
The Hollow God of Greece

(None of the images, unless specified, are mine and belong to their respective owners)(one piece, bleach, sds, etc are not mine as well as any characters in the story unless specified) Ares, Hercules, and Perseus come to mind when people think of the children of Zeus. The majority of people are unaware that he had another son. Eneru, or Enel as the Roman's called him, was the name of the child. He was the god of the sky, thunder, lightning, storms, darkness, calamity, destruction, souls, beasts, and judgment. He was the Greek pantheon's strongest deity and had no equal. His tale is told here.

DaoistP8rSJO · Fantasie
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4 Chs

The Birth of The Son of Zeus: Eneru

<p>(A/n: Most of this story will be told from a narrator POV but I'll change it up every now and again. Also, this will somewhat follow the myths and history but a good chunk will be my own story.) <br/><br/><br/>{Narrator POV}<br/><br/>When people think of the children of Zeus, they think of Ares, Hercules, or Perseus. What most people don't know is that he had another son. This child's name was Eneru, or Enel as some called him, and he was the God of Sky, Thunder, Lightning, Storm, Darkness, Destruction, Calamity, Souls, Beasts, and Judgement. The strongest of the Greek pantheon, he knew no equal. This is his story.<br/><br/>__________________________________<br/><br/>Hera, the wife of Zeus, was about to give birth. She was laying in a bed fit for royalty, and next to her was a very tall, muscular, white-haired man with pale eyes. The man had a small, bored smile on his face, as if he didn't truly care but at least would fake his emotions and true feelings about the situation. This man was Zeus, the person/deity renown for his countless achievements and being the most unfaithful being in the heavens.<br/><br/>Minutes had passed, and Hera started to scream in agony. A short while later, she was surrounded by flashes of blue, red, purple, and black lightning. Seeing this, Zeus was quite shocked and nervous, a couple years ago an oracle of the highest standing in Greece had predicted that a heartless baby would one day be born in the arms of darkness and overthrow Zeus as king of Olympus.<br/><br/>A few more minutes passed, and finally the baby was born. When they saw him, they were particularly shocked as the baby boy had a hole in his chest and on both hands; however, Hera, being too excited, decided to brush it off considering he is a deity and there have always been stranger things out there. Hera cradled the small child in her hands with a loving smile on her face. Zeus, however, was not smiling; he was more worried about the prophecy than a small child.<br/><br/>"I think I'll name him Eneru; I don't know why, but it feels right." Hera said to Zeus.<br/><br/>"That's an amazing name, dear" Zeus said <br/><br/>'If this child is the same one from the prophecy, I'll have to throw him into the underworld. If he isn't, that's great, but if he is, well... I'll just have to wait and see.'He thought.<br/><br/>"Could you please call Hestia over? I need to speak to her." She said this as she was handing Eneru to Zeus.<br/><br/>"Very well," he said, before turning around and heading towards the exit with Eneru in his hands.<br/><br/>But before he could leave Hera yelled towards him.<br/><br/>"GIVE ENERU TO ATHENA OR HADES! I DON'T EXACTLY TRUST YOU OR THE OTHERS!" She yelled.<br/><br/>Zeus could only grumble a bit before finally leaving.<br/><br/>__________________________________<br/>{Time-Skip 10 minutes}<br/><br/>"What do you want, father? Also, who is that in your hands?" A tall and slender woman with a sleek but athletic physique, very light skinned, dark brown hair tied in a golden bun, and icy blue eyes said to Zeus. This woman was Athena, the goddess of wisdom, warfare, and handicraft.<br/><br/>"Athena, I've been looking for you everywhere." He sighed, "I need you to watch this child while I head to the annual conference meeting between pantheons and Hera meets with Artemis. This boy's name is Eneru, and he is your newest sibling." He said this as he was handing a sleeping Eneru to Athena.<br/><br/>She grabbed him gently with a small smile on her face.<br/><br/>"Eneru huh? What a beautiful name! I'm sure you'll grow to be an amazing person in the future." She cooed at the sleeping baby.<br/><br/>"You're getting along with him already; well, I must be off." He said this as he was finally leaving Mount Olympus.<br/><br/>"Now then, where do I put you?" She said to no one in particular.<br/><br/>__________________________________<br/>{POV Change: Hera minutes prior}<br/><br/>After giving birth to such a beautiful baby boy, whom I named Eneru, I was so happy and excited for the future. However, even though Zeus tried to hide his thoughts and emotions from me, I still knew what he was thinking. I told him to give Eneru to either Athena or Hades because I didn't exactly trust him or the other Olympians. <br/><br/>I heard the prophecy that the oracle told him, and I already know what Zeus would have probably done. I won't allow that to happen, and even if he were to overthrow us—which I don't believe will happen—I still intend to try to keep him safe as his mother.