
Going to Travel the World for Honeymoon

As said before Michael come to the girls room to tame the angry lioness that is waiting there patiently or did they just sleep it off!?

Michael was surprised because when he come into the girls room and he found that they are asleep while hugging each other but then when Michael carefully sensed it, he found they only faked the sleeping since they acted so will he.

Michael then acted as if he was happy while approaching the girl and said in a happy tone "Huh…thank goodness that they are asleep now I can enjoy some quality time with my youngest lover and leave these old hags alone." Michael said extravagantly in purpose to piss them off.

Then Michael pretend to walk to the door but they still didn't react at all, Michael then reached the door and purposely sighed loud while saying "Huh…to bad huh, I want to try to have a foursome but it seems I can't do it today."

Michael's senses which he sharped to the limit detected the smiles on their faces even though the rest of their body didn't move at all, sensing this Michael knew that they already knew that Michael was only acting so he jumped at the bed pouncing at them.


The girls said surprised by the sudden pounce, "You girls have a surprise for me right, I have one too for you two." Michael said smilingly.

As usual Aria was the first one to retort "Aren't we just some old hags, go enjoy your youngest lover there." While she pouted to the side.

Melinda then added, "Yeah, you are not getting any foursome tonight." While imitating Aria.

"Oh, don't worry I definitely won't be getting my foursome but I will get my threesome." Michael said.

"But you said we are old hags!" Aria said pouting.

"You know it was just a joke right." Michael said.

And that night Michael showed the surprise he had for them, the vampire's venom that numbed and pleasured them while they did show their surprise that is hidden in their wedding dress, it turns out the wedding dress they wore a few days ago when they fucked was a decoy.

That night Michael carried the girls to his room and sleep there with Lydia and he woke up amid the warm bodies that are hugging him.

Michael then spend the next few days having fun with his partners sometimes having a group date with Jessica and Mario, sometimes with Kang Shin and his lovers that for some reason stayed for a week here before leaving back to the farms.

Even so Michael always felt the danger that his instinct warned him off and it lessened the fun he is having here so much that he spend at least one hour a day to quick patrol around the city and he haven't found the thing that make him sense the danger yet, it was weird, it was unsettling.

Michael found that the past few days that is supposed to make him felt happier than the usual, make him more anxious so he finally decided to take a honeymoon around the world so he told that to his parents and grandparents and they readily agreed with a smile.

So Michael began to prepare for the trip, he also went to search for that giant birds but it turned out the birds was actually only a size bigger than before the awakening era and the only reason that they got so big was because there is several taming slash support type Talent among the subordinate that Anira brought, he took a look at them but unfortunately they could only contracted one creature and strengthened them by a small stage unlike Misha who can freely control more as long as she can handle it.

So, Michael created a real base and labs for Anira and her subordinate before taking the plan and scanning it before he shrunk it and strengthening it while somewhat maintaining its function but mostly it will be supported by Michael's gravity control.

Since he was this powerful along with along with Anira and Melinda in the same Realm as he does at least when he is fighting they can protect themselves and Lydia so Michael left all his clones and servants in there as they probably could be more of burden than help.

After he finished his preparation, he patrolled the city for the last time before he arrived before the plane that could had been bring hundreds but now at most it could any bring a dozen with their things but it was more than enough for four people.

Saying goodbye and send off with smiles Michael launched the planed into the sky relatively fast and the plane didn't even shake because it's smaller now and sturdier.

While Michael felt the danger decreasing when he exited the city, he felt another place where he felt similar danger far away, and even while he is out there, he could feel the faint danger but it is so faint that he could have fun without any worry.

Looking at the sea water bellow, Michael opened the maps in his hand while Aria looked at the map on her phone worriedly, without anymore worried Michael smiled and said with a gusto "Japan! Here I come."

While Michael is sensing the dangers a white light flashes on several employees' eyes that was sending him off, without him detecting it there have been spies inside his own house carefully hiding there.