
Stalker attack II

In an attempt to make some room I used all the tension in my legs and shot backwards this only gave me a moment to charge up a second bullet before Onyx was right after me closing the gap in an instant. I had been trying to slow her down with my Gyrokinesis from the beginning of the fight but for some reason the effect is simply slipping off of her so I would have to resort to psionics that manifested physical objects.

Keeping the charge building up in my psionic bullet while moving and evading a murder machine was proving to be a challenge. I would have already been able to fully charge a shot if stationary but moving kept on resetting little bits of progress. 

After a few minutes my bullet was finally ready, I was sweating with how hot the room was becoming as I lined up the shot. Onyx however would not let me have such a clear target and began weaving every which way to throw off my aim.