

Iris Bloodmoon, she wanted nothing more than to feel free, to feel normal…but she wasn’t normal, far from it. She was the last white wolf left of her kind, and soon to be Luna of her pack, she has expectations she’s expected to reach, but what happens when a hunter is thrown into the mix? —————— Xander Cooper- werewolf hunter. With a long, mysterious and…complicated background, he knows it’s not ethical, but then again, since when has that stopped anyone?

Nonexistent911 · Fantasie
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47 Chs

Chapter twenty-nine


My head feels so foggy, I felt someone grab my hand before the person started speaking.

"Please baby wake up, I can't do this without you, you're my everything, you've been out for so long Iris, please I want you, no I need you to wake up, I love you so much Iris" I recognized the voice as Xanders and I tried to move my hand, I pealed my eyes open slightly as the harsh light in the room blinded me, I looked down at Xander with a small smile as his head shot up and he looked at me.

"I love you too Xander" I said and he stood up so fast

"Iris? please tell me I'm not dreaming and you're actually awake" he said and I giggled lightly although it was hard to do since my throat felt dryer than the Sahara desert 

"I'm here, I'm awake" I said with a smile and he sighed running over to me and hugged me hard making me wince slightly from the pain I still kind of had from my injury.

"oh shit I'm sorry baby" he said easing up on me lightly and I giggled

"It's okay" I whisper back and he turned his head to kiss me, I kissed him back feverishly and I went to wrap my arms around his neck but I felt a pull on my arm, I pulled away from the kiss and looked down to see an IV in my arm.

"fucking christ" I whispered before I yanked the thing out of my arm, I turned back and kissed him wrapping my arms around his neck successfully this time, I pulled away placing my forehead against his.

"I hate to ruin the mood, but can you please get me a glass of water?" I asked and he chuckled making me shiver

"okay, I'll be right back" he said getting up and rushing to the kitchen, I stayed in the bed and took in my surroundings, I was in one of the rooms in the hospital wing, it smelt of hand sanitizer and rubber gloves, I was wear a blue hospital gown. 

Xander soon came back into the room with a glass of water, seeing the water made me realize how thirsty I actually was.

"here you go" he said handing me the glass

"thank you" I responded taking a sip of the water before practically pouring it down my throat and it instantly made me feel so much better.

"I don't know about you but I'm starving" I said and he laughed

"I'll bring you a change of clothes" he said before heading out once again, I waited about 10 minutes before he came back, Kris following him in, once her eyes landed on me she smiled at me with relief, she ran over and hugged me and I hugged her back just as hard.

"oh Iris I missed you so much, a lot has changed within the month you were out" I raised my eyebrows

"what? a month?" I asked and she nodded

"yeah, you've been in a coma for a month" she said and I tensed slightly, I was out for a month? I missed so much school, and my training, oh god and my duties as the future Luna.

"calm that pretty head of yours" Xander said kissing the top of my head and I relaxed a little bit.

"I had to help Xander pick your clothes since he has zero fashion sense at all" Kris stated and Xander scoffed

"hey, I'm good with boy fashion, not girl" he said defending himself and I laughed at the two of them, I'm definitely glad that the two of them became closer while I was..out.

"can someone just help me change so I can eat?" I asked and Xander looked at me with mischief dancing in his eyes.

"I can definitely help you change" he growled lowly and I remembered something, I'll have to bring it up later when we're alone though.

"nice try lover boy, out" Kris said with a laugh and he pouted before walking out of the room closing the door behind him. 

Kris came over and helped me stand up since my legs felt like jello from the lack of use of them, she walked me over to the sink since I wanted to wash my face, I saw a mirror in the corner of the room and slowly walked over to it, I looked like shit, my skin was sickly pale and my eyes had bags under them even though I took a month long nap, my hair was dead and lifeless.

"here" Kris said handing me my clothes, I changed into a white lace bra with matching panties, I then threw on a pair of short jean shorts and a purple tank top with a low cut neck line with purple diamond lining the neck line.

"thanks" I said after I changed

I walked out the door where Xander was waiting for me, he looked at me and smiled and that small gesture made my stomach tingle.

"ready beautiful?" he asked and I smiled at him nodding my head he reached down and grabbed my hand.

"Kris, tell everyone she's awake and I took her to get food" Xander said to Kris and she gave a quick 'okay' before turning around and walking towards the living room.

Xander led me to his truck and we hopped in, he turned on the radio before we started driving, one of my favorite song came on 'witchblades' by lil peep and he changed the station.

"hey I liked that song" I whined and he laughed changing it back to the other station to make me happy and I smiled contently singing to the song.

"Switch blade, cocaine, goth boy clique make a hoe shake" I sang and chuckled at me

"black fur, black coat, goth boy clique in the back hoe" I continued and he turned up the volume.

"In high school I was a loner, I was a reject, I was a poser, multiple personalities, I'm bipolar, I swear I mean well, I'm still going to hell" he sang along with me and I laughed along with him.

"what do you want to eat?" he asked and I thought for a second before smiling at him

"Chinese" I said and he chuckled

"okay, but we have to preorder so we'll have to wait a bit" he said and I shrugged

"I don't care I just really want crab ragoons" I said and he laughed at me, we pulled into the Chinese place and he dialed the number placing our orders.

"okay it will be fifteen minutes until our food is done" he said after hanging up the phone.

"okay" I said, and the question I so desperately wanted to know

"what's running through that head of yours" he asked and I looked over at him.

"the night I was hurt, I remember everything, someone threw a damn spear at me, but they grabbed it after, thinking I must have been dead, but I remember you, you weren't human Xander you were one of us" I said and he tensed a bit before giving me a tight lipped smile.

"about that" he said and I looked at him expectantly 

"I'm a half breed"