
The Howling Alpha

Byrandan, the planet of werewolves, gets attacked by the vampires from the planet of Pamlivam. The young werewolf prince, Zane, manages to escape and finds his way to Earth, the planet of humans. Still being a young werewolf, he doesn't know how to protect himself. He doesn't even know his own capabilities or strength. Werewolves and vampires, both having the ability of shifting forms, are dangerous to each other. In his human form, Zane passes as a human, but he needs to hunt, he needs to eat. He was hungry and dying in the streets when he found himself in an orphanage, it was the most peculiar orphanage he had ever seen. Small kids performed magic,where he found creatures he had never heard of before and he found a girl, he didn't know her abilities and she hid it from him. Zane was oblivious of the girl's true identity, but when he actually found out who she really was. His whole life changed. And the challenges begin when it's found that Zane is actually an alpha. This book travels from the planet of Werewolves and Vampires to the planet of humans and from there, it takes a turn to the realm of other beings and includes adventure, discovery and a lot more , because world is limited to human eyes and senses, but actually it is something bigger, something greater that we cannot see or feel, but this book takes you to the land you have never been to. It takes you to meet creatures you have never met and it takes you on a journey to explore more. The Howling Alpha takes you to explore more than just what you think is the limit, because, the world is limitless.

Ramsha_Rais · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Skirts?! CORSETS?!!

Zane could feel the eyes of everyone in the throne room, on him.

"What does she mean Zane?",asked Derek, he took Zane's hand. "And why are you so nervous?"

"Don't be so intrusive Derek!",shouted Zane, withdrawing his hand.

Kendra seated herself on the throne as Zane threw a disgusted look at her.

"Tell us",said Kendra. "You are hiding many things. Tell us and you'll be free of that burden Zane, it's never good to lie to your friends"

"I will tell them when the time is right! You didn't have to poke your nose here in this matter!",shouted Zane

"Careful with your tone",said a guard, gripping his sword tightly.

"Zane",said Kendra, much gently. "Tell us what you are hiding and be free of your burden"

Zane looked at the queen and he sluggishly said,"Ofcourse.... ofcourse I will say whatever I am hiding!"

"Then tell us"

"Look, I was hiding that ...that I am natural swordsman. If I am given a sword I can do miracles with it",said Zane, still in a sluggish tone.

"So, that's your superpower",said Kendra, "Interesting...and that's all you were hiding?"

"Yes, that's all",said Zane confidently

"Alright then, I will have Jeremy , Hugh and Benjamin show you all where you will be living and the once you all change your clothes and get ready. I will have my men give you all a tour of this palace and show you a bit of our kingdom too"

Suddenly Laurel fell on the ground, with blood coming out of her nose.

Zane looked very confused while some of the others helped Laurel to her feet.

"I guess....I guess I am just tired",she whispered.

"Yes",said Kendra. "Guards, take them to show their rooms and make sure they get good rest and supply them with everything they need."

The guards bowed down started making their way out of the throne room. But Scarlett didn't move

Kendra turned towards Scarlett and they stared at each other for some time. Scarlett had the same fierceness and courage in her. She would have given Kendra a competition. But then, Kendra smiled.

"Take this one too",she said refering to Scarlett. "Let her live. And, make sure she is taken care of too"

That caught Scarlett by surprise but she gave a quick nod and followed them out of the throne room.

They followed the guards up the staircase and passed by the many locked doors. They climbed about three staircases until they finally stopped.

"This is it",said the guard opening the door. The room was big and lavishly decorated with a king-sized bed and sofas. It had an attached bathroom and a window with a beautiful view of outside.

"We are all supposed to stay in this room?",asked Mick.

"No, you all get one room each",said Jeremy.

They all stared at each other.

Jeremy went out of the room and opened the gates of eight other rooms identical to the first one.

"All the rooms are the same",he said. "You all may choose one ".

Laurel sighed and sat down on the first bedroom's bed and muttered,"I am taking this one!"

They all said nothing but nodded and left the room, closing the door.

They all chose a room and slept here until they had to wake up

One of the guards heavily knocked on all their doors.

"Wake up! It's time to wake up!"

"But it's only like, five in the morning!",shouted Laurel from her room. "Dont you guys have like a clock or something?!"

Scarlett woke up with a start and to her disappointment, it was not all a dream.

"Oh God.....So this is all real",she muttered to herself before getting out of bed.

She was starting to smell and she really needed to take a shower and get everything straight.

She looked around and found a cupboard. Wondering what would be inside it, she opened it. And was horrified to see it filled with beautiful gowns.

"What the hell?!",she muttered

Someone banged on her door to wake her up.

"I am already awake!",she shouted and opened the door.

"Where are the clothes?!", Scarlett asked the guard

The guard frowned and said,"Your cupboard must be full of dresses, right?"

"Yes",said Scarlett politely, "But they are not full of dresses , they are full of gowns and I don't wear that! Hell, no one in 21st century wears that!"

"But this is Helmfirth kingdom and you should follow the rules. Here we dress this way"

"No! I can't wear that! How do you expect me to wear a tighty laced corset and a skirt?!"

"Then don't!",said tbe guard. "But you are not getting anything else to wear!"

Scarlett scowled and banged the door shut.

She opened the cupboard again and stared inside. Those would look ridiculous on her.

She took a deep unwanted breath and took out a blood red coloured dress with black lacings.

She got out of her bathrobe and had so much difficulty in wearing the dress but she didn't dare call for help.

In half an hour she was done. She left her hair open and got out of her room. Right on cue, Zane, Mick and Helen got out of theirs

"Hey Scarlett!",said Zane

"Hi",said Scarlett gloomily

"What are you so gloomy about?"

"Uh...just this clothing....I hate it"

Zane laughed and said,"I love it"

Helen, Mick and Scarlett stared at him

"Hey you guys go on",said Zane. "I have got to ask Laurel Something"

The three of them went down the stairs and Zane waited until they were out of sight before knocking on Laurel's door.