
The House With One Window

David_Arce_4701 · Horror
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6 Chs

A Twist Of Fate: Unexpected Encounter

After Sarina jumped out the bloody shattered window, she finds herself plunging into the pitch-black nothingness. Her heart races, fear gripping her as she continues to fall, surrounded by an eerie void. The darkness engulfs her, intensifying the sense of danger and uncertainty. As Sarina plummets through the darkness, her screams echo into the abyss, The speed of her descent intensifies, causing her head to spin and her vision to blur. "I... I can't...." Sarina gasps feeling overwhelmed by the sheer velocity, she succumbs to dizziness and faints mid-fall. As Sarina regains consciousness, she is jolted awake by an unseen force, as if something wanted her to suffer even in her fall. Her screams reverberate through the darkness, but then, a glimmer of hope appears. Below her, she notices a mysterious dark red glow, drawing her attention, "where am i falling to?!" screamed Sarina as she plummets towards the mysterious red glow, her heart races with anticipation. The descent feels endless, and just when she thinks she can't take it anymore, she slams into the bottom with a jolt of pain. The impact leaves her left leg even more injured, "Ahhhhhhhh!" intensely screamed Sarina as her screams echoes through the red room, she focuses on her injured leg, horrified by the sight of the widening bullet wound and the bone protruding from her knee cap. Sarina, tears streaming down her face from the intense pain, gazes around the basement and realizes she's back where it all started. But something is different this time. The basement is bathed in a dark, blood-red glow, casting an eerie and sinister atmosphere. The presence of this unsettling aura sends shivers down her spine. Sarina's heart skipped a beat as she heard a voice that sounded all too familiar. "S-S-Sarina! is that you?!" with a mix of hope of pain, Sarina turned her head and saw Jacqueline standing there. It was an unbelievable sight, like a dream come true. they thought they had lost each other forever, but in that moment, their worlds collided once again. The reunion was filled with tears, relief, and a glimmer of hope for what laid ahead. Jacqueline sprinted towards Sarina, her voice filled with anguish. "I thought you died! You were stabbed multiple times! How are you alive?!" Sarina, in pain and exhaustion, replied, "that wasn't me. The same thing happened to me, but with you being stabbed multiple times." Sarina winced, feeling the weight of her injuries. "Sarina your leg! Shit!" Without hesitation, Jacqueline ripped a piece of her shirt and tightly wrapped it around her devastating leg. Her quick thinking and resourcefulness are truly remarkable. Jacqueline lends Sarina a hand, helping Sarina stand up, Sarina's arm wrapped around the back of Jacquline neck for support, they both look around ready to escape this hell together!