
The Hunt For Arcane

Artiyom wakes up from a long slumber. He has lost most of his memories. A strange memory of an unknown woman haunts him. He can Control this strange yet miraculous power of Arcane. What was the reason behind his long slumber? Who is the woman in his memories? Who is he? Why can he harness the power of Arcane? What happened to him? Where exactly is he? Artiyom sets out to find answer of his questions in this Strange world which is absolutely beautiful yet dangers and foes lurks in every corner.

Little_Sherlock · Fantasie
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1 Chs


A dark corridor stretched endlessly as if it was leading to the abyss itself.

A faint sound of something dripping could be heard coming from somewhere within the corridor.

There lay a small structure which seemed like a coffin, but it was too alien to be actually called a coffin. Strange symbols and writing can be found all over this strange structure, but the strangest thing perhaps was a foreign liquid that was constantly dripping drop by drop on this structure, as the liquid would drop all the symbols and writing on this structure would light up.

Suddenly the symbols and writing on the structure light up more brightly than ever. The magical looking liquid stopped dripping on it. The whole atmosphere surrounding it changed, it was almost as if the atmosphere itself was being sucked in by the writings on the structure. There was soon a loud crack and the structure started to crumbling into fine sand.

After the structure got decimated, one could point out a faint outline of a person, a human between the sand. A male with pale white skin, and a well proportioned face which was so beautiful that it seemed like it was crafted by the god of beauty herself. There was no doubt that the man lying down was no ordinary person. He gave off a mysterious and unexplainable feeling.

The man was breathing slowly which means he wasn't dead, which was a mystery in itself. There were several similar markings on his body just like the structure. Suddenly his body started twitching violently, it seemed like he was going to wake up soon.

Within seconds he sat up straight panting heavily, he was clutching his head as if it was hurting him. He tried to stand up but his legs failed him and he slumped down, it seemed like he was really struggling to take in his surroundings as he has just woken up from who knows how long of a slumber. He finally let go of his head and his breathing stabilized, the pain in his head has finally subsided. He tried to stand up again with the support of a nearby pillar. The corridor was fully submerged in darkness but it seemed as though it was not a problem for him to see even in this kind of darkness. He slowly started walking through the gloomy corridor while limping, it was still hard for him to stand and walk properly, he similar to a small child who tried to walk for the first time.

He walking through the corridor for what seemed like a eternity. Considering the fact every on then his head started hurting and he would slumped down the ground while clutching his head. After a while a bright light could be seen in a distance. Looking at the light was blinding for him which was fair given how long he had spent slumbering in that coffin covered with total darkness. He tried speed up his pace to reach the source of the light as soon as he could.

Soon he reached the place where the light was coming from. It was coming from a small hole within what seemed to be a massive boulder. It seemed like there was a gateway here was it was blocked by this boulder. He tried to push it but to no avail his body was so frail right now that it was a miracle that he even made it here.

He sat down next to the boulder not sure what to do next. He was thinking, suddenly sharp pain erupted in his head. It felt like his head was going to explode, he screamed his head was being flooded with burst of memories.

"So you came here Artiyom. So you really want to learn it hmm."

A woman in a elegant gown, with her mystical looking dazzling white hair was standing in a sea of flowers . She was so beautiful that flower that surrounded her seemed to fade away in her presence, her voice was as sweet as an singing nightingale. She called him Artiyom. Was this his name why couldn't he remember it? Who was this woman? He also didn't remember her, did he perhaps know her? There were so many questions in his head but he couldn't even think straight because of the pain.

"Now pay attention Artiyom. It's very simple, you just have to calm your heart and close your eyes."

"Try to feel it, the essence of Arcane. The energy of life that flows through each and every thing in this universe."

"The concept of Arcane is to master the control of this very energy."

" Now watch 'Aeolus' see that Artiyom that's how you do it, did you get all that."

The mysterious woman was explaining many things about Arcane to Artiyom. Although he himself had no idea what any of that meant, but as soon as that woman said those strange words (Aeolus), something amazing happened the flowers that were just surrounding her began circling around her as if they were carried by a gust of wind then suddenly they shot forward with a great force enough to destroy the wall on the other end of the garden.

The pain in his head grew so intense after this little piece of memory played inside his head that he lost his consciousness and fell to the ground. Artiyom woke up moments later his head still stinging from the pain. He couldn't quite comprehend what just happened, it seemed very strange to him that his head started hurting and a old memories that he had no clue of suddenly played inside his head. Although he had a thousands of questions, he knew sitting here in dark and thinking isn't going to get him anywhere. So he decided to try what he saw in his memory although he couldn't fully comprehend what he saw, he had a strange feeling in his heart that he could perform that miracle too. So he took a deep breath and tried to feel this so called essence of Arcane.

A very surprising thing happened as if it was natural for him. He felt a weird energy rising near his heart. It felt very comfortable, he wasn't sure what was happening but he decided to whisper the same word as the woman in his memories 'Aeolus'. Miraculously gust of wind started swirling around him he felt like he could command this gust to go wherever he wanted it to, so he raised he hand toward that massive boulder. The wind around him shot forward and collided with that massive boulder and smashed it into pieces. It was like hundreds and thousands of bulls smashed into the boulder, it was much more powerful than what he saw in his memory. He was left dumbfounded at this power and how easily he could do it.

But his surprise didn't last long, a gentle gust of wind came from the new formed entrance. He stepped outside of the entrance and he almost forgot to breathe at what he saw outside.