
The Homosimbian chronicles: Battle between worlds

In a world where Evolution happened not once but twice, this book tells the story through the eyes of a young man the secret raging war between the humans and the Homosimbian race who have elemental and psychic powers... But what the humans don't know that there might be more dangerous species that walk the earth

Benjamin_light_jr · Fantasie
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Ethan woke up from the bed today been monday he would get back to school for the new semester, oh how he dreaded school and its anti climatic social rules and structures, he prepared for school then came down and took his breakfast and then his grandfather called him to the living room Thomas: martin your self defense teacher son Edward, you remember Edward right Ethan : yeah sure

Thomas: well his back from the US after living with his mum after the divorce and his dad asked me to help him get his son into your school which I did and he will be resuming today so I want you to help him settle down when you see him in school today Ethan : okay sir

Thomas: alright go on then

Ethan got into his car and drove off to school, entering the school it was all the Same, returning old students reuniting with friends all the annoying Eva friends who couldn't help but glare at him anytime he passes by, until someone shouted his name from behind, he turned around to see a grown up Edward, he hard grown up from the last time they saw each other, Edward used to be friends with Ethan and Eva growing up, his father was Thomas chief bodyguard, he got the position after he retired from the arm and needed a job to feed his family, when Ethan developed interest in martial arts Thomas called on martin to teach him and since Edward occasionallyaccompanied his dad to work him and Ethan being of the Same age and Eva always

visiting her cousin the three became good friends, martin taught the kids how to

handle themselves in a fight but when martin developed a drinking problem he was

fired and eventually kelly Edward's mom had enough and filed for divorced, got

custody of Edward and took him to the states to go leave with her family with her but

now his back

Edward: heh man god look at you you got ripped

Ethan : look who's talking

Edward: c'mon bring it in

Edward hugged him and Ethan reciprocated

Edward: how long has it been now

Ethan : almost six years now

Edward: yeah cray right

Ethan : yeah crazy

Edward: we should catch up, meet up after school?

Ethan : yeah sure

Edward: where's Eva, she still goes here right?

Ethan : yes she probably right over there with her fri….

Edward: Eva heh Eva over here

Edward screamed at Eva, Eva turned saw who was calling here, it took a

second for her to recognize who was calling her and when she did recognize she

screamed in excitement and rushed to hug him, it startled Ethan because he did

expect such joyful reaction from her guess she was only a bitch to him.

Eva: I heard from Sarah you would be coming here, its so good see you

Edward: you've made peace with the witch I see

Eva: we sort of don't get in each other's way now

Edward: wow look at us "the exceptionals" back together at lastEthan and Eva look at each other and smiles awkwardly

Edward: come on lets go to class

they got into class and after the class they came out and Edward ran after Ethan to

talk to him

Edward: heh wait up

Ethan : wassup

Edward: I just remembered isnt your birthday like on wednesday

Ethan : you remembered my birthday?

Edward: of course I remembered, I remember your grandmother making the best

birthday cake and the parties we used to play, it was always fun, glad am back now, I

could have missed it

Ethan : yeah it was something back then

Edward: so where are celebrating this time, which girls are gonna be popping that night

very american thing to say Ethan thought to himself

Ethan : heh everything is not like it use to before

taken aback Edward inquired more

Edward: what do you mean

Ethan : well for starters Eva and I don't really talk anymore

Edward: really what happened

Ethan gave a "no idea" gesture with his shoulder

Ethan : my grandfather has become a lot more strict and I doubt he will even allow me to

throw a party at the estate

Edward: damm how long was I gone

Ethan : but its cool if you come around and maybe do some fun stuff am sure my

granpa wont mind if its just us though

Edward: alright alright my man I will come and we can practice your fighting and I will

kick your ass like I always do back then

Ethan : haha you wish

the boys departed and headed to each of their home, Edward arrived home and afterfreshing up he join his dad in his auto garage shop. The only reason kelly allowed her

son to move back with his dad was that if martin could give up drinking and be sober

for atleast a year and keep a job but martin had given up drinking for atleast two and

half years now and not only got a job but started his own business and seemed to be

getting his life together, Ethan Grandma had been a helping hand to his rehabilitation

and even gave him money to start up his business, when martin made the money and

went to return the loan back to Grandma Jamie she refused to collect the money and

