
The Hybrids of Light and Darkness

Le Yuki wanted to be free from this nightmare of being forced married, but before she was even wed a young servant girl helps her escape from the palace. Soon she meets Fenikkusu an assassin who will kill her if she doesn't be careful of what she says. Now Yuki must understand the cost of her freedom and create her own path or will she fall in love with her killer and discover some unique secrets... (Copyright)

LadyTheHybridGirl · Fantasie
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14 Chs

The Protective Black Wolf


The sun light slowly crept into the cave and Yuki woke up to a good smell. Fenikkusu was cooking some breakfast. He didn't even notice that Yuki woke up until he heard a female moan.

Fenikkusu looked at her then he said, "Morning Yuki, did you sleep ok last night?"

"Yeah I slept ok last night, but I don't remembered putting a blanket over me or laying on the ground," Yuki said in complete confusion.

"You were falling asleep and you nearly hit your head on the floor. Luckily I was able to be quick enough to place my hand under your head. As for the blanket, I was the one who put the blanket on you," Fenikkusu said as he tried to refocus on making breakfast.


After breakfast Yuki gathered her belongings, headed into the forest and didn't looked back without telling him. She wanted to head to the city of the Beastmen which was the perfect place to hide since she was a Beastmen herself. All of a sudden a dark creature came out of nowhere and attack Yuki. She tried to run, but she tripped and fell. She closed her eyes and waited for her death.

"Yuki.... Hey Yuki!!" said a voice which sounded like something was breathing right next to her ear.

Yuki slowly opened her eyes and saw a wolf very close to her face. It slowly transformed before Yuki's eyes and it had transformed into Fenikkusu. The good thing was he had pants on which was a sigh of relief for Yuki. He slowly stood up and held out his hand so she could stand up.

"Why didn't you say that was you the first time you said my name?" said Yuki as she softly blushed, while she was still on the ground.

Fenikkusu looked at her before he said, "I'm sorry Yuki. I didn't mean to frighten you and I was only trying to protect you from that dark creature."

Yuki started to cry because of how frighten she was out here beyond the palace walls. There was no turning back now nor ever. Out of nowhere she was embraced by Fenikkusu. He lowered himself down to the ground while hugging Yuki in his arms. He slowly strokes her soft hair trying to calm the frighten Yuki down.

"Shhh.... Yuki it's ok," he said before he continued to speak. "I should of had told you that I'm a Beastmen and I should of kept a better eye on you. So please don't cry Yuki, I'm already hating seeing you cry."

Yuki slowly calmed her breathing and tried to wipe away her tears. She felt something she hasn't felt in a long time... she felt safe and warmth from this person who was helping her. After awhile, he lifted her up and carried her through the woods since her ankle was still in pain.


Soon they arrived at a stable and Fenikkusu place Yuki under a tree.

"Wait here Yuki and don't move or else your ankle going to get worse," he said as he headed to the stable.

Yuki didn't want to sit down for just a sprain so she stood up and went over to the field. Suddenly Yuki heard some children screaming and running towards her. They quickly hid behind her as a pack of shadow wolves ran right towards them.

"Please save us Light Wolf," one of the children said.

The Light Wolf was a white wolf with the powers to control light itself and it was a powerful creature almost like a god.

Yuki pulled out her knife and said, "There is no use relying on some thing that may not exist. Right now what you have the most strongest thing, you guys have.... each other!!!"

When she swung her knife it had transformed into a powerful katana which cut through one of the shadow wolves. Yuki was amazed by this and so we're the kids. But it didn't stop another one from attacking. Yuki was prepared for the attack, but Fenikkusu in his wolf formed attacked it along with some others. Some of the shadow wolves ran away, leaving Fenikkusu standing there watching them run away.

He stared at her then he smiled weakly before he spoke, "Yuki... I'm glad you're..."

Fenikkusu transformed back to a human after he fainted. Yuki rushed over to his side in panic and rolled him onto his back.

"Fenikkusu.... Please wake up.... FENIKKUSU!!" Yuki said in complete scared and panic voice.

The parents of the kids rushed over and saw her shaking him and trying to wake him up. She couldn't do anything... until she thought of the unthinkable.

She slowly went close to his face and kissed him directly on his lips. Then she pried open his mouth with her tongue so she can breathe air into him. After some time he was breathing again and Yuki stopped breathing air into him. He opened his eyes and saw Yuki sitting right beside him and she was crying. He sat up and out of nowhere Yuki hugged him.

She sobbed before she said, "I thought I had lost you for good. Please Fenikkusu don't scare me like that!!"

"Yuki..." he said, while he hugged her back and a tear slowly went down Fenikkusu's cheek.


They soon got a horse and they were traveling down the dirt road. Yuki sat behind Fenikkusu as he was controlling the horse with the reins. Yuki was afraid that she might fall off of the horse. So, she wrapped her gentle hands around his waist and held on to dear life.

Fenikkusu blushed, but tried to pay attention to what he was doing. The journey began for both Yuki and Fenikkusu....., but for how long will Yuki keep to herself that she's Le Yuki of the Snow Kingdom from Fenikkusu.