
Chapter 16 Su Family Siblings

Translator: 549690339



Let's divide it then!

Su Yunjin doesn't care!

"What are you laughing at?" Su Yunjin, with a face uncaring, angered Mrs. Zhang! For them, the division of the family was a good thing, but for Su Yunjin and her husband, it was not something beneficial.

Now, both of them relied entirely on the Gu Family for food. If they were really to split away, with one of them limp and the other weak, they might not even have any rice to cook.

"Big sister, if you want to divide the family, go talk to our mother! What's the use of telling me? Whether we divide the family or not is not for me to decide. I wonder if you're talking to the wrong person about the family division?"

Su Yunjin casually wiped her hands, which had some porridge on them from eating, a bit sticky. Mrs. Zhang choked on her words.

Her face grew even uglier.

She had brought up the topic of family division before! Infuriatingly, her mother-in-law favored Gu Ya and his wife, and simply would not agree to it, even scolding her severely.

She was out of options! That was why she made a fuss and came to Su Yunjin!

If her mother-in-law had agreed to the division, would she even need to come to Su Yunjin? She and her husband would have split off and lived on their own long ago!

"Yunjin! Guess who's back?" Gu Ya hobbled in from outside the door on his crutches, and upon seeing Mrs. Zhang, he paused briefly before speaking, "Big sister, you're here too?"

Mrs. Zhang kept a dark face and said nothing, but Gu Ya didn't care. Since his leg injury, Mrs. Zhang, his sister-in-law, had never shown him a friendly face.

Gu Ya didn't take Mrs. Zhang seriously. It was only out of respect for his older brother that he got along with Mrs. Zhang superficially, without taking her behavior to heart.

"Little sister! Are you really awake?" The man following Gu Ya came in and, on seeing Su Yunjin, became very excited. His voice carried surprise, and there were even tears appearing in his eyes, "It's wonderful, wonderful, Little sister, it's good that you're alright, good that you're alright."

The newcomer was Su Yunjin's older brother, Su Muze, who had been extremely anxious since Su Yunjin's drowning accident. In recent days, Su Muze had been running around borrowing money to find a doctor for Su Yunjin.

In addition to Su Muze, Su Yunjin's second sister Su Ningxiu and younger brother Su Xiaobao also followed behind Su Muze. Upon seeing Su Yunjin awake, they too were overjoyed, "Little sister, you finally woke up! You don't know, after your accident, everyone was so worried!"

Su Xiaobao ran up to Su Yunjin in a few strides, hugging her tightly, his tone full of grievance, "Sister, they all said you drowned, it's too much!"

After Su Yunjin's accident, her parents had gone to her grandparents asking for money to hire a doctor for Su Yunjin, but her grandparents refused to give even a single copper coin.

They said Su Yunjin had already drowned, so why hire a doctor? What was worse, Su Yunjin's step-grandmother even wanted to have Su Yunjin buried. Fortunately, the people from Gu Family and Gu Ya arrived in time to take Su Yunjin away from the Su Family.

Ten-year-old Su Xiaobao, due to long-term malnutrition, was neither tall nor fat, but the little guy had a lot of strength in his hands. He hugged Su Yunjin so tightly that she struggled to breathe.

Knowing that her little brother truly cared about her, Su Yunjin spoke to him gently, comforting, "Xiaobao, be good, sister is fine now, don't worry!"

"Little sister, are you really alright?" Su Muze, Su Yunjin's older brother, was still worried, thinking Su Yunjin might just be saying that to console Su Xiaobao.

Second sister Su Ningxiu was also not quite assured, "Little sister, do you feel discomfort anywhere? We have borrowed some silver now, and with the silver, we can hire a doctor for you."
