
The Human Era

Leon lived his whole life feeling a strange emptiness in his chest, as if something crucial was missing. Then, days after breaking up with his girlfriend, an accident takes his life. When he thought he would never open his eyes again, a New Era welcomed him.

Nardez · Fantasie
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4 Chs

The Infinity Hunting System

There are a few things I forgot to say at the beginning of the previous chapter:

First: the MC of this novel was made to be as OP as possible. Like, extremely talented in cultivation, high speed of learning, photographic memory, being able to lift the penis without blinking the anus, that kind of thing. So, if you don't like MC's overly OP's, this novel is probably not for you.

Second: officially, this is the third novel I am publishing. So I don't have a lot of experience on how to organize my ideas, write plots and everything. You will probably find many script holes in this novel, so I apologize in advance for that.

Third: I wrote this novel right when I had just finished reading the most recent chapter of Pocket Hunting Dimension, so I was just thinking about "pocket hunting dimension" like, all the time, so there will be many... similar things here.

And I think this is it. Man, if I keep putting these notices at the beginning of every chapter, I'm going to write a whole novel just for notices. I need to fix this.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter.


Leon was obviously very confused by the current situation. How did he get there? The last thing he remembered was that he was dreaming of a world where his emptiness did not exist.

While he was lost in thought, Leon suddenly started to feel unbearable pain in the head, as if someone had just hit him with a baseball bat. Of iron. And full of nails.

The pain grew stronger as time went by and Leon felt like his head was going to explode at any moment. He lay on the bed, squirmed, groaned in pain, but it was no use.

Then, as if something inside him had been released, a flood of memories invaded Leon's head. The pain stopped for a moment and Leon was barely able to process what was happening.

The name of the previous owner of this body was Arthur Lionheart, one of the three children of the couple Maria Lionheart and James Wenston. He had an older sister named Ingrid and a younger brother named John. His parents worked at a company that sold equipment to cultivators.

Arthur had a normal life. He went to school, went out with his friends, made mistakes like any teenager and spent time with his family. Happy, sad moments, anguish, regrets ...

Leon had to receive all of this at once.

Because of the sudden shock, Leon's brain did not know how to react. If Leon were a monitor, he would definitely be showing "Error 404" at this point.

For the second time in a short time, Leon lost consciousness.

* * *

Half an hour later, Leon woke up. While sleeping, he had a long dream. Very long. A dream that lasted 16 years, in fact. All of Arthur's memories were merged with his.

Leon rubbed his temples that still hurt slightly and looked at the ceiling. Now, putting the two lives together, he was 43 in memories. But that didn't make Leon feel any wiser or anything.

Whether in this life or the previous one, he was still young, after all.

Leon got up and sat on the bed cross-legged. He wanted to test something he discovered from Arthur's memories.

Thousands of years ago, mankind discovered Ki. Currently, 4668 a.E., the techniques for cultivating Ki within your body had already spread throughout the Milky Way and anyone could use them.

When Leon heard this, he felt his heart beat faster. Who would have thought he would be reincarnated in such a wonderful time?

Digging through Arthur's memories, Leon quickly discovered how to cultivate Ki. Basically, he had to attract Ki into the air around him and accumulate it inside his body.

The first stage of Ki cultivation was called the "Martial Foundation". As its name says, here its entire foundation is built and it strongly affects all its future path in cultivation.

Arthur was at the first level of the Martial Foundation, which was divided into 9 levels. At that level, he was only slightly stronger than an ordinary human.

Closing his eyes, Leon followed the technique in his memories and cleared his mind. Soon, he began to expand his senses out of his body. The first step was to feel the Ki.

Half a minute later, Leon felt a strange energy around him, traveling slowly and smoothly through the air. So, he tried to attract that energy to his body.

Slowly and gradually, the energy began to approach. Through her pores, she entered his body and filled his bones, flesh, blood, organs ... everything.

At that moment, Leon felt a strange electrifying feeling go through his whole body. Then, all of a sudden, his whole previous life passed before his eyes.

From his earliest memories, from "panic attacks", to his most recent memory, from the age in which he lived in a magical and fantasy world. The emptiness that was always there, slowly consuming Leon's life.

That same emptiness, which plagued him 24 hours a day, every day ... was gone. Just like a puzzle that received its last piece, Leon felt complete.

He even forgot to continue farming. Distracted by this strange feeling, Leon touched his chest and concentrated.

Ba-thump. Ba-thump. Ba-thump.

He felt his heart pounding. Stronger than ever.

Unconsciously, Leon formed the biggest smile of his life - of his two lives. The joy he was feeling now could not be measured in words. It was simply giant.

What he always wanted to achieve, without even knowing it ... was Ki.

Then, like a child after receiving the best gift of his life, Leon laughed. He laughed with all his strength and vented alone, in his room. His laughter echoed not only around his house, but also throughout the entire block. Everyone heard.

All the anguish, sadness and pain that Leon felt ... everything was thrown away amid his laughter and tears.

This went on for 10 full minutes. When Leon finally managed to calm down, his throat was hoarse and his eyes were red.

