
The Holy Chronicles of Baator

"One day I woke up as Zeoticus Gremory with my A.I. Architect. Thus I decided to set a new goal, to stand at the top of the Universe." *** Enormous AU DxD, Cultivation Elements (like MGE and WMW), Cross-Over, Self-insert, World Building, Kingdom Building, Wars, Polygamy, Slow-Romane at Start, Multiple Universes, not every chapter is fight or war, no pokemon catching, no MC centric novel... Read them and think before you start reading something that you know you won't like and then review and comment how you don't like something that has been tagged already... Such comments and reviews will be instantly deleted *** And for those who still don't understand it, then only this for them: How would Ramsay say: "Fuck off donkeys" From now on deleting all reviews that are bad because of the cultivation element or multiple worlds or due to something mentioned in warnings and disclaimer (basically everything that people are complaining about despite being warned about that)... is in the description and tags so you have been warned. The reason is... that is not reviewing or commenting but just whining and hating cause some people don't have something they like, it is not even objective but just based on the existence of cultivation elements alone.

Trafford · Anime und Comics
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583 Chs


The Prison Planet of the Spirit Hall was far from where I descended with Hela, but we were already on the way and would arrive within one hour or so.

I needed to spend some time calming down Bibi Dong about the situation because the higher number of high-end experts was something unexpected and if not handled correctly, it would be disastrous.

To that end, I needed more precise information, which was something that only the prisoners may have in their minds.

Naturally, my interrogation method would be much more efficient than anything that Spirit Hall could bring out because I would be ripping that information out of his very own soul.

"We will be arriving within one hour; how are the preparations back home?"

The second I descended onto the Shao Universe, I gave Bibi Dong a special formation that was used for similar things like the Ascending and so on. For that, an enormous solar system-sized spell formation was needed that the Spirit Empire was right now constructing.

"I have ordered anyone able to start building the spell formation. Not to mention that spell formation of such size will be a deep cut into the coffers of the Spirit Empire and even vaults of the Spirit Hall."

Bibi Dong said with faux sadness, as I could agree with that, but the effects of the spell formation was tremendous because it was tremendously increasing the success rate of whatever ascension.

It was imperative for their success because the spell formation could block the inference of the Universe Will with the ascension process.

"Yes, but it is imperative that you are protected from outside interference, especially from the Universe Will, which will for sure try to sabotage your ascension to the new form of Godhood. Naturally, for me, this would be the opportunity to cripple the Universe Will to start the plan..."

I started as I kissed my wife on her forehead and talked about some inconsequential things and around thirty minutes later, we were notified about the arrival at the Prison Planet, that was located in a faraway solar system.

The entire solar system where the Prison Planet was located was sealed one and entrance was possible only through a special method, not to mention that over the solar system as a whole, there was cast Anti-Energy Zone.

The more we approached, the Prison Planet Anti-Energy Zone got stronger and stronger. Originally, the Anti-Energy Zone was modeled after the Slaughter City in Douluo's Planet Doulo Continent.

That was a place where it was a natural Anti-Energy Zone that suppressed basically any type of energy and even the Chthonian Empire of the Baator adopted the same things in their prison.

Soon enough, our capital ship was close enough and Bibi Dong sent some code towards the Prison Planet, which opened the shielding over the planet and we descended down.

Only I was going to the Prison Planet as I was led to the interrogation room by the Chrysanthemum Douluo.

The architecture of the of Prisons on Prison Planet was exactly the same, as it was enhanced by the magical defenses and means like the Chthonian Empire.

Chrysanthemum Douluo led me to the interrogation room, where one of the prisoners was already located and kept in some sort of stasis. It was a human man, looking like a middle-aged man; he wore a special suit like the other prisoners that were suppressing his entire being; nothing was left to coincidence.

I then looked at him as I put my right hand on his head and with my might, I invaded his mind. To this devise, I activated my Godhood and also my Crest because this man was apparently 1st Class God that they somehow managed to capture, a God with a God Seat...

It seems that the Spirit Hall must have invested a lot into his capture.

Because he was suppressed throughout with the Anti-Energy Zone and through countless other means, there was no resistance as I ripped his mind into shreds and absorbed every piece of knowledge from his mind and his soul.

'10 Tier 11s... ten God-Kings with God Seats those are the only real combatants on their side who would be mobilized by the Universe Will... but there is apparently the clone of the Universe Will... this would be pretty much problematic.'

I then got the information from his mind and it was relatively within the exception. The Universe Will will possess the strongest God-King and make him into his avatar, the so-called God-Emperor, who will have Tier 12 might, while the rest would be forced to fight against us.

On our side, we had an additional three Tier 11 experts, with Hela being there for several of them; both Grayfia and Venelana could take 2 each. Hopefully, Hela would need to take the remaining five in the worst case.

Though with her Astral Necrotic Undead, she had several Tier 11 Undead that was one life saver and another would be my specialize and that was ambushes and dirty fighting. This person whom they captured had a lot of information, but that was understandable from the 1st Class God.

"We can go away... I have obtained everything necessary from his mind... you can use the body in whatever way you wish."

I said to the Chrysanthemum and left the prison because there was already nothing I could learn here. This man was their most valuable prisoner, so I doubted that the rest, that are many times weaker, would know something different.

On the other side, now that I had extracted the information from his mind, it was time to prepare for the battle.

The enemy would be strong, and we would have only a short time because the Universe Will would make haste to attack us as soon as possible.

PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight (new chapter up)

PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.



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