

In Great walls kingdom, the royal first born always have a monthly pay of a thousand gold coins from the age of fifteen and the second born a monthly pay of half a thousand gold coins at the age fifteen.

Since Lena knew swordsmanship, she always disguised into a young lad for the competition and she always made money which she used to buy what she needed and she also used that to give tips to her maids and soldiers. She never used her monthly pay.

Tammy spent most of her money on makeup and lavish gowns. Her room decoration took two quarter of her yearly pay when she she was twelve. The next years, one quarter of her yearly pay went on makeup and shoes, while the other quarter went on lavish gown, then she saved the rest. She gifts her clothes three years later except the ones she realtlove. Some to her maids, others to her friends and the rest to the people.


Lena was almost done with her packing and she was left with only a day to finish. She went to the market with the savings she kept for buying gifts for the king and his children. She chose several gifts with the help of her five maids. When she was done, they hurried back to her palace so she could finish packing.


The next morning, she woke up and took a bath ate and was ready to set off. She took with her five of her most trusted maids and soldiers. She gave tips of twenty gold coins each to the rest of the maids and soldiers which were going to stay back.

When she was ready to set off, she went to meet her royal parents.

"Royal father, royal mother, it's time to go" she said with a slight bow.

"Take care of yourself during this journey and don't forget to extend our greetings to king Ethan and his children" Queen Fallone said.

King Joshua took out a bag and gave a soldier to pass it unto his royal child and said.

"That bag contains your monthly pay for the next four months and it also contains the monthly pay of the maids and soldiers which are going with you" he said

"Thank you royal father, thank you royal mother" she said while giving her final bow before leaving.

She saw her royal sister waiting for her infront of her carriage. They hugged themselves before she took off.