"Haha ... haha ​​... what the fuck ... pfftthahahaha!"

With a final laugh, Leon calmed down and wiped the remaining tears from her eyes. Fortunately, because it was a new year, his family was not at home, otherwise they would be knocking on his door asking what had happened.

Leon lay on his bed and closed his eyes. He rested for a few moments and went back to farming. However, he was still lying down.

Unlike before, where Leon had to concentrate for half a minute to feel the Ki around him, this time he felt it when he closed his eyes. In fact, he could already feel it without closing his eyes, he was just too distracted to notice.

Gently, the energy converged on his entire body, strengthening his muscles, bones, blood and organs. Immersed in cultivation, Leon did not notice the time passing.

His cultivation level quickly increased. From the first level, he went on to the second, the third ... in just a few hours, Leon broke all the chains that held his cultivation and reached the fourth level. At that level, he was already many times stronger than an ordinary human.

When he finally reached 4th level, Leon stopped farming. Feeling a strange sense of accomplishment, he relaxed his mind and body. Minutes later, he fell into a deep sleep.

Moments later, Leon opened his eyes again. However, he was not in his room, but in a different place. Everything around him was black, as if he had been thrown into an abyss at its bottom.

Looking further, Leon saw something. In the middle of the darkness, there was a large, golden, glowing vortex, rotating slowly.

Seeing that, Leon felt strangely attracted. His eyes were completely fascinated and, without realizing it, he extended his right hand towards the vortex.

Suddenly, the speed of the vortex increased dramatically and began to suck everything around it - including Leon. Despite being sucked into a strange golden vortex, however, Leon was not afraid and let himself be carried away.

At some point, he crossed the center of the vortex, which was a kind of portal.

For a few seconds, the darkness embraced him again. Then, in an instant, Leon found himself in a whole new environment. Unlike before, he was now on solid ground. Around him, a horizon of trees stretched and the sun was so strong that he had to close his eyes.

Leon was already confused enough to have reincarnated, but now he had been teleported to a completely strange place after falling asleep.

"What the hell is this place?" Leon murmured to himself as he looked around.

At first glance, it looked just like a normal forest, but something inside Leon said that place was dangerous. However, before he could think more about it, he heard a bell tinkle from somewhere.

Leon looked this way and looked the other, but found nothing. Then, looking ahead, he saw something that made his jaw drop.

[Welcome to the Infinite Hunt System!

Before starting your hunt, select four of the following skills:

1. Elementary Force.

2. Stealth.

3. Berseker's Blood.

4. Super Regeneration.

5. No One Can Stop Me.

6. Blink.

7. Sword Aura.

8. Mana Breath.

9. Master Hunter.

10. Fire Encarnation.

11. True Damage.

12. Orc Health.

13. Darkness.]

[If the user does not make a choice in the next three minutes, the System would choose the skills at random.]

"What the fuck? Skills?" - Leon was so surprised and confused that you could almost see a question mark above his head. - "Could you at least explain what is going on!"

Despite his complaints, however, the System did not listen to him. Beside the window that listed the skills, a three-minute timer started to spin slowly.

Even though he still didn't understand anything of what was happening, Leon hurried on. Next to the skills, there was a "+" sign, which when pressed, showed the description of the skill.

Leon quickly read them one by one. Two minutes later, he already had a basic understanding of the 12 skills.

'The Elementary Force is interesting, being able to create control of the four elements would definitely be useful in the vast majority of situations. Stealth is a good skill to ensure my survival, as well as Super Regeneration, which incidentally blends well with Berserker's Blood and No One Can Stop Me. Blink would be a good choice, since teleporting anywhere in my field of vision would be extremely useful for escaping or repositioning myself. Mana Breath seems to be a breathing technique using mana, but I don't even know if there is mana in the Milky Way. Sword Aura is a skill related to the sword, but I like fighting with my fists more... Fire Encarnation literally turns my body into fire and True Damage ignores any and all defense from the enemy. Does Master Hunter seem to... give me deep knowledge about the art of hunting monsters? A little weird, but okay. Finally, the Darkness skill... don't have a description.'

Yes, of the 12 skills, only one did not have an explanation of its capabilities: Darkness. In a situation like this, anyone would discard that ability for the simple fact of not knowing what it does, but Leon was strangely attracted to it. Something inside him, an instinct, told him that choosing that skill would bring him great benefits.

Following his instincts, Leon made his choices. All the skills were good, in fact, and he wanted to be able to take them all, but unfortunately the circumstances did not allow it.

When the timer finally reached zero, a new screen appeared above the other two:

[The skills chosen by the user were: Stealth, Super Regeneration, Blink and Darkness. The System wishes you luck in your hunt.]

Of the four skills Leon chose, three were focused on survival. After all, just surviving that he could continue his story. Above all, Leon couldn't die now. Not when he had just reincarnated.

Leon still had a lot of history ahead of him.

If you guys find any error, please let me know that i will fix it as soon as possible! Also, if possible, give me some tips or constructive criticism! It really motivates me to write a better novel for all of you.

Nardezcreators' thoughts