
The Hollow Swordsman

Noelle has no ambition, he's a loner that enjoys adrenaline a bit too much and has more money than he know what to do with.While on a field trip with his school he ends up separated due to his thrill seeking and gets pulled into something greater. ___________________ I'm righting this as a hobby so don't expect much.I do plan to complete this story so theirs that, but the updates will be pretty sporadic since i'm still in highschool.

AzureFantasy · Urban
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9 Chs


Noah was not having a good day, his father forced him to go on the this field trip to "experience youth".The problem being Noah is what you would call friendless.Being dumped into the group of the other leftovers they were left to walk around the mountain.The heat and the awkward tension in the group led to Noah wandering off on his own.

As he was walking through the forest Noah came across a cliff.Peering down at the bottom of the drop was a river that led to who knows where and to his right was a old rope bridge leading to the other side of the cliff.Noah of course made the smart decision and decided to cross it.

Stepping on the first plank it audibly creaked under his weight causing his heart to pump.Taking a few more steps the ropes tensed.This however didn't stop him, he took another step forward and the plank broke.

With nothing to hold up his foot his hand shot to the left and latched on to the rope.This however was a rope bridge and gravity is a bit of a bitch.The rope broke and he plummeted down the cliff.

His body crashed into the water knocking the air out of his lungs.His head throbbed as his mind waned in and out of consciousness.He was carried by the river deeper into the mountains until he eventually blacked out.

Waking up in a dark cave wet and injured did not make his day any better.

Noah sat up quickly causing his head to throb "Fuck" he muttered

"Where am I" he said as he reached for his phone "Of course there's no signal"

He turned on his flashlight and got up to look around for an exit "Was I carried in here by the river"

There wasn't many choices of where he could go, a river that disappeared into a tunnel and and a path that led away from the river.

Choosing the only viable option he went deeper into the cave to hopefully find a exit.Of course with his luck the cave was basically a maze with branching pathways that often led to dead ends.

"Stick to the left" he said as he continued walking.

Hours passed as he continued walking and he was starting to get cold.Thinking it was his clothes he continued walking until he realized his breath was visible.

"I thought it was warmer the deeper you go" he cursed as he continued down the tunnel that surprisingly didn't lead to a dead end.He realized something was wrong when there was a crunch under his foot.

"Is that ice" he said as he brought it under his light "Definitely Ice".

Going deeper more ice became visible until it was along the walls and icicles dangled from the ceiling.The passage was also expanding as he traveled deeper.He had to take off his clothes as his body started to shiver from the intense cold.

The passage opened up into a massive clearing that had ice stalactites hanging from the ceiling,random constructs of ice scattered around and a frozen body of water.Noah's focus however was not on any of this it was on the thing residing in the cave no, abode.

Densely packed silver blue scales covered its long lizard like body.Three ivory horns protruded from its head and two massive wings reminiscent of a bird were attached to its back.Its body radiated majesty as it lay there with two massive yellow eyes peering down at him.

It was a dragon.