
King Gilgamesh 2/2

All the gods watched with considerable curiosity as the tar pit began to emerge a man with dark skin and black hair, who had a well-worked body because the muscles could be seen too defined.

The man started to climb out of the black tar, and unlike Enkidu; It didn't take long for him to stand up and stare in amazement at his hands.

"It was a long time ago that I could feel my hands with such reality that I can even think that this is one of his crazy dreams brought by loneliness.

But even if it's a dream, he had to be thankful to be able to look at my hands in this state. It's been a long time since I felt so alive.

It is quite beautiful and at the same time it disturbs me a bit because knowing my luck I am almost sure that it is most likely that I will end up facing a damn nightmare.

Last time it lasted almost 5 years if dream time can be accurately measured, but sadly I can't do anything. That's my curse for being King Gilgamesh."