
The Homosimbian chronicles: Battle between worlds

In a world where Evolution happened not once but twice, this book tells the story through the eyes of a young man the secret raging war between the humans and the Homosimbian race who have elemental and psychic powers... But what the humans don't know that there might be more dangerous species that walk the earth

Benjamin_light_jr · Fantasie
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He carefully moved through the trees in the woods not wanting to make a sound, with a firearm in his hand he aims at a dear from distance with his fingers in the trigger he tries to shoot, Ethan! Ethan! Ethan! Jamie Ethan's grandmother calls him from a distance hearing this the dear fled and Ethan missed his shot, over here Grandma Ethan calls out to his Grandma frustrated for not getting his shot Grandma Jamie: your grandfather has been waiting where did you run of to Ethan: I was hunting and you scared my target off

Grandma Jamie: alright come on then you know your grandfather don't like you keep him waiting

Ethan and his Grandma started making their way out of the woods, Ethan grew up with his grandparents after his mum died during his delivery and without knowing who his father was Ethan ended up living with his grandparents, he lived in the country side of north London in a 50 acres of land, his grandparents were wealthy, his grandparents never like talking about his mother or the man she ran off with that apparently left after she got pregnant or so the story goes, all he knows was that his mom Laila who was adopted with her twin sister lily got pregnant but didn't tell her parent but rather reached out to her sister at 5 months in who just married her husband Adam and just got pregnant herself, the story goes that she lived off with her sister while she waited for her delivery day, they said she wasn't herself pale looking talking nonsense no one could make out and looking like a drug addict and on the dayshe delivered she wrote them a good bye note telling them to take care of him and

ran away with her sister's car but they car was found later crashed into a tree and

burnt into ashes killing her inside with her, her sister whom was also pregnant

apparently went crazy also, saying some of the things her sister was saying, seeing

her sister and weird creatures up until she delivered then one night while Adam was

feeding Ethan's cousin it was said lily set her room on fire killing herself, and even till

now 16 years later Adam the father of Ethan's cousin who was named after Adam's

grandmother Eva still resent him, most people still do because they felt liala was the

cause of lily's death, he was always reminded that it was the death of his mother that

broke her sister and drove her to madness which eventually made her to kill herself,

lily was the good sister they said Laila always dragged her sister down with her,

Adam had told lily to hand over Laila to her parents but lily begged Adam to allowed

her sister and not report her to their parent she said if Laila didn't want their parent

to know she was pregnant she must have had a good reason, Adam tried to show

reason to his wife saying that Laila from the time they were kids always pull stunts

like thi and her lily ends up being pulled into her mess and always ends up getting the

shorter end of the stick every time, Adam had grown up with the sisters as their

families knew each other and was lily high school lover until there got married, lily was

the stick to the rules girl the shy sister who everyone loved and the one of the two

sisters who actually finished university, had a plan for her future and married the man

she had always said she was gonna end up with, she had always planned how her

future was gonna be like and she stuck to the rules that would get her there while her

twin sister Laila was the wreaking ball, the bad sheep of the family who growing up

had always end up getting in trouble with the police, sneaking away at night to go toparties, drink and do drugs, it was a miracle that she graduated high school which to

be honest was only because of her parents money who were major contributors to the

secondary school they attended so often the school board would turn a blind eye to all

her shenanigans even the polices never charges her when she gets caught smoking

and doing drugs with the other anti social kids but ends up bringing her back to her

parents estate because her family and Adam's were two of the few rich and influential

family in the whole town, so it was no surprise when she ran away after she

graduated from with a guy she just met to show out of the blue five years later

pregnant with Ethan and the guy is no- where to be found or who he actually was

which eventually lead to her death.

this has contributed to Ethan always feeling to never belonging anywhere and

an outcast even in his own skin, his grandfather always hard on him, sometimes he

feels like he remains him of his daughter and with that he was always strict with him,

trying to correct the mistakes he made with his daughter maybe who he gave too

much freedom, only his grandmother he feels understand him and only his

grandmother tried to explain what happen to his mother, he could always see the pain

in her eyes while she recounts the sad tale but know one actually know the full detail

of the two night his mother died and the night her sister killed herself only bits and

assumptions everyone makes, but she was the only one who seems to show affection

towards him the one who don't take out the sins of his parents on him, the one who

see him as Ethan and not Laila's bastard, so as they came out of the woods him and

his grandmother talked about his plans for the day

Grandma Jamie: so what are you and your grandfather are going into town for

Ethan : he has a business meeting with Adams parents and he wants me to be thereGrandma Jamie: will Eva be there

