
The Howling Alpha

Byrandan, the planet of werewolves, gets attacked by the vampires from the planet of Pamlivam. The young werewolf prince, Zane, manages to escape and finds his way to Earth, the planet of humans. Still being a young werewolf, he doesn't know how to protect himself. He doesn't even know his own capabilities or strength. Werewolves and vampires, both having the ability of shifting forms, are dangerous to each other. In his human form, Zane passes as a human, but he needs to hunt, he needs to eat. He was hungry and dying in the streets when he found himself in an orphanage, it was the most peculiar orphanage he had ever seen. Small kids performed magic,where he found creatures he had never heard of before and he found a girl, he didn't know her abilities and she hid it from him. Zane was oblivious of the girl's true identity, but when he actually found out who she really was. His whole life changed. And the challenges begin when it's found that Zane is actually an alpha. This book travels from the planet of Werewolves and Vampires to the planet of humans and from there, it takes a turn to the realm of other beings and includes adventure, discovery and a lot more , because world is limited to human eyes and senses, but actually it is something bigger, something greater that we cannot see or feel, but this book takes you to the land you have never been to. It takes you to meet creatures you have never met and it takes you on a journey to explore more. The Howling Alpha takes you to explore more than just what you think is the limit, because, the world is limitless.

Ramsha_Rais · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Trust issues

Laurel was just about to open the door when Zane knocked.

"Who is it now?", grumbled Laurel before opening the door.

She was wearing a black dress.

"Wow you look nice",said Zane

"Thanks",said Laurel straightening her dress with her hands. "You don't look so bad yourself"

"Come on I never look bad!",said Zane spreading his hands and looking down at his suit with a long frock and a bow tie

Laurel rolled her eyes. "I assume you didn't come all the way here just to compliment me"

"Umm...no I didn't", confirmed Zane. "I wanted to ask you about something"

"Yeah? What about?"

"Well..... yesterday",said Zane scratching his chin," When Kendra asked me about what my powers were....I was tempted to lie but I couldn't, there was just something about the queen that I couldn't bring myself to lie. And then suddenly I lost control of my senses and I felt like I had to lie and I lied....I told her my powers were swordfighting and whatever. But I don't understand what happened....did it have something to do with you?"

Laurel sighed and nodded,"Yes....it was me, I messed with your mind and made you think that you didn't have to tell the truth. I noticed too, Queen Kendra has this thing about her that makes us feel obligated to tell the truth"

"That's not the point...I mean why...why did you help me?"

"Zane look....I know your powers are not just swordfighting, I know you are just hiding them for whatever reasons. I just felt like everyone should have a chance to open up when they are ready.....Just tell them what you are in your own time....I didn't want you to feel that way so I helped"

"And Laurel, aren't you curious to know my powers or something?"

"Yes ofcourse I am....but I am never going to pressurise you",said Laurel and suddenly her gaze became unfocused. "I just feel like everyone should make their own choice. Something they won't regret...."

"Yeah...",said Zane,"Thanks anyway. You don't know how much you helped me down there yesterday! Thank you again...I owe you one"

Laurel smiled and said,"Yeah well...about that...you owe me more that one"

Zane laughed and left the room with a dramatic bow.

He went down the staircases and into the throne room. It was empty except for a guard.

"Where is everyone?",asked Zane

The guard bowed before answering,"They are in the Great Hall"

"And where is this great Hall?",asked Zane

"A great Hall is the place in the palace where the queen dines with her important royal noblemen. Just go straight forward and then to your left"

"Okay thanks...",said Zane uncertainly "For your detailing"

"Always at your service",said the guard bowing down once again.

Zane concluded that if he stayed any longer, the situation would keep getting more awkward. So, he left and followed the directions that the guard had given him and the next moment he found himself in the Great Hall.

So much food was there on the table and Zane was so hungry that he felt like he could eat it all.

All the children were sitting ,alongside the biggest table Zane had ever seen in the biggest room, except Zane and Laurel. The queen sat at the head of the table while five of the guards stood behind her. Guards were placed all around the room behind each of them.

Zane didn't know what Kendra expected but it was all a bit to much.

Zane gave an awkward smile to them all and sat down beside Mick who hungrily feasting on an unlucky sausage.

Zane's eyes swiped the table and found many items. Bacon, sausages, eggs, black pudding, baked beans, tomatoes, cornflakes, chicken sandwiches, mushrooms, coffee, tea, yoghurt,orange juice, french toast, butter, fried eggs and a variety of fruits Zane didn't recognise.

Zane noticed Kendra looking at him.

"Zane why are you not eating?",she smiled

"I- uh....It's just that there's so much"

Kendra's smile widened as she said,"Well, it's rude not to eat! Start with the sandwiches, I tell you, They-Are-The-Most-Amazing-Sandwich!"

"Did someone just say Sandwich?",Laurel entered.

"Oh yes, Good morning Laurel ! I hope you are well now!",said Kendra

"Ofcourse I am fine and well! Thanks to your hospitality!"

They both kept smiling at each other for a moment or two before Kendra addressed all of them,"So now that you are all here! I would like to know more about you. Like your powers and all"

She put her fork down and her fingertips touched as she said,"Lets start with you Natalie!"

Natalie who was eating a buttered toast put it down and said,"Well....my name's Natalie. And I am .... unidentified"

She picked her toast back up and continued eating it.

Kendra cleared her throat and said,"Moving on....Mick, what about you?"

"Well you see I am a hender",said Mick smirking

"A hender?! That's quite marvellous! So you have super-strength! You would make a great soldier!",said Kendra, sounding excited. "So, Laurel, what about you?"

"I am ..... unidentified!",Laurel said poking her mushroom.

"Wait...you are unidentified?",asked Kendra

"Yes",lied Laurel

"Okay....but I felt something different about you... Are you sure your powers have not showed up?"

"Yeah I am pretty sure",said Laurel, nibbling on her bacon.

All the children threw confusing glances at each other. They didn't know why she was lying about her powers. Laurel had already been identified as a qirpelt. But she didn't want to tell the queen yet.

Because.....Laurel and trust issues.