upon it.

" I am getting obsessed with all these fascinating this....need to focus on what is needed to be done or my dreams will be turned into fantasy...I am different and can't be carried away just by power and feelings " He was clearing his mind and his obsession with power and power.

Just to make sure you get what will happen on some of the next chapters....

He will get power up...I want his op...

But... one should never forget why he needs it or he will be corrupted by it.

Hate_Lolicreators' thoughts