

[WARNING] MATURE CONTENT -What's that? Can you repeat what you just said there? Walking furiously up and down his office in tones as dark as his aura, Hackim El Hassan struck his only friend and right-hand man with his dark gaze. - Your Majesty understands that I had no choice. Amid explained in his paused voice, trying to calm the flare of fury he sensed in the young king. Without answering him, Hackim went to sit behind his desk with his brain running at full speed to find a way out of the quagmire in which his adviser had plunged him. Putting his glance on this last one who in a humble but majestic posture did not let appear anything of his thoughts, he suspected him of having made it purposely and his suspicions were confirmed when after a brief curtsy, he left the office without trying to help him to find a solution to his problem which for him obviously was not one. Who is Hackim and in which quagmire has he been plunged by his advisor? Is he a traitor or just an advisor concerned about his king? What is going to happen to him and to ... Her? Who is she anyway? Well, the next pages will tell us!

Modestine_SODANSOU · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 11

While the private jet began its descent on Khahazan soil, Mia, her forehead glued to the window pane, thought back to her adventures of these last bears with this man straight out of the abyss. She didn't really know what made him leave behind his crazy side that only his closest friends knew about him. To everyone else, she was a quiet, shy, introverted girl and that suited her well. Why hadn't she behaved like that with him? She wouldn't have been so unwittingly familiar with him and he wouldn't have felt insulted. He would therefore not have fomented this Machiavellian plan to punish her.

- Miss we just landed, so please follow us.

With a long, deep sigh, she unbuckled her seatbelt and stood up, smoothing her dress nervously.

"As long as their prisons are a minimum comfortable and that I get out of them as soon as possible" she thought to herself, convinced that from the airport she would be taken to a cell. What was his surprise when, opening the door for him, one of the guards made him understand that they were going to the palace! However, she said nothing and merely turned her head towards the window to observe the landscape that passed before her eyes. And to tell the truth, she still saw nothing out of the ordinary. In any case, nothing worth all the enthusiasm and excitement of her friend who at the moment should be jostling all her high-placed acquaintances to bring her back to the country. She was there in her thoughts when she saw walls so high that it was impossible to guess what they were hiding. They drove along the walls for a good ten minutes before a gate opened in front of them allowing him to see inside the walls. She was more than amazed. So, without waiting for the guards, she went out into the courtyard subjugated by so much beauty, to better nourish her eyes. In fact, right in the middle of the courtyard, the end of which she could not determine, sat three lions' heads with jets of water gushing from their mouths forming a pretty fountain that captured the attention. A few meters to the left of the gigantic fountain, you could see the outline of a well-maintained garden. She also wondered how this was possible given the very high temperature of the place. Moreover, a little further to the right, we could see a building isolated from the others which was guarded by guards of such imposing stature that it would scare off any curious person. Absorbed in the contemplation of the place, she did not see Amid coming in her direction, who cleared his throat discreetly, making Mia turn around in her direction. The flame that a few moments earlier danced in the eyes of the young foreigner goes out to leave room only for a face with a defeatist expression.

-Hello Miss Khelani and welcome to the Khahazan. I apologize for the circumstances of your arrival in our dear country but I think it was necessary. Allow me to introduce myself before showing you to your room. I am Amid Farah, his Majesty Hackim El Hassan's adviser.

Mia observed the man who, despite the circumstances in which they met, still inspires her with comfort. His calm voice and wise appearance was the cause. Shrugging her shoulders, she remained silent, deeming it unnecessary to introduce herself as suggested by the basics of courtesy. He already knew her name and she had no desire to argue with him as if she were a guest when she was a prisoner.

Understanding the closed attitude of the young woman, Amid was not offended but made a sign to her to follow him and preceded her to lead her to her room. Besides, very few things offended him. And for good reason ! He was working with the most irritating man the earth had known. He was somehow immune. A man who, moreover, had no idea of ​​the presence of the young foreigner in his palace.

Exhausted from riding out into the desert to chat with the Bedouin tribes there, Hackim pulled Habbar's saddle with his dark-coated pureblood with whom he had been through hell to stop in the yard then takes him to the stable in his box. His horse, since the war wound which had almost cost him his life, no longer let anyone except his master approach him. Probably because he had been the only witness of the latter's moments of weakness. Hackim therefore took care of his horse alone. Coming out of the stable after bidding his horse good night, he walked to his office when he met Maya, one of the young servants in the house with a meal tray heading for the guest wing. Surprised, he frowned and called out to her.

- Where are you going with the meal tray? he asked

- Good evening Your Majesty. I bring it to Miss Khelani under the orders of Mr. Farah. She explained in a trembling voice intimidated by the presence of the king.

- Sorry ? Which Miss Khelani ? …..

-She came from USA to Khahazan a few hours ago and refused to eat or drink something since she arrived. We've been told that she is your guest and we should take care of her. The young servant answer.

"This is nothing but Amid's shenanigans" Hackim says to himself before taking the tray from Maya's hands to head for the only room he was sure Amid would give to Mia Khelani with the firm intention of understanding the purpose of his presence. Besides, why had she come alone ? She who never separated from her friend ?

How dare Amid not inform him ?


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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