said he deserved a second chance and that was the reason she gave him the money,

Edward had hope his parents would get back together and seeing his dad trying to

make things right had strengthen his hope for a reconciliation , his dad was like this

even when he came back from deployment and retired, he had sustained trauma but

he was Hiding it but it got worse when he had an old mate of his killed himself from

the PTSD he had gotten h=from his time in war and that kind of made martin to lose

it, he began drinking and with time he mentally and emotionally withdrew from his

family, kelly tried to get him help and put up with it but there is only enough someone

could take and eventually it got violent and she had to leave but with him starting

over there might still be a chance for his parents getting back together seeing both of

them and not seen anyone since their split. Tuesday came and went like any other

day but only this time he had Edward to talk to, it was great having a friend to talk to,

he came back that day thinking of all the activities they could, Edward had told him to

pick him up from his father's shop and together they could go back to Ethan's house,

the first he wanted to do was maybe they could go hunting and see who was the

better hunter, he was out of his mind but it was fun seeing he had not had a friend in

along time.In the morning of wednesday his birthday Ethan woke up feeling a little

bit hazed, and gradually an in-pounding headache he didn't know where it came

from, first it started slow and but the beating in his head intensifies as the day goes

by, he ran away from class to the bathroom to catch a breath when he felt his head

was gonna explode, then he began to hear voices in his head and he just laid there in

the bathroom floor till Edward came to check up on him

Edward: heh you okay you just ran off class like that

Ethan yeah am fine ahhhhhhhh he screams….. its just a very bad headache

Edward: why don't you just go to the school nurse for some asprine or iduprophine

Ethan : alright Edward

Edward: you know you can just call me eddy like when we were kids

Ethan scoffs and says ok, and he hears Edward murmur something and he asked what

he said but eddy replied he didn't say anything. They arrived at the nurses office and

checked in and the school nurse satrted to check his vital signs

~this fucking kids I swear I hate this job, wonder what he took

Ethan : I didn't take anything

nurse: what

Ethan : I said I didn't take anything

the nurse looks puzzled by what he was saying

Ethan : you asked if I took anything and I said I didn't take anything

~ did I say that out loud

nurse: sorry sweetheart I didn't say anything

Ethan : yes you did I heard you

nurse: you heard wrong

Ethan : no you di....

Edward: Ethan she didn't say anything

eddy stopped him from arguing with the womannurse: well if your friend is done arguing with me and done with him now

Ethan : so?

Nurse: everything seems to be fine, but take some painkillers to help with the headache

Edward: alright thank you we will be leaving now

both of them began to leave the office

~ what a weird kid

Ethan turn to the nurse and said am not weird, the woman was shocked Ethan heard

that last one because she was sure she didn't say it out loud

Edward: why were you arguing with her

Ethan : I heard her say it

Edward: dude I was there she didn't say anything

Ethan : then I most be going crazy cause I thought I heard her voice

when there returned to class Ethan began to hear the voices again he looked around

to see anyone talking, Eva saw him looking nervously around and called him weirdo in

her mind but he heard, the voices became louder and he was fidgeting and Edward

saw this asked if he was okay when Ethan didn't respond he told him to breath and he

made Edward brought his hand to his chest and moved it up and down gesturing up

to breathe in and out

"ding ding"

and just like saved by the bell, Ethan ran out of class and Edward followed him, heh

wait up Edward scream at him and when he cut of to him Ethan was panting and bent

to the floor outside his car then Edward took his keys and led him inside and began to


"heh dude just breathe breathe in, out"

Ethan began to do it inhale and exhale

"you okay""yeah"

"what happen back there anyway" "voices...i heard voice in my head" "are you hearing them now"? "no am good now thanks"

Edward scoffs "that was something…...am mine dropping you off or…." "no its okay am fine, just drop yourself at your place am okay to drive now" "you sure"

"yes am sure, thanks for that…. How did you know o do that anyway" "my dad he use to get panic attacks after he came back so yeah…" "sorry"

"its okay, you sure you can drive yourself home now" Edward told him as he pulled up at his house

" yes am fine" Ethan replied him then thanked him and got into the drivers sit and drove off. Getting to his house he began to get hot, he clenched his throat but it wasn't working, his body began to to steam shocked and afraid he lost control of the wheels and his car dived and drove through a valley in the woods and hit a tree and tumbled over and Ethan lost consciousness.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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