Ethan : I don't know and I don't care

Grandma Jamie: oh why would you say that

Ethan : pretty sure she hates me just like everyone else who blames me for her mums


Grandma Jamie: oh my boy she does not hate you

Ethan : we go to the Same school and she doesn't even speak to me and she's my cousin


Grandma Jamie: am sure she just still hurt about not knowing who her mother is

Ethan : what about me what about what I feel, everyone just hates me

Grandma Jamie: see everyone just process lose different and even till now my daughters

deaths still hangs in everyone's heart so they look for someone to blame, someone to

put the hurt to and am sorry it was you, they don't hate you they are just hurting

Ethan : it still isn't fair to me

Grandma Jamie: I know and sorry you are going through this but it will pass trust me

Ethan : yeah ok

Grandma Jamie: your birthday is coming up next week Wednesday why don't you invite

her and her friends over for a little party

Ethan : a party( he scoffs) grandpa will never allow me to throw a party beside Eva like

the queen B of our school do you think her or any of her friends will want to hang out

with a geek like me

Grandma Jamie: don't worry about your grandfather I will take care of him but don't sell

our self short you are very handsome and am sure there I as miss in your school you

could bring for your 16th


It is true Ethan is a fine young man with charming looks, he is about 6'2 feet tall

a little build, blonde hair hazel green eyes which he got from his mum

Ethan : nah I don't have girlfriend and I don't even have friends at school I could bring

home but its fine I could spend it with you like I have always spent it before

Grandma Jamie: I will not accept that, you deserve to have fun too, you are a kid and youshould be out being with your friends and not going into town with your grandfather to a

business meeting, so you better make friends from now till tuesday next week for your

birthday party on the wednesday, now come on lets lets hurry up before your grandfather

have a melt down waiting for you

they entered the door of the estate to find Thomas Ethan's grandfather pacing

around waiting for him

Thomas: where have you been boy I have been waiting for 20 minutes

Ethan : I was out hunting

Thomas; hunting I tol…..

Grandmas Jamie: Thomas he's here now isnt he, you can drop it now and be on your


Thomas then frowns at Ethan

Thomas: get in the car now

he says referring to Ethan

Thomas: Walter is already there waiting for me

Grandma Jamie: Walter is coming? Tell him I said hi

Thomas: yea yea

Grandma Jamie: when did you get so grumpy

and with that Thomas and Ethan entered the car while luke Thomas's driver drove

them out, they passed through the vast woods with dears and other woodland

creatures ran through the forest until the made it into town, luke pulled up at Brooke

cops the name of Ethan s family company whose business enterprises ranges from

mining, shipping and even energy production, today they where meeting with few

executives, Walter and Adams family for some business formalities which Ethan is

being forced to attend and know the in's and out's of the company because hisgrandfather I grooming him to be his successor, like Ethan Eva his cousin is also

attending as her fathers family owns the multi national law firm portman-and-sons

representing all of Thomas's business and also William Adam's father in in the financial

sector as their family own one of the largest broker in all of Erope and Eva was the be

next in line.

Unfortunately for Ethan Eva was there and she made no effort to

acknowledge the existence of Ethan as the welcome greetings was been made to each

other and Ethan also pretend not to see here, Ethan never really knew the cause of

their shift in relationship as they were inseparable growing up regardless of the fact

their mothers had died but over the years their relationship had gone sour and Eva

being the extroverted one and the one friend Ethan had at that time he retracted into

a shell never fully expressing himself while Eva went off to make new friends and left

him behind, but this had shaped to get to know who he really was and to find what he

likes to do which came to be outdoors activities like hunting tracking and even martial

arts, he was surprise his grandfather let him get a self defense teacher when he was 7

to teach how to fight but his grandfather said that defense classes will teach him

discipline and responsibility but whatever he gets to learn how to fight regardless of

what Thomas intended. The meeting started and everyone went into the conference

room, in the meeting he found out Walter called for the meeting, Walter is a private

military contractor, Ethan didn't know exactly what he did but he knew he works with

the government which he don't know all the details and Adams family was where he

moves his finances which was how the three men got to know each other. In the

room were Thomas, William Adam ,Walter, Olivia Sharman Walter's right hand woman

who is always with him and carry out any instructions given by Walter, Sarah Adam'snew wife who was Walter's daughter and then Eva. In the meeting they talked about the impact Walter's contractions was causing in Norway and how the lawsuit they have been getting was causing major financial set back trying to keep it at bay but Walter assured everyone that the government will surely "take care of it", so after the meeting small talk were made between them and eventually everyone went their way.

This chapter introduced the characters

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Benjamin_light_jrcreators' thoughts