<br/><br/>Before I could continue my thoughts, I heard a loud knock on my door. "Come in!" I yelled.<br/><br/>"You wanted to see me, Hera?" Hestia spoke as she entered the large room fit for a god.<br/><br/>"Yes, I need your help," I asked. <br/><br/>"What do you need help with?" She questioned with a confused voice.<br/><br/>"When I was carrying Eneru, I noticed that he had a hole in the middle of his chest and two on the palms of his hands with a dark purple aura seeping out of him. When Zeus saw this, he became nervous; he's most likely planning something, especially because of the prophecy." I told her, "I'm worried for Eneru."<br/><br/>"Holes in his body? Even for a deity, that's strange, and what do you mean by 'dark purple aura seeping out of him'? If Zeus saw what you did, of course he'd be worried, though I do agree that Zeus is most likely thinking about the prophecy and will do something terrible to Eneru sooner or later." She said, she wasn't as confused but more concerned. "That still doesn't explain why you need my help though."<br/><br/>"*sigh* I'll need your help in protecting and watching Eneru from Zeus; I'll also need you to help teach him magic whenever I can't. I know you must be busy, and you'll probably refuse to-"<br/>Before I could continue, I was interrupted by a loud voice.<br/><br/>"What are you talking about?! Of course I would take care of the kid!" She practically yelled out with a large smile on her face.<br/><br/>"Thank you so much, Hestia; you don't know how much this means to me." I truly appreciate the lengths she's going to for me.<br/><br/>"No need to thank me, Hera; we're family after all." She said with a kind and loving smile.<br/><br/>Truly, she is the glue of Olympus.<br/><br/>__________________________________<br/>{Pov change: Narrator 7 years later}<br/><br/>Deep inside a large forest, we see a young boy with pale skin, short black hair, and deep, piercing purple eyes. He wears an unchanging neutral facial expression. The most distinctive thing about him, however, is his back. Stuck centrally into his shoulder blades is a large gray ring, and attached to it are four wooden drums set next to and above his head, each with cream-colored drum skin depicting a black ouroborus on the front and back. This boy was Eneru, the son of Zeus and Hera, the king and queen of Olympus.<br/><br/>"Eneru! It's almost time for lessons!" A loud feminine voice called out.<br/><br/>"Coming mother!" Eneru yelled back to the voice now identified as Hera, Queen of Olympus. <br/><br/>As he nears the edge of the forest, he can see bright flashes of sunlight coming from the tree line.<br/><br/>"Hey, it's been a while you rat bastard!" A large behemoth of a man in typical spartan armor said as he practically rushed from the tree line towards Eneru.<br/><br/>Eneru was able to dodge at the very last second but had to dodge again as the man swung his arm at him.<br/><br/>"What are you doing here Ares?" Eneru said in a very uncaring and cold tone of voice.<br/><br/>"Tch, just because you're Hera's favored child or the Humans favorite God out of us all doesn't mean you can speak to ME of all people like that! You got that, you underdeveloped lizard?!?" He shouted at him, even though they were only a couple feet apart.<br/><br/>"Why are you yelling, you gorilla? We're only a couple feet apart. Also, I just don't care to talk to living, breathing trash such as yourself." Eneru told him in the same cold voice and with the same neutral expression he's had since he was born.<br/><br/>"I'll fucking skin you alive!" But before Ares could move a muscle, he was suddenly pushed to the ground by a powerful force. He was pushed into a kneeling position, panting heavily out of fear, pain, and exhaustion.<br/><br/>Eneru was faring even worse as he was face down on the ground, barely able to even breathe, let alone do anything else.<br/><br/>"Would the two of you like to explain what's going on here? Or would you prefer me to force it out of you? I mean, I did ask Eneru to come for lessons a while ago, and Ares said that he'd be in the human world messing with the mortals like usual, or am I wrong here?" Hera, who had just appeared, spoke in a sweet voice with a closed-eye smile that would brighten any room, but there was a very threatening and dark undertone in her words that made both gods shiver.<br/><br/>"S-s-sorry m-m-mother, I-I have n-no excuses for m-my actions." Ares stuttered out of fear as fast as he could.<br/><br/>"What about you, Eneru?" She said, looking towards the boy.<br/><br/>At this point, however, Eneru was completely unconscious due to the sheer pressure of Hera's aura. <br/><br/>"My baby?!?" She screamed as she yanked him from the ground and immediately sped off out of the forest.<br/><br/>After she left, Ares immediately collapsed onto the ground taking in deep breaths as if his life depended on it.<br/><br/>"Tch, if she didn't come I would've ripped him into pieces! Just you wait you fucking bastard!" He shouted angrily between breaths.<br/><br/>He finally picks himself up after a couple more minutes and leaves the forest.<br/>__________________________________<br/>(A/n: This is the end, hope y'all enjoyed, also I don't mind criticism or tips.)</p>