

After being kicked away by Michael, Marcus got up quickly as Michael did controlled his strength, when Michael and Lydia walked past him, he hurriedly followed behind them.

Michael stopped before he walked passed the gate and sighed before turning around and spoke "I know all of you is afraid if me or something similar but considering I used to attend this school and there are teachers that I used to admire, play with, teaches me, hated, but still all of that is part of my childhood memory so I am warning you guys seriously be prepared to kill or at least built some defence in here so the situation earlier didn't repeat or perhaps something worse could happen or perhaps you guys could go to the police station, that's if you guys survived the journey and the police station is still there. Remember what would have happened of I wasn't here, the kidnaped teachers and students would be probably raped, tortured, toyed, then killed admits those guys laughter considering they attacked me lethally to normal humans without any hesitation that is. "somehow Michael's voice is could be heard by everyone inside the school without it being too loud and it seem to pierce into their memory making it unforgettable for a short time.

Michael said this because indeed there is no limit to idiots and smart people in the world, the idiots is probably causing chaos right now while the smart one is probably instigating it while hiding as mastermind or they used wait and see approach while the idiots happily raped, robbed, killed, and many more. Probably if Michael didn't arrive here at this time the young female teachers and some young girls and boys would be raped by the gangster. Thinking about its Michael became unhappy once again so he kicked Marcus's butt again. This guy, Marcus is probably the smart type one but he is either too weak in his group or forced to come along.

Marcus didn't let out even an shout of pain, he just got up and followed behind Michael again, perhaps it's because he realized that Michael is a little angry right now or perhaps he felt a little guilt hearing Michael's word as it's right, even Lydia didn't utter any jokes of hers and just silently followed behind him.

Then Michael reached the car without speaking another word and he waved his hand dispelling the barrier on the car. Immediately Jessica ran out from the car while Mario followed her out rather shortly.

Lydia with confused face said while pointing at Jessica and Mario's direction "Darling, who are they?"

Jessica's hand shook while pointing at Michael before looking at Lydia who just smiled "Darling! Lolicon!" then she looked at Aria and Melinda who is laying in the car before saying again "Lolicon!? Adulter!? Pedophile!?"

Michael palmed his face feeling an incoming headache while Mario who seem to get over his fear of Michael is trying his hardest to hold his laughter. "Wait! Wait! Wait a moment I am not a lolicon, pedophile, well maybe the adulter is partially right but still I am not lolicon by all mean, don't kid usually said they want to marry their dad or mom, this is similar to that, why did you even jump into that conclusion?"

"Well I mean…" Jessica looked at Aria and Melinda who is in the car before looking at Mario "Right…"

"Ah…ah I know how you come into the conclusion right now, just get in the car would you." Michael said exasperatedly.

Then they obediently walked into the car including Marcus and Lydia except Mario who is trying to hold his laughter, when Michael neared Mario, he kicked the latter butt while saying "Damn you! I thought you are the serious and cool type of guy!"

Then Lydia made another bad joke of hers "Darling, did you have an fetish for kicking but if it's what you really want you can kick my butt or perhaps you only have sight for the male's butt!" although it sounds like a question there is no questioning tone, it's like she was declaring the truth.

"Pft, hahaha…" Mario who have been kicked flying and is lying on the asphalt seem to couldn't hold his laughter and laughed while Marcus in the car is laughing too along with Jessica.

Eh, it's funny, what are you doing Jessica-san why are you laughing when you just scolded me a minute ago, what are you doing Marcus-san you are supposed to be my servant why are you laughing so I will punish you, so Michael send a wave of pain toward Marcus, also why are you laughing huh! Mario-san you are supposed to be a victim, v-i-c-t-i-m! why are you laughing.

Michael then used his tentacles to warp around Lydia to hold her in place before spanking her with another tentacles but Lydia just turn her head toward Michael with a look as if saying 'so you are not into man's butt, Darling', wait how did I know that.

After they all entered the car, Michael felt it was a little too cramped because Lydia insisted sitting on the second row on is lap even though he spanked her earlier , thankfully Marcus sat on the third row so without any other word two tails shows up from Michael's pants, just as Lydia said "Woah!" and was about to touch it, it vanished before the car vanished along with it too.

After Michael and the crew have gone for several minutes, perhaps his words is effective because it kept resounding in their head and made them realized it so some people indeed started to built defences in the school as the food in the school's canteen could last at least a week, they are not worried about it and if the government indeed is still there they should have rescued them by then right?

Along with some hope and examples most of the school's resident helped making the defences on the school.