
The Holy Chronicles of Baator

"One day I woke up as Zeoticus Gremory with my A.I. Architect. Thus I decided to set a new goal, to stand at the top of the Universe." *** Enormous AU DxD, Cultivation Elements (like MGE and WMW), Cross-Over, Self-insert, World Building, Kingdom Building, Wars, Polygamy, Slow-Romane at Start, Multiple Universes, not every chapter is fight or war, no pokemon catching, no MC centric novel... Read them and think before you start reading something that you know you won't like and then review and comment how you don't like something that has been tagged already... Such comments and reviews will be instantly deleted *** And for those who still don't understand it, then only this for them: How would Ramsay say: "Fuck off donkeys" From now on deleting all reviews that are bad because of the cultivation element or multiple worlds or due to something mentioned in warnings and disclaimer (basically everything that people are complaining about despite being warned about that)... is in the description and tags so you have been warned. The reason is... that is not reviewing or commenting but just whining and hating cause some people don't have something they like, it is not even objective but just based on the existence of cultivation elements alone.

Trafford · Anime und Comics
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582 Chs

Avatar Descent (Quasi-Interlude)

After Abrasax disposed of the Infinity Warlocks, he turned his Sea Dragon Constructs to the survivors of the fleet and used his Sea Dragon Constructs to kill every one of them, while at the same time, he was using his magic to collect all of their interspatial equipment.

Aside from the resources he got from the mission rewards he completed, all of the other resources he got were through his own genius and hard work.

'This should be probably enough... they should appear already. Hopefully, only Warlock Monarchs will appear, or this would be big shit.'

Thought Abrasax as a lone figure appeared on the horizon.

"Great Step Holy Spirit Warlock. Damm."

Cursed Abrasax as he took out a small arcanotech gadget and threw it on under him, as he was in a split of a second enveloped in a crystal barrier.

This small barrier should be able to protect several minutes even against Limit Tier 10 Powerhouses.

And soon, it proved its worth, as it completely stopped the full power attack of the Great Step Holy Spirit Warlock that was attacking Abrasax.

"I call upon the name of the Great Devourer, the Father of All Devils. In the Infinity, no Beginning can be found, as no Beginning can have no End. Hear the plight of your own blood, the Bringer of the End!"

As Abrasax finished his chant, a blinding light appeared from him as an avatar descended down next to him; after several seconds, the features of the avatar adjusted, revealing Father of All Devils in his avatar form.

"Go and leave the Canghzi Plane. This avatar will dissipate in ten minutes; until then, I will entertain incoming Warlocks here."

Said Avatar of the Father of All Devils, as Abrasax hurriedly left the place, as he didn't wish to be caught up in the incoming mess his grandfather was going to unleash.

"Hmm... so this is how all those young masters feel when their elders appear."

Stated Abrasax as he saw the Great Step Holy Spirit Warlock pale when he saw the avatar of the Father of All Devils.



Descending somewhere in the avatar was always weird for me... probably I just can get used to having multiple consciousnesses simultaneously. Usually, when I was using an avatar, I would let Architect control my avatar, as it was more straightforward.

Though this time, I controlled my avatar personally, as I wanted to slaughter some warlocks who dared to pursue my grandson.

With a wave of my hand, I unleashed an enormous wave of the Destruction Energy, which hit the Great Step Holy Spirit Warlock, who instantly used some kind of protection artifact.

Unfortunately or fortunately for him, even though the protection artifact was turned to dust, the Great Step Holy Spirit Warlock survived, though he lost half of his body.

'Hmm... so even in my avatar form, I retain around 75% of my overall power.'

I thought as I used the Avatar Creation Technique I got from Okhwang and adjusted it to my needs. It was far more superior to avatar techniques available in the Astral Boundary Universe.

"Hmm... you Warlocks are really annoying bunch of ants."

I stated as I killed the Great Step Holy Spirit Warlock with several lighting bolts that hit him simultaneously.

Of course, after killing the Great Step Holy Spirit Warlock, I took his interspatial ring, as I hated wasting resources.

Afterward, I looked around as I decided on what to do.

I dealt with this Great Step Holy Spirit Warlock within three minutes, so this avatar has a lifespan of 7 minutes or so.

In the end, I decided to wait and see if someone would come and fight me, but unfortunately, such a thing didn't happen.

When only several seconds were remaining, I instantly perked up as I sensed a tremendous change in energy of Heaven and Earth in the Canghzi Plane.

"So they finally chose to reveal themselves?"

I muttered as my avatar slowly dispersed into countless particles.

I am back... returning to normal releases


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